by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Texas Ebola victim's NEPHEW was the first to notify CDC, as patient got worse 3 days after his first visit to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Anthony Fauci, NIH, “It is regrettable that there wasn’t the connecting of the dots"......the woman who was hosting Mr. Duncan in Dallas told CNN on Thursday that she had brought him to the hospital the first time and twice told hospital workers he had been in Liberia.....Mr. Duncan’s nephew said that even after his uncle was rushed to the hospital three days after his initial visit, vomiting and gravely ill, he did not feel they were acting with enough urgency and called federal authorities himself to alert them to the situation. “I called C.D.C. to get some actions taken because I was concerned for his life and he was not getting the appropriate care,” the nephew......“And I feared that other people might get infected if he was not taken care of.”.....
Shorter, snarkier version of the same story:
by EmmaZahn on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 1:41pm
Pilot infected, spreading contagion to airport and to the farthest reaches of the Earth
These are scenes from the movie
Rise of The Planet of The Apes | Main Title on Vimeo
starting @ 1:11 Expand to full screen
10 Then he said to them, o “Nation will rise against nation, and p kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great q earthquakes, and in various places r famines and pestilences. And there will be s terrors and great t signs from heaven. Luke 21:10-11
Matthew 24:22
22 And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for e the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
by Resistance on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 3:17pm
I think you've pulled the rip-cord on the end-times just a wee bit prematurely. It's posts like this that make me think you're as dedicated as Stephen Colbert to your "act".
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 3:24pm
Being prepared is always prudent
3 s The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
but the simple go on and suffer for it.
Proverbs 22:3
by Resistance on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 3:47pm
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 3:54pm
"Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and z raise your heads, because a your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28
Stand with confidence! The time when you will be set free is near.”
Pharaoh should have listened to his Henny Penny advisors; who told him to leave Moses alone, They warning Pharoah; the Egyptian gods were no match against the Hebrew's god.
But to no avail, instead the former slaves watched, as the mighty Pharaoh and his army suffered for failing to heed the implied message, despite the nation having experienced multiple signs/plagues
Foolish Pharaoh and those like him.
Happy were those who followed Moses, crossing the Red Sea and being delivered/saved from certain death.
by Resistance on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 6:25pm
Hah. But actually, Resistance been there done that on the "sky is falling" thing, literally.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 2:55am
But are you and others taking action? How many warnings before Mankind realizes the Creator isn't going to allow the deplorable conditions, that threaten the Home (Earth) he made for HIS friends.
BTW that was written in 2011, have conditions on Earth; improved or gotten worst? Can it be said; warnings were ignored?
by Resistance on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 7:13am
I guess one could say he was simple-minded in a way:
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 3:16am
John 14:27King James Version (KJV)
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 4:36pm
But getting joy out of the thought of being one of the few to outwit Armageddon is so much more fun than peace ( Are you ready?) In your imagination you got the powah! that is lacking in real life.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 2:56am
The power is all His.
Was it really Moses, acting alone, who split the Red Sea allowing the Hebrews to escape pharaohs sword? Singing songs of praise and dancing, while pharaoh and his mighty army was drowning.
by Resistance on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 7:21am
Not Peace, but a Sword
Again I will repeat HE cares for HIS DISCIPLES (his flock), they receive the gift of peace; the rest get the sword.
by Resistance on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 7:41am
You boldly declare yourself to be on of his protected flock, yet you are as afraid Asa shaking puppy during a thunderstorm. Why so fearful if you are protected? You project fear not faith
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:38am
As you project a lack of understanding of the deeper things. even your misapplied scriptures shows you barely understand the elementary things about the Christ.
Those who will perish should have feared the God, in order to preserve their souls
Those who listen to false teachers will find they were misled, costing them their lives
You remind me of pharaoh of old who said in his heart "Fear? ........ I have no fear of your God.
The God of the OT hasn't changed, Learn obedience or die. If you don't like it .....Tough
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 9:43am
Resistance you have become a joke. You lack understanding of the true message of the Bible. You give us snippets. You then give us other snippets that may contradict your prior snippets. You are filled with fear and are not at peace.
