by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Aamer Madhani, USA Today, May 19, 2013
President Obama on Sunday told the graduating class at Morehouse College, the country's pre-eminent historically black college, there is "no time for excuses" for this generation of African-American men and that it was time for their generation to step up professionally and in their personal lives.
[....] The president connected his own path to the White House to the work of King and other African-American leaders of that generation. But Obama also conceded that at times as a young man he wrongly blamed his own failings "as just another example of the world trying to keep a black man down."
"We've got no time for excuses — not because the bitter legacies of slavery and segregation have vanished entirely; they haven't," Obama told the graduating class and their families who sat through intermittent rain and thunder. "It's just that in today's hyperconnected, hypercompetitive world, with a billion young people from China and India and Brazil entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything you haven't earned."
Obama spoke in very personal terms to the 500 young men as he urged them to not only become leaders in their community, but also good fathers and good husbands. Obama, who was raised by a single mother and grandparents, lamented the absence of his father in his life and urged the graduates to make family their top priority.
Obama told the Morehouse men they are also obliged to set an example for other black men. "Keep setting an example for what it means to be a man," Obama said. "Be the best husband to your wife, or boyfriend to your partner, or father to your children that you can be. Because nothing is more important." [.....]
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Prepared text for President Obama’s speech at Morehouse :
by artappraiser on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 4:28pm
Blah, blah, blah, He should have just said "The republicans are coming after me and I need the support, from those I had made earlier promises to, but have failed to adequately address, so circle the wagons and protect my inept administration. ..... Now it's up to you black
moochersgraduates, to do, what I promised I would do. If you don't do it; blame yourselves......... Mr. President, we would have had good paying jobs, had you repealed the American job killing, free trade deals and in case you have not been paying attention Mr. President; slinging burgers at McDonalds for two shifts everyday isn't going to help us strengthen or climb our way to the middle Resistance on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 9:08pm
Your use of the strike through with the imagined reference to black moochers in the speech is creepy.
It is like a Tea Party zealot talking about equal rights.
by moat on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 10:04pm
What else could one derive from the name of the article According to the article. instead of suggesting "all men are created equal" it sounded more like a scolding to black men in particular. Excuses for what? Either your a productive citizen or your an unproductive one? Those who discriminate against blacks and have a negative and derogatory association with blacks and inner city poverty with it's attendant welfare progams are probably gleeful and must be endearing themselves to Obama for recognizing what the racists, have suggested all along. Maybe you haven't heard them say "All the blacks ever do, is make excuses" I'm sure Obama has heard these complaints. Obamas scolding tone; Obama: "Theres no excuses for black men." Excuses for what?
by Resistance on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:00pm
The questions you asked upon reading the name of the article are cogently answered in the actual speech. Obama asserted a matter of fact that either is true or not. The statement being: Nobody is going to be cutting black people a break for being black any longer. While there is still much to repair from the legacy of slavery and second class citizenship, our society is not going to address those issues as they started to do in response to the Civil Rights Movement.
Whether the statement is true or not bears directly on the future of black identity politics. The topic is germane in the context of the speech since it was given at an institution that would not ever have come into existence if not for black identity politics. The criticisms of the speech offered by Coates and others are part of an important argument of whether to accept Obama's statement as true and what that acceptance or rejection means for the future of identity politics.
As for your question about the Tea Party "position" on equal rights, this topic is best approached as a matter of identity politics. Unlike the black community, who don't have to wonder who is black, the tea party is mostly located by looking for those who are not getting "undeserved handouts from the government." When that kind of identity politics looks at other people's identity politics, words get put into other people's mouths that are then struck through to explain why nobody actually hears those words.
by moat on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 6:07pm
What is the position of Tea party zealots on the issue of equal rights? Do they have a unified voice or are you using a wide brush in order to smear the whole group?Blacks have no excuses? Maybe some blacks have legitimate excuses?
by Resistance on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:05pm
Just curious. Do you agree with anything Obama has done?
Remind me of the trade deals Obama consummated. And how a President repeals trade agreements.
by Flavius on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 6:59am
Have you ever once given Obama credit for doing ANYTHING good? He steps up and suggests that black men need to make their families and communities top priorities, and you find something wrong with THAT?
What are you going to do when he's no longer around for you to bash?
by stillidealistic on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 1:02am
It's a bit tone-deaf with huge entrenched black unemployment to lay it all at the graduating black man's feet.
Go work in the community, even though as a government we can no longer help communities build.
Pitches ACA & how kids can now use parents' insurance, even though with high black unemployment, many parents don't have insurance.
For a generation, the US & state governments were a destination for up-and-climbing blacks to be accepted for good middle- and upper-middle-class jobs, but the last decade & especially last 5 years have all but killed that avenue by strangling government to then drown it in a bathtub. The sequester is more like slashing veins and pulling off life support.
Even slides in a mention of his Nobel Peace Prize, which I'd be embarrassed about, what with our negotiations to stay in Afghanistan forever, expanded drone wars in Yemen & Pakistan; supplying military advisors to Mali & throughout Africa, regime change in Libya. Just this week, Congress realizing the DoD thinks the 2001 AUMF means they can wage war everywhere without further Congressional approval.
