In the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook, FRONTLINE looks for answers to the elusive question: who was Adam Lanza?
In the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, FRONTLINE investigates a young man and the town he changed forever. Adam Lanza left behind a trail of death and destruction, but little else. He left no known friends, no diary. He destroyed his computer and any evidence it might have provided. His motives, and his life, remain largely a mystery. In collaboration with The Hartford Courant, FRONTLINE looks for answers to the central—and so far elusive—question: who was Adam Lanza? .....
Also see:
How Do You Raise a Child Like Adam Lanza?, Feb. 15, 2013
For months, FRONTLINE and the Hartford Courant have been investigating the young man who took the lives of so many in Newtown, Conn.
Through our reporting, at least one thing has become clear: His mother, Nancy, knew something was different about Adam, even from his days as a student at Sandy Hook Elementary.
But what? And how did Nancy, who worked so hard to help him, handle raising a child with developmental difficulties even as her older son flourished?
In the course of the investigation, Courant reporters Alaine Griffin and Josh Kovner met with Wendy Wipprecht, whose son was in Adam’s first-grade class when the two boys were just six years old. Watch this clip of their conversation (at link), and tune in next Tuesday, Feb 19, for our two-part series on the tragedy in Connecticut: Raising Adam Lanza and Newtown Divided. Check your local listings here.