Your snippets do not impress. You remind of the people who quote the snippet from Shakespeare "first, let's kill all the lawyers". They ignorantly use the sniper to justify a hatred of layers and say that they are quoting Shakespeare. They miss the fact that the quote comes from evil people and their interpretation is taken out of context. You quote your snippets and dismiss other Scripture that gives another point of view. You arrogantly say that others do not understand the Bible because they quote Scripture that you dismiss.
Snippets are of little import. Prosperity pimp Joel Osteen has snippets justifying wealth accumulation and ignoring the camel and the eye of the needle. The Westboro Baptist Church quotes snippets to justify their open hatred of homosexuals and ignoring the role the mistreatment of the poor played in the destruction of Sodom. Snippets do not tell the entire story.
Snippet quoters like Osteen and Westboro Baptist do not reflect the message in the Bible.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 11:50am
It is you that has no clue as to the true message found within the full context of the Book.
You question. snippets as though they serve no purpose; even though our own legal system, goes to quite an extent to codify laws by citing authoritative snippets.
I suspect you would question even those snippets of cited laws, because you want your own thoughts to be the authority As though you alone were wiser than the inspired words.
Another point of view? You mean I question your viewpoint because they are in conflict with other scriptural authority that raises questions as to your understanding of the true message? How dare anyone question the all wise Rm?
Most scriptures you quote, along with your viewpoint, are not in harmony with other scriptures contained with in the Bible
You are unfamiliar with the authoritative words found within the scriptures, so of course you would do all you can to discredit those who are at odds with your so called wisdom.
If I am a joke is is amongst those unfamiliar with True Christianity.
Loving the lie, the people find ear ticklers to tell them what they want to hear, and not what they should hear.
As Lulu commented on another post about government propaganda, people believe what they want to believe not what they should believe.
To many; Truth takes a back seat to comfort.
It is fear that makes people wise . Fear is what saves people
It is clear, wisdom is not what you seek. when you scoff at fear
Tell me more about projections of fear and not of faith and in doing so, prove to others you speak from lack of understanding.
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 2:17pm
You began with a fear that Ebola was crossing the border from Central America. You demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the origins zoo Enterovirus D68. This represents a refusal to gain knowledge from available sources. Talk about rejecting knowledge.
An argument can be made that because we did not heed Scripture instructing us that we should love strangers as ourselves and that we our brother's keeper, we stood silent as a disease spread in an area of the world that we ignore. Instead of providing early aid to contain the disease, we turned our backs. When a U.S. physician became ill and when an Ebola infected patient arrived on our shores, it became an urgent matter.
We missed clear advice found in the Bible. We ignored the public health lesson that we should have learned from slowing AIDS to spread. AIDS was ignored initially because it infected homosexuals. Ebola was ignored because it infected Africans.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 3:02pm
When Christians heed scriptural instruction they can avoid the diseases that afflict Non - Christians.
The nations and their peoples were warned, they would suffer, for failing to heed scriptural instructions, eventually leading to death.
Only in your mind,
You look for a cure for the effects of loose conduct and disobedience.
True Christians look to prevent diseases that come about because of loose conduct and not following scriptural instruction.
Instead of money being spent on feeding and clothing all; money is diverted to curing self inflicted diseases. You think that is smart?
Death by smoking, death by alcohol and drug abuse abuse? All preventable diseases if scriptural instruction had been observed and loyally obeyed.
True Christians listened and obeyed the Creator of mankind and they are happy for it
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 3:56pm
Self-inflicted disease indeed. What is self-inflicted about being in contact with influenza or Ebola?
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 5:02pm
Observing and obeying the law found at
Numbers 9:10 - ESVBible
Worked to prevent the spread of disease for the benefit of the Nation.
Those who failed to heed the warning, inflicted not only themselves, but others.
Is lack of knowledge of hygiene; as respects dead bodies, self inflicted?