Okay, who knows what I'd expect Obama to say, considering he's still Obama. "Hey kids, good luck & thanks for that root-level organizing!!!"
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 3:53am
You have no knowledge of Morehouse tradition including the "Morehouse Mystique". Obama supporters, including those in the Congressional Black Caucus had been asking the President to talk more about the role of Black men in society. What Obama said is part of Morehouse tradition. The graduates seemed to approve of the speech.
The detractors were quick to respond. Georgetown law professor Paul Brown said that Obama should have apologized for not creating more jobs for Black men. Dr Boyce Watkins felt that the speech was demeaning. Apparently Watkins got negative feedback on his analysis of the commencement speech and responded with an Obama is 50% White retort.
I doubt that anyone will take the time to find how the actual graduates felt about the speech.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 9:03am
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm loving it. "Hey, you black dudez, Obama says the Civil War is long over & racism is a thing of the path, so suck it up, get a job even if there ain't none, and just man up." See, I can even toss that back at you - don't understand where black people are coming from? Hell, I could have written Obama's speech for him. His country club looked just like mine, his private school about the same, and my preacher sounded much the same. I was just hoping for him to hold up a classifieds page Ronnie Reagan-style and say, "see here, there are plenty of jobs for those willing to work". That would have brought down the house. Those Morehouse guys have a good sense of humor, I've heard. They better have, for what's going to come next. I hear 14% employment is really kind for new graduates. For me it was only 7.5%, and that was quite a bit of fun, I must say. Anyway, you know them black men, blaming "the man" for all their problems 25x7. The White House tole me so.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 5:20pm
I figured that it went over your head. No big surprise. The men of Morehouse have always known that that they had to be twice as good as the White guy to quality for the same job. In fact, that is part of the survival kit many Black parents give to their children in order for the child to survive in the USA
You probably didn't realize that things like Social Security and the GI Bill which build economic security for many White families specifically excluded Blacks. The housing issue played a major role in the inability of Black families to pass wealth down to their children. I bring this up to point out that your recent discovery of Black economic strife is old news.
Morehouse men and Spellman women will be up to the task just as they have been in the past. I knew that you could never understand.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 5:20pm
Maybe you don't realize that the draconian rise in student loans is hurting black parents & black schools, who are looking at suing the Obama Administration. You don't need to go back to the GI bill to see blacks getting the short end of the stick, even as the government makes 34 cents on the dollar for student loans, a heft $37 billion annual surplus from ripping off students.
It doesn't seem necessary to return to WWII home ownership when the great push for black home ownership in the 90's turned to shit just over the last 4 years. Should they say "we got screwed 60 years ago, so getting screwed now is no big deal"?
There's much less money for that community organizing that gave Obama 3 years of experience & launched him into Harvard. There are fewer of those well-paying 1990's government jobs that blacks could aspire to - now slashed or frozen due to sequester.
No, mine isn't a "recent discovery" of Black economic strife - I've known it since a kid, despite your pedantic posturing.
But seems I'm not allowed to say what Ta-Nehisi Coates can say.
In any case, the Morehouse men & other school were there to celebrate, and having the first black president & the black first lady was a huge honor for them & highly symbolic for them, so didn't much matter what they said.
But you ignore that these speeches are also intended for the wider black community (and whites?) - certainly the Obamas weren't telling these graduates that they'd been just making excuses & to cut it out. Presumably it's to inform that they're competing against the rest of the world now. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention that in terms of unemployment, they've got it twice as bad as the whites & hispanics here at home - no need to bring up Indian & Chinese competition.
Two guys out camping woke up to the sound of a bear outside. One started putting on his tennis shoes. "What're you doing?" exclaimed the other one, "you can't outrun a bear!" "Don't need to" the first replied, "I just need to outrun YOU".
Welcome to America.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 3:10am
You bring nothing of value to the table, Dude.Look at the gibberish you wrote and the words of Coates. There is no comparison. You remain trapped by your bias. Obviously going back to World War II is important because it obviously formed a basis for needing the PLUS loans noted in your article. The lack of access to the GI Bill created a wealth differential. There is a thirty percent default rate under the loan structure of the program mentioned in your linked article. A change had to occur. The new loan structure has forced cuts at many HBCUs including Morehouse,
There has been communication between the Sec of Education and HBCU Presidents. HBCU are notifying students of the appeals process and calling on alumni to support scholarships. The number of actual reversals has been low to date. The Department of Education has to alter its new criteria so that students can get an education.
The bigger hit to HBCUs may come as a result of the sequester. The impact of the sequester will not be known until late summer.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 10:10am
Oh make me fucking cry. Who the hell are you to decide whether I bring something of "value" to the table?
There's a "30% default rate", but the government made a $51 billion profit this last year on loans, $120 billion over 5 years. Once upon a time government grants were the way to help people fund college (including those eligible for the GI Bill) - now it's saddling up kids with debt and using it as a cost center.
