by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Max Ehrenfreud @ Wonkblog @, July 10
[.....] Led by Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), the Senate minority leader, Democrats in Congress are developing an economic agenda that could serve as a statement of the party's principles in next year's midterm elections. Schumer has suggested the document would be public in the coming weeks, although Democratic aides have cautioned that no date is set.
But while Democrats are unified in opposition to the president, they're split over an agenda of their own — particularly when it comes to bringing back working-class, white voters who flocked to Trump in 2016 [....]
"Which side are you on?" That is the question for Democrats, writes Mike Konczal, an expert on the financial industry at the progressive Roosevelt Institute, on Vox.
The shift follows a gradual trend among Democratic voters toward more progressive politics. The share of Democrats calling themselves liberal has increased from 27 percent in 2000 to 42 percent today, according to the Pew Research Center. There are now more ordinary people in the party who describe themselves as liberal than who describe themselves as conservative or moderate [....]
Hillary Clinton won the majority of the popular vote. White voters,, including some who voted for Obama, now support Trump. Democrats argue over how to win over white working class voters. Republicans realize that they cannot win over significant numbers of black voters. Republicans also know that they cannot win a majority of Latino voters. It might be wise for Democrats to have a contingency plan that addresses that Democrats may not appeal to the majority of white working class voters. Democrats must make sure that they don't neglect their most reliable voting base.
Mark Penn s advice
Penn is oblivious to concerns about police abuse and mistreatment of immigrants. He is insensitive to LGBTQ issues. He will chase away more voters than will be gained.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 9:14am
Penn is a pollster/analyst/strategist, not a moral guide. It's hard to deny that a big push over transsexual bathrooms didn't help Hillary & other D's in North Carolina and elsewhere - how many votes did that gain us? (with gay population estimated at 2-3% of general, and transexual population a tiny sliver of that...).
Hispanic population growth accounted for half US population growth from 2000-2014, and the left just doesn't get that white people in the "heartland" like North Dakota and Georgia are concerned when Cinco de Mayo suddenly becomes a county holiday. Ignoring these concerns, telling them to shove it or STFU is just bringing disaster to the party. Yes, it is possible to have a moderate position on immigration, but we don't make any effort to do that, and ridicule those who do.
[I for one am pro-immigration, but only if it's in somewhat sustainable numbers and spread reasonably over a number of ethnic groups. I do not want the "Mexican States of America" in 2050 or 2100, sorry - most of the Americas are 90%+ Hispanic, so Canada & the US don't need to be].
I of course am highly sympathetic re: police abuse of blacks especially, but we're also letting the right spin that into a war on police. Fox News is ever present. A less than focused response by #BLM & others means we lose the momentum, like the absurd spin of Colin Kapaernick somehow hurting or even being noticed by "the troops" by kneeling at a football game - they'll throw any old shit out there hoping it sticks, and if we don't have a messaging plan, we lose, plain and simple.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 9:49am
At some point, white voters are going to have to stop being gullible (and racist). Ford is building a plant outside the US. The Carrier jobs that Trump said he saved are leaving the country. Coal jobs are not coming back. The coal job and Carrier tales were called out as lies in real time during the campaign. White voters knew these were lies and voted for Trump anyway.
Eric Garner was choked to death and recorded in real-time. Tamir Rice was murdered in seconds.we saw the video. In both cases. The police went free. Black Lives Matter is a distraction. The problem is a callous public. When you say back the police, you are talks about a virtual police state for minorities. If the Democratic Party walks away from the issue of police abuse, why remain a Democrat? Black Lives Matter is not a terrorist group. The NRA is a terrorist group.The NRA put out a racist ad targeting minorities. The NRA refuses to defend a man legally carrying a gun who was murdered by police.
Transgender bathrooms became an issue because Conservatives made it an issue. Voter fraud became an issue because Conservatives made it an issue. If white voters are not willing to educate themselves, there is nothing Democrats can do to change the minds of willfully ignorant people.
Despite all the lies told by Trump, he has a 39% approval rating at 538 today. The problem is not Democrats. BLM, immigrants, etc. The problem is a subset of voters would do not accept facts. The republic will crumble because this subset will remain as lapdogs to an authoritarian President.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:44am
a comment by Ralph at NYT. Add: Agree with RMRD. Democrats cannot 'win over' people who are disciples of a warped ideology. A cult based on hate, fantasy, ignorance and non-stop houuuge lies.
People need to register, and vote. No one is going to save this democracy if voters don't step up and say 'enough'.
by NCD on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:51am
That is the problem. People accept lies told by Republicans. A segment of the citizenry hates Obamacare but dare you to touch their ACA. Hillary told coal miners the truth about coal mining jobs. Coal miners need retraining. They didn't want to hear the truth. There are more jobs in green energy in California alone than in the entire coal industry. How do you rationalize with people receptive to obvious lies? Transgender bathrooms and the War on Christmas become real things. A gunman shows up at a pizza place to stop a pedophile ring!
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:51am
Your Pew graphic is interesting. My first thought on seeing it was quite different from your point, it was: how many of those will be voters? Once citizens, this demographic does not reliably vote for one party or another. Often depends upon immigration policy, of course. But also small business and other economic and tax issues. Especially if they have settled in non-urban areas
Electoral map could be changing a lot as we write. So probably is the data mining software available....
It's complicated, I'm glad I'm not planning any campaigns....
by artappraiser on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 11:17am
Oooh infighting and hand-wringing amongst democrats? How unusual.
I'm sure they don't need to figure things out now. Something terrible is bound to happen between now and next fall to rally the troops around a unified anti-Trump message of some sort. For the next 12 months it's much more important to invest time and effort in organizing grassroots locally. And that seems to be happening in many places in many ways. So I'm feeling oddly optimistic. That could be the early cocktail hour talking ...
by Obey on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:19am
My tendency right now is to feel the whole Trump thing is the last gasp of chasing the white working class voter. Where everyone else says: well we gave you a chance, did it your way, and it was a disaster, and now you really are going to become an ignored special interest minority, stereotyped as people who won't move to where the jobs are, living in the past, lots of opoid addicts, heavy users of government services, not productive society members....
Past 2018, not so convinced the GOP will be chasing them much less the Dems.
by artappraiser on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 11:23am
They're a majority in a lot of districts and even states. They constitute the GOP base beyond those places. Not sure how they get ignored, or stuffed back into the box of being the junior coalition partner. How many elections are the GOP going to win on a platform appealing only to affluent suburban conservatives? They will always need to broaden the base with some sort of populism, and white supremacist nationalism is the only form of it that appeals to an organized enough electorate, through churches and the NRA. They aren't going away.
I'm not really sure what is a disaster from their point of view at this point. He's got his Muslim ban in place, he's increased deportations of latinos 30% up from the Obama years, he has improved relations with Russia and started to signal to Japan and the EU that the US won't carry them forever, there hasn't been a major Islamist terrorist attack in the US recently, the economy is humming along just fine. It took Bush eight years before his governing agenda started to be exposed as a disaster. I think Trump will probably manage that faster.
by Obey on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 12:04pm
Last year I was astonished to hear people say that the Democrats had moved right. Their platform was more progressive than it was in any election I can remember(I don't remember the McGovern campaign).
by Aaron Carine on Wed, 07/12/2017 - 8:34am