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 9:41pm
That Scripture deals with the dead. The disease is transmitted while the person is alive. Caregivers and family members are at the greatest risk. Handling dead bodies is not the major problem. Your Scripture quotation, is once again, word salad because it does not address the specific issue.
You imply that those suffering from Ebola are sinners. I find nothing to support your theory. I do note that Jesus felt compelled to aid the sinner. So if you call Ebola victims sinners, Christians are called to come to their aid.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 10:33pm
rmrd wrote
Go ahead, keep proving to everyone how misinformed you really are.
Evidently you believe your opinion is more credible and carries more weight than the experts?
What part of burial ceremony or deceased do you not understand or comprehend?
Did you not know, dead people secrete bodily fluids?
That is why the scriptures written thousands of years ago,warned against touching the dead.
Jesus wouldn't have violated that law.
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:29am
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 1:04am
Are you implying the body of the Son of God was diseased?
Because surely you would know the difference between touching a person with your bare hands vs using a cloth or medical safety gloves.
Do you?
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 3:07am
Ebola is present on the dead. CDC. It is a central African custom to bring the dead into the home and touch them, which can be fatal. UKT:
by NCD on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:06am
Thanks for the information about the Herbalist
From your link
Death Rituals in Africa - Death and Dying - LoveToKnow
Report: Dogs Eating Dead Bodies Of Ebola Victims On ...
“This means that dogs won’t get sick, but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting,” Korsman explained to News 24.
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:42am
Old Testament (Resistance) vs. New Testament (you.) It's just that simple.
Rules, regs, tribalism and fear and trembling vs. love and forgiveness and self-sacrifice for the other.
Allow me to harp on one of my favorite points: it's an oxymoron to constantly quote Old Testament laws and call oneself a Christian; Christian means follower of Christ:
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:45am
The real problem is that if you are truly convinced that you understand the will of, you have a problem. You tend to be judgmental and neglect your own errors. As I noted above there are many people who can quote snippets as they spew venom (Westboro Baptist) or a self-centered wealth oriented religion (Joel Osteen).
If a person argues that he has never seen a Christian suffer pain and blames illness on lack of faith, you know that person has learned nothing from the Bible. Such a person tends to be fearful and might go looking for guns.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:57am
Always misleading others?
Tell us again how only the living can transmit Ebola? If people listen to your words and opinions, people will die.
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 2:50am
Your problem is, you don't want to recognize there is no difference from the God of the OT and the New; his standards didn't change despite the message of the ear ticklers.
The only thing that has changed is the mediator. The priesthood is no longer, an Earthly one, the new one is in heaven.
Willful sin will still be dealt with.harshly. Learn to obey or else be removed. There will be no place for willful sinners, just as it has always been.
The Christ did not weaken his fathers laws.
Willful sinners will die just as they did in the OT
Because that is the law, that is the standard, God didn't error in his ways, mankind did. Learn the law and his principles if you want to live.
Jesus didn't teach anything other than loyally supporting his fathers laws and will.
If you have been mislead by false teachers, then you better correct your understanding of what is required to be pleasing to the law giver.
Jesus said of his father "Let your will be done"
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 2:23am
I didn't bother to read your responses. There is nothing Christian in your writing. You can try to pretend that quarantine will protect our borders, it will not. Over the course of time, there will faster means of detection of Ebola and other diseases. Vaccines will be perfected. A person quarantined in one country will merely cross the border to another country, obtain forged documents and come to the United States if that is his target. Our best defense is a full on attack of the virus at its site of origin. We can be our brother's keeper, or will can face the consequences.
Of course we could always shoot the virus or cower in our homes.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 9:44am
Cant even tell the truth about the spread of Ebola, and now you want us to believe you understand science?
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:50pm
Yesterday at the Ebola news conference, a reference was made about the customs of the villagers, contributed in spreading the disease.
People are dying because of false religious teaching.
Had the people of Liberia read the Bible and not listened to lies about the Christ or about the condition of the dead, Ebola would not now be an epidemic.