And well that sequester - guess Obama got his briar patch.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 10:42am
You seem to be operating under the delusion that I care what you think. I get to decide what I consider valuable.You are not.
I noted that the Department of Education needs to reform it's practices. Education is not a priority for the country. The real problem is why we burden all students with debt. People incur debt by entering into graduate education including medical school. Just considering college, many debts are not paid off until one is in their forties. We need true reform on how we finance education.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 12:14pm
There you have it - called worthless by a lackey Obama apologist. I'm utterly destroyed.
So I note our loans program that replaced grants is now running a huge surplus on the back of students, and you launch into a philosophical musing about how we burden students with debt. It's not philosophical - point to the White House, point to the Capitol building - there's the problem, there's the answer. These jackasses are balancing the budget on the needy's backs, while Google and GE and Goldman Sachs get to avoid taxes.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 1:13pm
Whatever else you can say about Obama, he is hardly Ronald Reagan. He hasn't said or implied that unemployment is caused by laziness(I regret that in an argument long ago, someone regurgitated that "there are jobs in the paper" line and I didn't answer it).
Although his 2014 budget isn't as generous to the poor and elderly as liberals would like, I think it is an extreme exaggeration to say he is "balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and elderly. The budget does have a reasonable increase in funding to Health and Human Services, and to Housing and Urban Development. Obama expanded the food stamp program. If his plan for Social Security went through, there would only be a tiny cut in benefits($100-200 a year).
by Aaron Carine on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 6:15pm
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. If people lose their government jobs and have mortgage foreclosed and their savings taken, and then the gov gives them a little bit back, guess should be grateful. Of course that's more middle class than poor, though can include the elderly who lost their nestegg going into the twilight years.
Here are some of the effects of the sequester, for just running the social security program & effect on 1 state:
Automatic cuts to programs servicing old folks and the poor, meaning slower payments and worse service, more mistakes. Education taking a huge cut. Etc, etc. Conservative magazines are crowing about "no negative effects from sequestration" the last couple weeks. They've won, yet again. Government can be smaller than a bathtub.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 1:39pm
But Obama didn't want the sequester, and his 2014 budget does something to correct it.
by Aaron Carine on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 4:27pm
Although Peracles says Obama has done nothing for victims of the mortgage crisis, what about the Neighborhood Stabilization Program?
by Aaron Carine on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 4:48pm
It looks like a program to pay banks to buy up foreclosed properties, patch them up a bit and then rent them out to people they foreclosed on.
When banks were illegally foreclosing on people and afterwards, the obvious actions were to 1) throw people in jail for breaking the law, 2) sue the banks to get at least 50% of the stolen assets returned (being nice - typically courts order restitution + damages)
Instead, you settle for $1000-2000 compensation when someone stole your house? Hey, I can buy a riding lawnmower, though aint got nothing to mow!!!
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 6:27pm
I've got nothing to tell me Obama didn't really want the sequester. Jon Walker seems to think he did.
Obama's a deficit scold in search of a Grand Bargain, austerity, "living within our means".
He's having his Nixon Goes to China moment now. And for all his other lacks, he's cutting the deficit fastest of anyone in history.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 6:35pm
Reading the FDL article, the Republicans wanted all cuts and no tax revenues. Was Obama putting tax increases as a part of the deal what Woodward considered moving the goalposts? Could it be that the tax were always to be part of the discussion? Was the idea to get a discussion started?
Were tax increases going to be used to prevent drastic changes to SS and Medicare?Are there economists who are suggesting that there need to be no adjustments in SS or Medicare?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:24pm
So are you saying, you believe the Republicans were the bad cop and Obama was the good cop? If Sperling is right; is that enough for you Obambots to wake up and recognize the Great Betrayal? Norway had Quisling.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:48pm
The pills go down better with water
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 8:46pm
by jollyroger on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 9:00pm
The pills could be taken with applesauce
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 10:18pm
No, no, no...everybody knows that applesauce is for the morning glory seeds, which taste like shit, even without the poison coating those bastards introduced.
by jollyroger on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 11:57pm
Whats this about poison coatings? Is this like the government spraying paraquat on weed and the kids injesting it? Paraquat has been linked to Parkinsons disease and who knows what other ailments the stupid government has wrought upon us.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 9:04am
The high spending of his first term, the general bleeding of his heart in social welfare matters, and his effort last year to avoid the sequester makes me think he didn't want it. The deal was a desperate arrangement to keep the government from shutting down.
by Aaron Carine on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:38pm
Your bias regarding President Obama leads to to make a childish attempt at an attack. The specch was geared to Morehouse Men. Here is a link to the editorial written by the Editor-in-Chief of the school paper, the Maroon Tiger, praising the commencement speech. If you follow the twitter feed of the school newspaper during the speech, you will note that the students were pumped by the speech. Obama became a Morehouse Man. You were not Obama's target audience. The Morehouse students were the target and they understood.
