The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The 1% fail to manage perceptions.

    The Democratic victories in yesterday's elections coupled with the recent birth of the Occupy movement seem to be evidence of a different political climate than we had even two or three months ago. It appears that we are out of the doldrums, a bit of a wind in the mainsail. I am tempted to meld all the different events into a pattern, disregarding the nature of the separate events. I want to say things like, "changed perceptions got people up off the couch," "now Democrats have a new reality," as if there were clear relationships between cause and effect. But it's not that easy. If my car stopped on the freeway because it "ran out of gas", contingent causes might be that my gas gage was broken and I was too cheap to repair it. But aside from the complexities of cause and effect and the invention of new realities, why do Democrats seem to have things going their way? 

    Three important early electoral wins

    Ohio repealed the anti union law by a margin of more than 20 points

    Mississippi defeated the "personhood" law which would have banned abortions

    Maine defeated the law attempting to prevent same day registration

    A troubled mind

    As most of you know, Cain has mentioned "...a troubled woman...".

    And, as most of you know, women who are almost raped in a parking lot find that experience to be troubling.

    I wonder how long it will take before this turns into some sort of seriously unworthy blaxploitation. Seriously: I can almost hear Trouble Man as it is.

    The soundtrack to this Caindawg production is gonna suck, though.

    Just saying.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    SVU comes to Happy Valley

    In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

    jollyroger's picture

    #Occupy Organic Resilience-Cold Weather Tents & Group Survival Drills

    Showing a nimblenss of adaptation that somehow eludes the more cumbersome apparatus of our multileveled governments OWS is putting up large cold weather tents that will empower the continued and ongoing anchoring of the uprising and also permit them appropriately to extend their hospitality to the otherwise unsheltered.


    Elusive Trope's picture

    Today's Puzzler

    More than three-quarters of Americans say the country’s economic structure is out of balance and “favors a very small proportion of the rich over the rest of the country,” according to the latest NBC/WSJ poll

    How many economists can dance on the head of a......


    Brad Delong leads today with a piece in which he says that Felix Salmon says, the David Leonhardt says Timothy Geithner says  that get the idea.Here's an excerpt


    Felix Salmon writes:

    Richard Day's picture



    The Booth at the End is some series of shorts (22 minutes, like the best Comedy News Program I have ever seen).

    I see no reason for the production.

    And that must be why I am so in love with this presentation.

    Oh well who needs Opera on NPR?

     Eric Alterman the Nov 14th Nation


    " Lisa Simeone was..the host of Soundprint, ....produced  independently ...and World of Opera,produced by SDAV, a classical-music ...station-both of which aired nationally  on NPR stations. Simeone is not a network employee but when NPR....discovered ..Simeone ...was part of the steering comittee for a protest group similar to Occupy ,,,,,,Simeone [was] fired.  ....World of Opera-who...refused to fire her got booted off NPR's schedule." .............................Mara Liaason is a paid pundit for Fox's news channel

    Presidential stream of consciousness

    ...raymond always said my game is persistence...i'm  still here....more persistent...i've got barack obama's number...raymond is dead now...sorry, old boss I took your job but you said everyone would underestimate my were my best's the presidential bearing, and dress well and its human nature they will drop the ball right in front of you....a career, you said, a career is putting the right spin on the ball so it keeps dropping in f

    2011 Elections, part deux

    I don't really have much to add to my previous post on the 2011 elections TOMORROW, but since it is TOMORROW, I wanted to throw this back up on the front burner to help remind people that they need to vote TOMORROW.

    My question for today is, will you vote tomorrow, and if not, why not?

    I'm attempting to add this as a poll:

    Elusive Trope's picture

    Nuances of the Movement

    In my last blog one poster made the assertion that GA would produce a strong statement condemning and repudiating violence.  Yet I found this report from James Vann on the Friday session, which began:

    MuddyPolitics's picture

    Are Liberals to Blame?


    Subtitle: Another stand-alone piece on another subject that isn’t appropriate for dagblog and is of high-school rough-draft quality.


    A recent poll shows that the now historically low (34 percent) public support of Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act was most affected by a 13-point drop in support from Democrats specifically.

    MuddyPolitics's picture

    A liberal Mein Kampf?

    A wise man accused of drafting the liberal version of Mein Kampf once wrote:

    MuddyPolitics's picture

    New Rule for Radical Lefties: Mottos Don’t Matter

    After a year of failures, Republicans have been so desperate to draft a bill that had a chance of becoming law that they chose something they knew wouldn’t be defeated, a bill they knew Americans would support, and a bill that would show the electorate that they actually are quite busy earning their $174,000-a-year salaries.

    Rootman's picture

    Voting Uphill in the Sunshine State

    The same people who want your whole tax form to go on a tiny postcard have made registering to vote an onerous process in Florida. I've done voter registration drives here for decades, going back to the McGovern campaign, but this morning I had to take a class and be certified to register voters.

    A retired county prosecutor was in my class, and even she was perplexed by the legal requirements and liabilities the new regulations place on volunteers and their organizations.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Political Cartoon: “Reality, Humanity, Dignity”

    Pain and suffering has different meaning for different people.

    Reality has a different meaning for different people.

    Then, there is dignity and humanity.

    And for some the meaning does not have a meaning.

    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    Macbeth in the '60's

     My story I am writing for a class.

