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    Hey, Harry! I got your private public option right here...The National Medical Licensure Act

    His place already assured in the pantheon of the pusillanimous, Harry Reid continues to mock our choice of Senate Majority Leader. (We chose poorly…) His latest demonstration of the “premptive surrender manuever” puts the shiv straight into the heart of health care cost control.


    Might not the simple expedient of nationalizing medical licensure (thereby obviating the principal objection to co-ops, viz, they are too small and local to effectively hondle the providers) create an environment in which co-ops could function like medicare for all?

    Abolish the individual state boards of medical licensure; then *hire the Mayo clinic to work their magic nationally, as a co-operatively owned health maintenance organization.

    *Madden adds:”The govt could contract w a private company to administer the public option”.

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