I think what your childish blather attempts to suggest is that the Obama's take a condescending attitude when they talk to the Black community. Ta-Nehisi Coates does a brilliant job of describing his unease at the Obamas advising the Black community to improve it's behavior. Coates notes that similar speeches would never be given at Harvard or Barnard. But it appears that the Morehouse students having overcome great societal odds loved the message. Michelle gave a similar speech a Bowie State in Maryland. The Bowie students shouted words of encouragement in response. Could the Obamas know the students better than the critics. Mrs. Obama talked about too many Blacks being focused on becoming rappers. One witty obersever wondered if she was addressing supporter Jay-Z.
Coates points out that when Obama spoke at the Hyde Park Career Academy a minority focused school educating middle schoolers in the wake of Hadiya Pendleton the focus was on single mothers, absent fathers and crime. Obama did not chastise single mothers in the Newtown shooting. Coates was correct, but wasn't the reason that Rev. Jesse Jackson and others urged President Obama to speak out about the death toll of Black youth in Chicago because the Chicago deaths were of a different nature than the Newtown deaths?
Georgetown law Professor Paul Butler says that Obama should tell graduates that he is sorry that he hasn't done more to help Black men. Reading through Butler's article, the major complaint is that Obama has not spoken out directly against the legal system bias that locks up Black men. Butler does admit that Obama may face some limitations in achieving Butler's desired goals. Butler just wants to hear the words that Blacks are under stress.
President Obama catches grief whenever he speaks on race. He had to explain Rev Jeremiah Wright. Obama was criticized for calling the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates "stupid" The was an argument that Obama was favoring the Black elite. When Obama said that Trayvon Martin could have been his son, he was criticized for politicizing a criminal investigation.
Notably the pastor, Kevin Johnson, who led the Saturday student prayer penned a scathing attack on President Obama, "A President for Everyone, Except Black People". Johnson was initially invited, then dis-invited from giving the prayer after the op-ed was published. Finally he was give the prayer. Johnson was siting on the stage with Obama during the speech. Johnson's comments can be found at the link.
Barack Obama is always going to be criticized when he talks about race. The Morehouse students appear to agree with the message thy heard. Obama singled out a Baltimore native, Leland S Shelton, as a man who had grown up in a stressful environment, but survived a thrived,. The Morehouse Man was taken from his mother and placed with his grandparents. He was in foster care at age 14. Shelton is headed to Harvard Law and plans to return to Baltimore to fight for the rights of foster children. Obama knew his audience.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 11:41pm
I am reminded of the "Stepford Wifes.... Yes Dear Leader we loved the message. You are so good for us, please, kick us some more....... Always for me, when it comes to words from politicians; Actions, speak louder than words; ... Especially from Obama.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 12:20am
Resistance, your constant tirades are tiresome. You tell people that you are ready to challenge them if they don't bow to your wishes.You praise the Tea Party then pretend that you didn't. You support the Koch billionaires then deny that you did. Enough.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 12:01pm
It has been apparent for a long time, that many here and especially you, like to twist my words, in order to support their accusations against me ...... You and your mutual admiration society, always resort to taking things out of context, as you continually attack me or Peracles, to cover for the intellectual weakness of your arguments. I love seeing Peracles kick your ass and saying to you, what I too, would like to say...... As for value at Dagblog, I would highly recommend Peracles, as being the more able to impart knowledge to others..... Enough is correct, you have nothing other than the same old Obambot talking points and once it is shown that it has infected the Obambots minds they get defensive and hostile.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 2:24pm
Flavious I'll respond here allowing you to clean up your reply above. Imagine a President who talks earlier, about how his job is to promote policies to help Americans workers..... Obama knowing people are opposed to the Free trade deals and he makes no policy annoucements, when at the bully pulpit or in front of a camera or at any State of the Union Addresses to asking Congress to repeal the Free Trade agreements ...... As candidate Obama, when seeking votes, he told workers in Ohio and Pensylvania, in front of the Nation and Candidate H. Clinton and after giving a half- assed asssurance; as any politician is prone to make in order to garner votes from Union workers; that he would seriously look at the issue. Within days his advisors went to Canada and wink,wink, it's discovered Obama really didn't mean what he said ............ "Free traders it is clear, You have a friend in Obama and he has no intention of interfering, with your profiit making schemes;, even if it means it affects the American worker........... Obama will just find other policy initiatives to put forth for consideration, to address the need to help American workers. Free trade is off the Table and his other policies have failed; but never fear; Obama and his friends have a scapegoat. It's the Republicans fault.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 8:30am
Other than groups of armed people with different goals, what is your solution?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 9:43am
We have seen Tea Party governors suppress votes, bust Unions, become dictators, etc. When the abuses are pointed out, you claim that not everyone claiming to be Tea Party meets your Tea Party ideal and thus are not true representatives of the Tea Party.The fantasy Tea Party only does good.