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 9:12am
double post
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 4:37pm
Please stop. You are not helping. All quoting scripture does here is crowd out any possibility of reasonably discussing a serious threat to our already strained health care system.
The key takeaway I had hoped to convey with my comment above was how it did not matter whether or not the ER medical staff knew how to treat Ebola if the admitting staff does not know enough geography to understand the significance of the patient being from Liberia. Maybe NCD is right that they may have thought he meant somewhere in Kansas. Whatever. That seemingly trivial bit of information was critical to making a quick, accurate diagnosis and quarantine.
As it turns out, despite assurances from administrators and doctors, it looks like the remainder of the medical staff does not feel all that prepared:
There are still a lot of people who think their odds of being affected by Ebola are slim to none. After all it is true that their odds of actually contracting it are still small but what are the odds for medical personnel who are involved in treating it?
To reinterate: fifty percent (50%) of those medical personnel who contracted Ebola despite wearing protective gear died. As for the rest, what does surviving in this case really mean? Total recovery? Degrees of disability? Early retirement? because who really wants their healthcare providers to be Ebola survivors at our current level of knowledge of the disease?
So again I ask that you stop with the apocalyptic scripture and movie scenarios because it is not helpful here.
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 11:30am
Infected American and European Doctors who become infected are flown out. Front line workers in Africa remain in Africa to receive care. In Liberia, health care worker mortality is higher than that of other countries.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 12:25pm
The Dallas situation is perhaps a unintended field experiment as to how:
The cultural practices of central Africa (contact w/dead etc), combined with the almost total lack of toilets or running water to wash (even in African health clinics) are not factors here of course.
According to NYT question/answers on Ebola an RNA virus, the virus dies rapidly when dried out, for instance, a wet bloody sheet is a hazard, dried up blood residue, dried towel etc is not so much a problem. RNA viruses have no cell wall or membrane, and cannot form spores like bacteria.
How many of the contacts get Ebola in Dallas (hopefully none) will give some idea of how dangerous sick carriers are in the US. We will know by October 18, the max 21 days for latency, from when Duncan became symptomatic and therefore contagious. Normal latency for infection (10-12 days) would be this coming week, by Oct. 10.
by NCD on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 1:37pm
Unintended field experiment. Nice euphemism for the big screw ups that led to it.
I expect there have been and will be several more hopefully none as outrageous as this one.
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 2:46pm
These were words you highlighted
What were you referring to, if it wasn’t based upon a popular movie?
You don’t think, it important, that experts expressed concerns, that religious customs are threatening the human race?
Just don’t talk about it though? Because it isn't serious that people are dying because of it?
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 2:34pm
That was the snark part of the article I copy/pasted from another site, not its main point which as I understood it to be that our 'super smart modern medical practices' are not the safeguard we imagine them to be.
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 2:52pm
How many Americans lives must we sacrifice, to protect a society/culture whose religious beliefs leads to disease and death?
More US troops being sent to battle Ebola
by Resistance on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 3:14pm
Whose society/culture are you talking about? Ours?
What those 3000 troops are being sent to do,"to help build hospitals, labs and treatment centers and provide logistics help" and not to provide medical treatment, is one of the best things we can do to protect ourselves. Although it is likely too little, too late for this outbreak, it may help prevent future ones.
The absolute best thing would be for Homeland Security to insist on quarantining people arriving from areas of known infection. Good grief, pets arriving from areas with diseases known to be lethal are routinely quarantined. Why not people?
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 7:10pm
Now, now. Resistance is just being true to himself. I believe he's thinking of when Jesus said to Peter, "f@#$ the poor".
by Verified Atheist on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 8:09am
There are many poor nations and they don't have Ebola,
In Liberia, a religious custom has been a contributor in the spreading of the disease.
A religion that promotes spiritism and leads to death.
Christians are not surprised, wicked spirits delight in harming mankind.
Why would a Christian Nation be surprised at such a Revelation; that the people of the Nations suffer, because of their serving false gods.
I imagine when the Israelites went into the New Lands they were warned about contact with the surroundings Tribes, because of a rampant venereal disease.