The Tea Party Patriots a attempt to be the umbrella group, but several local groups object to being included. Because the Tea Party is disorganized, why are they any better than the current system?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 10:51am
I have been without the ability to post links to articles, if I could I would, about how some high profile politicians, have ignored the will of the Tea Party members. Politicians who have co- opted the Tea Party movement, do not share in all of it's views on many issues. for example; on the issue of Free trade, these listed politicians ignore the rank and file....... People like Rand Paul, Joe Miller, Jim Demint, Tom Price, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Pat Toomey have all spoken on the record, in opposition to the rank and file Tea Party members.......What other choice does the Tea party have? Hoping the other Capitalist party; the Democratic party, stops bad mouthing them and assists them in overturning the Corporatist take over. Fat chance.... ....Especially when the DemocRats who have proven time and time again, to only talk the talk and the only way they come to power, is to promise 51% of the population, to vote Democrat and once in office they ignore the WORKING class. (what was the difference in percentge of voters) ....... Google the words "Most Tea Partiers think Free trade agreements Tea party candidates support are bad for the country." ........Are you surprised; Corporate money has infiltrated the Tea Party, as it has the other two major parties? MANY AMERICANS ARE NAIVE, thats why they are easy prey and they cannot repel the Corporatist/banker class assaults.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 2:41pm
Groups of armed people sounds like tribalism. (Africa come to mind) But it is clear the tribal leaders in DC, could care less about it's own members of the tribe called, Americans, and instead; the leaders, assist the slave traders, who are trying to enslave American workers, to serve the colonizers, who love the slave trade. whether they be called Americans or Tiawanese or Bangladeshi........ Why don't you tell me how the African tribes, fought and defended themselves, from those who wanted to put their people in chains, to be used as chattel, to be sold out by their own, to be used by those in the NEW WORLD ... IRONIC isn't it; how the name "New World" has taken on a new meaning, by the same types of exploiters and holders of slave labor...... A very old system, employed by unscrupulous people of like minds who now form Corporations to be given legal status. Only the names and faces has changed.......... My first solution for you; avoid capture at all costs , and if that is impossible, get yourself some kind of defense it may be your own neighbors who sell you out.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 2:02pm
Your post does not address the issue that the Tea Party would be very autocratic if they gain even more power. You avoid confronting the evil that you want to foist upon the United States. The Tea Party fears fair elections and cannot be trusted.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 2:27pm
Ask Chicago democrats, why it is said of Mayor Daly, in order to support fair elections "vote early and vote often". Why did the Chicago riots occur at the Democratic Convention? Do you think it fair how Hubert Humphrey was selected by the war machine ? ..... Why wasn't a democratic candidate chosen, to run as a primary challenger against Obama, in the last election? Was it in order to prevent the American people from digging deeper into the issues that most concerned us? Maybe we could have pressed these lying politicians and their party hacks to FULLY give the candidates views, rather than 30 second sound bites intended to keep the candidate safe. ....... "All is fair in love and war" (elections are not excluded) ... PS Every time you tell me about how everyone should fear the Tea Party, I am reminded of the Pacific battles and how the the woman, would jump with their children to their deaths, rather than meet up with an American soldier. Quit spreading the propaganda given to you, by the corporatists who want you to fear every other party EXCEPT the two major parites the Corporatist and the banker class wants you to vote for.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 3:11pm
Again you resort to diversion rather than dealing with the festering puss in the Tea Party. The only way the Tea Party can gain control is by using weapons st intimidate the rest of the country.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 3:51pm
And that just about says it all. If you go by the rhetoric the tea party and the gun nuts want to use guns to do what they can't do with votes. They think the 2nd amendment actually gives them that right. If they ever put their rhetoric into action they's quickly learn what a tiny little fringe group they are. Like the whiskey rebellion. It would be easily put down and the majority of Americans would support the government.
The Washington administration's suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion met with widespread popular approval.[101] The episode demonstrated the new national government had the willingness and ability to suppress violent resistance to its laws. It was therefore viewed by the Washington administration as a success, a view that has generally been endorsed by historians.[102]
by ocean-kat on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 4:36pm
Compromise is part and parcel of the political system. When one digs in an refuses to budge things grind go a halt. Tea Party people do not seem like compromising people. They would be the first to suppress free speech, votes, and the press. In addition, they would demand adherence to a very limited view of religion.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 4:41pm
"You slaves need to compromise and stop resisting our attempts to put you in chains. We don't want to hurt you and we don't want you to hurt us, so compromise, put the chains on willingly and avoid harm ?"