You would now turn safeguarding oneself into everyone' responsibility for caring for adherents of religious beliefs, that kill most people who come in contact with anyone who has the disease.
Not only destroy the virus if you can, but the people of Liberia need to ban this deadly religion before it destroy's
everyone on the planet.Risk our young men and women instead of banning a belief thats causing death?
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 10:19am
You did look up the history and demographics of Liberia before reaching your conclusions, no?
See rest of reply below:
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 3:03pm
So far, the disease hasn't spread. Contacts are being monitored. One theory about Presbyerian is that they cater to fully insured clientele and shuffle uninsured folks to Parkland. In other words, they patch you up and send you off to others for more prolonged care. That is the rap on the hospital. Things may have changed in the post Affordable Care Act era. From what I understand Presbyterian had signs noting they expected patients to have insurance
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 3:56pm
We have had a couple of people exposed to Ebola come to Florida this summer, but the hospital staff took it serious. I know that one of them tested negative but the other had it. I didn't follow the story close so I can't give details.
Things haven't changed in states that did not expand Medicaid. They will just stabilize you and send you home with instructions to go to a certain clinic.
Good health care is like good water, it is a necessity for all or we are just one pandemic from being wiped out.
I hope this is a wake up call to Texas voters.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 10:59pm
I think that panic will rule the day and most elected politicians in Texas won't support health care reform. They will see quarantine and halting flights as the only solution.
The Ebola patient may have thought that his neighbor's problem was due to the pregnancy and not made a connection to Ebola.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 11:41pm
Hoping not one person on the contact list of this guy gets Ebola. It is about 1/10 as contagious as the flu, and about equal to Hep C. If so, maybe the panic amongst the too dumb to believe segment in America will die down a notch. It will take 3 weeks to find out.
by NCD on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:28am
Ebola contaminated sheets clean-up being held up until the issuance of a Texas Biohazard Highway Permit. wouldn't want Ebola to infect the highways....hopefully the permit dept. doesn't work only on alternate years like the Texas legislature.
by NCD on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 12:50pm
Your link now goes to CNN's latest news, which is that a possible Ebola patient has been admitted to Howard University Hospital in DC. He/she is exhibiting symptoms and has been isolated, but no diagnosis has been confirmed.
by barefooted on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 1:21pm
Ebola in the air? It could happen
Virus hitting U.S. may be 'tip of iceberg' -
by Resistance on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 10:40pm
The bottom line is that we are going to rely on infectious disease specialists at the CDC and other academic institutions for solutions. They will be the ones who detect if the virus mutates. They will offer public health responses if that happens. You offer nothing more than fear.
Likewise, infectious disease specialists will determine the facts on the paralysis occurring in a subset of Enterovirus D68 patients. If you have some valid public health advice, please speak up.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 4:15pm
Carriers of communicable disease, need to be identified, isolated or quarantined then treated.
First; you have to know who is sick or can make others sick. DOH!
First public health advice; Secure the Border
There is no control, if undetected, communicable diseases, such as cholera, diphtheria, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers SARS, infectious tuberculosis are allowed to spread among the population.
For some Americans it is too late, once the disease has been detected by health organizations to be of major concern.
Who you going to track, the dead man? Because you surely can't track someone unknown who came across the border undetected.
Lessons from the History of Quarantine, from Plague to ...
How do you isolate someone, anyone; especially; if you don't know who is coming across the border?
by Resistance on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 6:37pm
The Ebola cases are detected when the become febrile or become physically symptomatic. The Ebola patient in Dallas presented the self to medical care. There was no sneaking across the border involved. Enterovirus D68 did not sneak across the border.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 7:35pm
Sure, go ahead and avoid the fact, that many of the other communicable diseases, are not being prevented from crossing the border.
You have no proof of where the original strain came from, Nor do I, but it is also plausible it came here from somewhere else. Not seen before in the US.
Had the Ebola victim in Dallas, entered the country from the south on foot, so as to avoid detection at major transportation hubs and his name Pedro,(if you ever found out a name) you wouldn't know who too track or who had contact with him.
Thousands of new carriers, delivered to all major cites by "Coyotes"
We were fortunate this time. This should be the wake up call. But it wont because to some folks it would be un-neighborly, to think strangers can carry disease.
Ask Native Americans about how strangers spread disease to their Nations.
by Resistance on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 8:17pm
I'm sorry for you, Resistance. Obviously ignorance is not bliss.
by barefooted on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 8:44pm
Your short response tells me you're trying to follow Will Rodgers advice, but just couldn't resist the temptation of insulting me?
"When you know you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut" - Will Rogers.
I tried to find an Image of the Great Nation of the Lakota's who were decimated by small pox; given to them........ by immigrants.
Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia, the ...
Another interesting link for further study
Smallpox decimates tribes; survivors join together - Timeline ...
by Resistance on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 10:38pm
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 12:26am
"CDC derelict in duty"
"Whatever should we do about the waste"
"Third world countries about to be overwhelmed".
Southern border a wide open door
Doctor: The CDC Is Lying About Ebola
1st case of contracting Ebola outside of Africa
Nothing to fear folks, stay calm, the Government will protect us.
Like they did on 9/11?.
Pollyanna: Don't listen to those who try to scare you, ask them to join you in drinking the same koolaid as you. Everything will be just fine.
Did we tell you there's not enough vaccine?
Tests Of New Ebola Drugs Could Take Place As Early ... - NPR
25 patients? Who might they be?
Drink up?
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 1:10am
They include the sick Liberian
by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 7:23am
When disaster strikes, some are quick to boldly state that the event in a judgment from God. The usual first criteria for this type of statement is that the person making it is not directly effected by the disaster. The second criteria is that the sister effects "others". The third criteria is that these "others" are flawed. Because the person making the judgment is not directly effected, they subconsciously use their position of relative safety as verification that they are safe/ saved and the others are filled with sin. Other people take the point of view that life offers challenges and that rain will fall on the just and the unjust.
Judgmental people will often point out the flawed people in the area stricken by disaster. Often, instead of focusing on corrupt government officials who have failed to implement basic public health practices, other more vulnerable groups are identified. This may happen because some feel that government officials represent a Superior Authority selected to lead a country. Some may choose scapegoats like homosexuals as the reason that the country is experiencing turmoil. This venomous diversion serves only to prevent the public from focusing on taking proper measures to prevent disease spread. Hand sanitizer would be more helpful in Liberia than suggesting that God is punishing Liberia because of homosexuality. The faith community in the United States has to reach to our brother and sisters of faith in Liberia and send a correct Christian message.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 11:00am
Religious leaders in Sierra Leone took a more enlightened response calling on the government to provide more resources and education about the disease.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 11:09am
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 3:04pm
It is the height of arrogance for man to reflexively blame a traumatic event on God's punishment. Take New Orleans, for example. Strip clubs and gambling, therefore Katrina was Go's punishment. We don't have to consider man's stupidity in putting homes on swampland or erecting levees that were known not to be able to handle a heavy storm. When things collapse it is God not man at fault. Pathetic.
The Superior Authority Government in Liberia did not think sanitation was important and when a communicable disease spreads it is God's fault, not the short-sightedness of man.
Instead of man taking responsibility, man looks for scapegoats.
It is the fault of the Gays.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 3:33pm
Emma wrote upstream
It is interesting, but of what real importance is it now, when considered in the stream of time; if there will be anymore mankind, to record the future?
What if there is no cure for Ebola other than Hope?
Possibility: Survivors will record, mankind's trust in science did not save them.
God cannot be blamed for this destruction, mankind' own stupidity. brought his own demise
In hindsight, men may conclude, they acted to slow in dealing with the Ebola epidemic,
History might record, the contagion spread to all reaches of the Earth, everyone was affected, because rulers hesitated in destroying the virus, when there was time to act decisively, before the contagion spread beyond control.