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 7:04pm
Intimidate who? Crooked and corrupt politicians and their lackeys, that keep them in power? You continue to ignore the fact YOU can't change it, you cant stop the decline, but you want everyone to believe you can...... George Washington warned the New Nation, about party spirit, what George feared is upon us and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it..... Instead you want me to tell you a solution..... The Tea Party is just militant enough, to do what the ballot box has been unable to do with protests and pleadings to those in power. ..... We should have seen the whirlpool sucking down the boat we're all in, earlier and had avoided it, before, it sucked us in, because of the undercurrent of corruption........ The rust, the corruption is too deeply entrenched and no amount of Bondo or whitewash, will prop this system up...... Go bury your head in the sand, sing Kumbyjah, click your heels together and surround yourselves with the many false prophets, telling you not to believe the doomsayers, but it won't do a damn thing to make things better. If I could, I would post a link, to Richard Day's song "You're going to Hell" ..... The Tea Party is but a portent of things to come. You're afraid of them; it's too bad the crooked politicians and their fiends were not, in order to have avoided these times we live in...... Did you forget, the banker class got the lifeboats first, before the Titantic broke apart, before it got sucked down to the bottom of the abyss.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 6:54pm
Resistance, you prove my point. The Tea Party has it's own agenda. You do not care want I desire. I have to follow your truth. If I disagree, I will be oppressed. Thanks for exposing the Tea Party for what it truly represents.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 8:59pm
No what I believe I have proven, is that many people have blinders on and never believe the system they love, will see it's impending doom, because it failed to hear and read, so as to ascertain the level of discontent......Not once that I recall, did you counter any of the examples of corruption and decay, but instead, you pointed to other groups as your scapegoat, a move you no doubt learned, from your leader Obama...... The Tea Party has adopted the example set by our forefathers, who when their grievances were ignored, they listened to their logic and their hearts yearning for freedom. ...The Tea party too has said as the Declaration say's "When in the course of human events" Imperfect humans tired of the abusive and tyrannical governments with it's whitewashed graves, trying to reestablish the principles of freedom and wrest control from corporatist/capitalists abusive governance. Get out of the way or you'll be swept away, as a supporter of a corrupt, decaying and blood guilty system...... The foundation is crumbling and the house everyone thought was built to withstand all the forces, is about to crash down. The domestic enemy is the enemy of the domestics.(servants).
by Resistance on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 11:57pm
Finally, you get to the point. If we don't enslave ourselves to your beliefs. You will eliminate us. Thanks for being honest.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 12:21am
Resistance, tip us off when you cash in your Kraft Foods stock, yet before you retreat to your bunker with your gun and your supply of pre-1964 silver coins and canned food. It will give those here a heads up that the doom is upon us.
On the other hand, until you do cash in your stock portfolio I assume our society is not yet gasping for its final breath.
BTW, the Tea Party is financially backed by the Koch Brothers and Koch Industries, oil, coal etc., corporatists if there ever were any.
by NCD on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 12:33am
Might I suggest to you, what a wise investor would recommend. You buy Kraft food stock and then you buy Kraft's products. It would be stupid to support the competitors. Be loyal to the company or Nation that not only feeds you, but also helps you financially..... The rest of your post, suggests you still have this deep seated jealousy, of those with wisdom, to invest in good companies, rather than accept the paltry return the banks give the people. Suggesting to me, your lack of understanding of setting aside something for when you retire. If the end should come before you retire, so be it. None of us can tell when tomorrows will end. but the foolish don't prepare for either.
by Resistance on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 3:19pm
You criticize others for being slaves yet publicly shout your support for the Koch Brothers.
As Richard Day would say
You are not making sense
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 4:03pm
You continue in your mischaracterizations, I have never said I like the Koch brothers all I have ever implied is that I admire the Tea party more than I do the neutered democrats, The Tea party is changing the republiocan party, the left just wants to kiss obamas ... The left dare not rock the boat, they must remain loyal to the Corporatist/capitalist Party pick, this is how you win elections........ This is how you keep the staus quo in power dupes. One wonders whether either party or one of the two wings of the corporatist/capitalist party and their supporters will learn anything from the pain of the sequester....... Without tax revenue, programs get cut. with no tax base there is no revenue. Idiots; the only way you expand the tax base, is to reverse the outflow of jobs offshore and begin to force industry and manufacturing to return. Ross Perot warned the Nation about the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving and the tax base shrinking. We reaped what the capitalists and corporatist wanted. DOH!
by Resistance on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 5:49pm
You were the one with the Kraft Foods comparison.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 8:28pm
Resistance, you remind me of the scam artist in the Walter Matthau/Robin Williams movie, The Survivors, where the doomsday preaching guy who runs the expensive 'the end is near' militant survival camp (guns etc) is always checking on his stock market investments and bank accounts.
by NCD on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 8:47pm
You think the Tea Party is against capitalism or corporations.? It isn't. I doubt it cares about "the pain of the sequester"; it would cut government spending ruthlessly.
by Aaron Carine on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 8:46pm
TOUGH LOVE ..... How long has this country been running in the RED? ... It was both parties that have raided the SS trust fund. All this time, Congress acted like a drunken wife, spending money she never had she maxed our her credit card, when asked "dont you think you should stop" she'd just say "give me another drink" and this has gone on, year after year.,,,, No! I doubt the Tea party is without compassion, it's just the Tea Party believes some family members were enabling Congress. The American Congress; like some heroin addict; could'nt break free of its' addiction to spend, even if it should bankrupt, the rest of the family. Prostituting herself, to get more money for her fix (spending) and if she couldn't get her pushers (creditors) to loan her money, she'd just print and print and print more money, selling everything in the home for pennies on the dollar she'd receive from her "Foreign Johns"..... Never really caring for her own kids, she'd sacrifice them on the "altar of fire" (WAR) if she could benefit, When it was discovered she could get more money from oil, she really went to War spreading her lies so other family members would assist and enable her, to satisfy her addiction to spend ..... Some family members (Tea Party side of the family) finally said "Enough, is enough; we need not pretend; our mothers a drunk a drug addict and a prostitute; we must do something before it is too late or we'll be impoverished and our children' future uncertain, because of her addiction." ......Some call it TOUGH LOVE...... (Once we get past her suffering the DT's we may see a faster recovery .. . Until then, some of the family members, will see her throw the dishes against the wall (FAA) until she can get a grip and realizes she really liked those dishes).