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in Genesis is a good account to draw upon
The Genesis account, doesn't give a lot of detail about Epidemiology or even the discovery of HIV, but maybe God realized, only fire could destroy the virus that had the potential of spreading disease, to the surrounding regions, A disease prevalent amongst the inhabitants, of those named cities. Better the destruction of Sodom than let the disease spread?
As ruler of the Universe, God acted decisively; in contrast to Earth's rulers, wanting to be like God, didn't act wisely, allowing a condition, where mankind is threatened with extinction, by his own hand.
Listen! Can you hear the heavens mock arrogant man, who said he didn't need Gods help?
"Earth's rulers; save yourselves and your subjects"
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 6:30pm
You focus on fear and destruction. You do not look to the possibility that tests will be developed to detect the virus early. There is the possibility of developing vaccines from survivors, we are being supplied with solutions and you are deaf, choosing to remain cowering in a corner while others risk their lives to find answers. God answers prayers, but action is required to find treatments. Those of little faith can remain depressed.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 8:17pm
Fear is what will keep us alive, if are minds are capable of rational thought, Not to be fooled by those who wear rose colored glasses.
(BTW Fear is what keeps law and order. Without fear, criminals would rule and disease spreads.
All you talk about is possibilities; as though they were assurances.
Talk about arrogance of mans capabilities.
We've already been warned by the Experts, telling of the drug resistance of Super Strains who would disagree with your hopeful possibility scenarios.
They telling us one thing; YOU spreading make believe.
Next you'll be telling us about the possibility, of the existence of magic ponies?
You resist even the most fundamental of precautions, of protecting the American homeland by not securing the border, against those entering by foot, by sea or by air.
You would have everyone be ignorant and turn a blind eye, of who is coming into our house,, because you are so certain, your so called "possible solutions" will be proven to be effective.
The only rose colored in your possibility scenario, is due to the blood on your hands, for fighting against reason.
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 9:21pm
Stay at home and cower then
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 9:35pm
You've got this idiotic idea that fear is a terrible thing or that it is crippling.
Fear is good thing. For example Fear can cause government to address the people’s needs.
Fear can also keep you from trouble.
But your constant rosy scenarios, causes me to question your grasp of reality or that you are imprudent.
I choose to be prudent and if you don't, that is your problem; it is you that will suffer for it as will those who listen to you.
I’ve come to realize, why you can’t accept Border security. as an important issue or solution, to this epidemic as I do
You talk about possibilities, as though you were so enlightened, with positivity, but with all your so called enlightenment, you apparently could never imagine the possibility existed, that diseases can cross our southern borders undetected.
The effort to enforce the laws. is met by half measures, insufficient to properly address the problem,
Now You want us to believe. the government can stop this biological epidemic which can't be seen, when it couldn't stop the epidemic flow of undocumented workers coming into this country?
Heres another opinion of why fear is a good thing
1 – Fear keeps you alive At the most basic level, fear is a survival instinct. It is a necessary response to threats and dangers. It has protected us as a species from extinction. Without fear, we wouldn’t have known to run away from that sabre-tooth tiger or step back from that thousand foot drop. Fear is a biochemical reaction that has been vital for our survival. It is responsible for the fight or flight response. So if nothing else, be grateful for fear, it has brought us into 2012 thriving and continuing to grow as a species. 8 reasons why fear is good for you | Existing2Living
by Resistance on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 11:22pm
We are not disagreeing, you should stay afraid. God provides answers, science is a tool that enables use to find answers to his creation.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 12:02am
Read about the influenza epidemic of 1918 and look at influenza vaccines now. Look at the early days of AIDS and the improved survivals now. Look at diabetes in the past and diabetes now. Look at the cures for some childhood leukemias.
Despite poverty Nigeria seems to be making progress in controlling the spread of Ebola
All is not lost.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 12:23am
You say that now, but wait until the Large Hadron Collider creates one of them miniature black holes…
by Verified Atheist on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 8:13am
I got 99 problems but Ebola and mini Black Holes aren't
onetwoby rmrd0000 on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 8:38am