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 12:36am
by jollyroger on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 2:22am
It's my story and I'm stickin to it. .... "I gotta woman wanna ball all day/ I got a woman she wont be true no/ I got a woman stay drunk all the time" Led Zeppelin .... I really don't desire the bragging rights, of knowing prostitutes as you . Do ..... I suspect they have as deep of religious bigotry as you do?
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:27am
Accusing others of religious bigotry is kinda tone deaf, doncha' think? Do you still believe that atheists cannot have morality?
by Verified Atheist on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 9:10am
I suppose athiests can have a morality based upon the values they choose to adhere to As for me, my morality is measured and judged, by the one who is a higher source of knowledge, than my own..... I am trying to please him so I try to observe HIS high moral standards so I can be acceptable to the one that judges mans actions. ....... I suppose even Hitler had some moral values, a percieved morality his heart and mind listened to, as he thought in his own twisted mind, the world would be better off with his values, his standards ....... You never provide the whole of the post, so that the words you ascribe to me, to be read by others, are considered in the context. Is being disengenous, a moral issue?
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 1:50pm
Once you Godwin out on everyone... Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, you've just proved you have no argument at all. Whose twisted? Yeah, you are.
by tmccarthy0 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 6:27pm
I thought about using the name Idi Amin or Pol Pot, but concluded, it would only confuse you.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:26pm
Since Hitler considered himself a Christian (whether or not you consider him that), you would've been better off choosing either Idi Amin (Muslim) or Pol Pot (atheist). As I've said before, I don't think being a Christian makes one a bad person (there are several counter examples here at Dagblog) anymore than I think being a Christian makes one a good person. Bad people who belong to a particular faith will often use their faith to justify their actions (as Hitler did), but I think that in most cases those justifications are just rationalizations and had nothing to do with them choosing those actions in the first place. Bad people who belong to no faith (i.e., atheists) will just find some other justification.
by Verified Atheist on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 10:48pm
Hitler claiming to be a Christian would have been uncovered as a fraud, because everyone claiming to be a Christian, would have identified, that he did not live up to the high moral standards given to us from the Most High. He and all of us would have known his conscience was not inline with Jesus's teachings. He needed to make adjustments. Evidently his Christian moral compass was broken, or he just ignored it and did his own thing.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 11:48pm
Except that Hitler did claim to be a Christian, and many Germans who also considered themselves Christians didn't question that. Heck, the Holy See itself reached an understanding with Hitler, and did not call him out as a fraud. Most people considering themselves Christians don't "live up to the high moral standards given to us from the Most High". There are even some people who consider themselves Christians who rail against immigrants, despite Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan! Can you believe it‽‽‽
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 8:42am
Oh I can believe it. There are those that believe Jesus was telling his disciples to promote the violation of Caesars laws, intended to to protect it's borders..... Legal immigrants who were given all the rights afforded to them by Caesars laws, were not to be abused and all Christains would welcome them with open arms...... Ironic isnt it, that the Holy See that formed a Concordant with Hitler, in hopes, that together, they could expand the Holy Roman Empire. It is also this very same Church that is the most vocal, at promoting the lawlessness at the border, with the same objective; to expand it's subjects and lands, for the Holy Roman Empire.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 9:36am
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 12:56pm
Is being an idiot like being high?
note to mods sorry Mike, but as long as you let him troll, i get to troll him back. You may admonish me now if you like.
by tmccarthy0 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 10:49pm
Why do you ask; are you high or are you thinking about getting high?
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 11:12pm
Obama was saying that we all have a responsibility to our community, that we need to keep in mind, among all the other things we need to keep in mind, we are a role model to others. He happened to be talking to black males at the time, so they needed to see that they were role models to other black males. Had he been talking to white lesbians, or Jewish accountants, or....
I am reminded of a quote by Camus that posted earlier:
by Elusive Trope on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 7:33pm
A couple of interesting responses to Obama's commencement speech.
by LULU (not verified) on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 7:48pm
Found the second link, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, very interesting. Coates is big on male responsibility and also on the value of traditional education, but he still doesn't like both the Obamas' attitude in this regard. I sense it is partly generational. I don't know Coates' age but the Obamas certainly do seem part of a different black generation and their preaching sounds to me like it comes from the 1980's and early 90's. (But then, it occurs to me that judging from the news, sometimes some of the black community of their hometown of Chicago seems like it too is stuck in the 1980's/early 90's. And that is the black community that the Obama's know best and the one they undoubtedly hear about the most from friends and family.)
by artappraiser on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 5:29am
We just saw a lot of intelligent & hard-working people washed away by a financial meltdown that took 401(K)'s, investments & homes/mortgages with them.
If you happened to have medical problems during this time, well much of Obamacare still hasn't kicked in.
Unemployment has been above 7.5% since Jan 2009, though if you have a bachelor's, it's now about 3.5%. If you're black with a bachelor's, it's about 5%. But long-term unemployment is more likely to happen to blacks.
Where I do support the "man up" principle is in raising kids - where 72% of black kids are born to single parents (read: "mom"), and the majority of black kids (54%) raised by a single mother.
Despite 50% progress since 1990, only 20% of blacks 25+ hold a bachelor's degree or more, far behind non-hispanic white's 1/3. Additionally, 3/5 of those degrees are held by black women, expected to grow to 2/3, so the Morehouse men really are a minority, say part of 15% of black men & at the higher end of educational quality. Blacks with a bachelor's earn 95% of whites - discrimination seems to decrease as you move up the ladder - for black women who earn more than white women. Degreed black men earn 20% less than their white equivalents. Though looking at figures closer, if both women work full-time, black women earn 7% less. Still, black men with a degree earn twice as much as those with a high school diploma. Probably stay unemployed for much shorter time as well, in an age when people might hold 5-10 jobs over a career.
How much does the lack of a degree lead to abandoning kids/single-parent homes? Don't have stats, but as lack of money tends to enflame household tensions (including home violence) and reduce opportunity, it simply seems like a good bet - go for the degree. And indeed, black scores on all levels have improved greatly in the last 20 years - but degrees still lag greatly, and are a huge drag on black participation.
So this is a more statistical overview, without the basic moral tut-tutting - it's playing the odds, and with the huge rise in disadvantaged single-parent children, something should be done to improve that.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:10am
Two significant hold ups in lowering Black unemployment have been the practice of Whites hiring Whites and Congressional obstruction of the American Jobs Act. The senior director of the NAACP Economic Department notes that Obama has ot been as vocal on jobs as the director would have liked, but the real problem is in Congress.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 2:33pm
Maybe if Obama would think; he would realize the unemployed black, could be doing the work the Chinese (yellow) and illegals (brown) are now doing. Is it cheaper to keep the blacks unemployed?
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 2:54pm
Take your meds
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 3:16pm
I dont need them. I suppose I could drink the same koolaid you all are drinking? NOT
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:19pm
jollyroger posted, "Also, I believe I can safely say that I have known an order of magnitude more prostitutes than our local Yahwist publicist above-posting. they mostly are single mothers desperately supporting children in a society that treats children like shit, because Yahweh likes it that way."
Some years ago I spent 4 months in Guadalajara. I had some Mexican friends who found me the cheapest hotel in a safe area of the city. Little did I know that all those cheap hotels were lived in and used by prostitutes as well as poor tourists like me and other poor Mexicans visiting and working in the city.
So I too have known quite a few prostitutes. Most that I met in that hotel could not read or write and could just scrawl their name. Once when I was chatting with one young girl/women (she said she was 18) I noticed her hands were severely callused. From the tip of her fingers to her wrist the skin on her hands was thicker than the sole of my feet, and I walked barefoot a lot and had tough feet. I really can't convey how extreme this was, astonishing, shocking, I had never seen anything like this before.
I asked her how this happened and she said, "Everyday since I was a little girl from sun up to sundown I pulled weeds on the farm."
So I came to understand why fleeing the farm to be a prostitute in the city can seem like a good decision. I'm not defending prostitution, one certainly wishes there were better options. I'm just saying I can see how it might seem like a better life.
One can judge or one can try to understand. It certainly helps to know someone to understand the choices they make. As the story goes, Jesus was said to have known a lot of prostitutes too, and was judged harshly for it as well.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 3:07pm
I believe Jolly was purposely getting his panties in a ruffle, because he was looking for an argument. Is it now off limits to point out, that prostitutes and drug addicts do exist in our society and that their CONDUCT can be very destructive and does hurt families and society. Or are we supposed to shush, because Jolly knows some who are prostitutes and unless one is naive we know the tools of their trade and how they support themselves. ... If I had used farmers in an illustration, would he have said, he knows farmers too, so don't use that profession either?.... I don't plan to ask Jolly, for permission, to discuss what everyone knows..... I got the impression, he was the one judging me, for pointing out that Congresscritters uses it's tools to make money too and not only from the ones that brought them to the dance. Congresscritters swearing an oath to love and obey and to serve with loyalty to make the arrangement work telling their constituents, they love us and want to serve us only, but the moment they think they can get away with, they're in bed with someone with more money. At a minimum they are adulterous, but the fact is, they cast aside their vows for more money. Hmmm sounds like prostitution to me. These Congresscritters are for sale. despite their vows.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:14pm
by jollyroger on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 7:56pm