The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture

    CANON X OF ETHICS FOR THE NET BLOGOSPHERE: Life is Just a Wonderful Bunch of Coconuts

      Email Me George W. Bush Pictures I usually do not like rich, powerful or famous people. That is mostly because I am not rich, powerful or famous. The fame part does not bother me much because I would...
    Ramona's picture

    Shades of Dr. Phil! Pop Psych at HuffPo, and AIG is the patient

    Today is Sunday and I started my day by reading Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd, and Tom Friedman. They all talked about AIG and the current money crisis, and I have to say--the wheelings and dealings and sheer dollar amounts are...
    acanuck's picture

    Iran rejects, rebuffs and rebukes Obama overture. Really, is that what just happened?

    Well, can't say we didn't try. Back to the War Room! My God, our media don't do nuance very well, do they? Thank God Obama will read the actual translation of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's speech. Because it had lines...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Talk About Scary...

    Let's face it...this country is in a mess. No, not "a" mess, a bunch of messes. In fact, it IS a mess. There are so many things that are screwed up it would keep you up at night every night...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: Chivalry Part Deiux

      Back at Camelot, the School for Squires had reconvened, the little monsters who would take the reins from the best of all knighthood were throwing things at each other and saying the most nasty things...WHAT IS ALL THIS...
    Barth's picture

    Trying to Focus

    It's always the same thing. A cascade of bad news includes one item which seems to allow for howls of outrage or other displays of heightened morality which a) blots out all the other bad news, b) diverts attention to...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    What Liberal Media?

    We continually hear about the "librul media." And we hear this expressed as a complaint against our mainstream media which is regularly made by conservatives appearing on mainstream media outlets in higher proportions than their more liberal counterparts.It doesn't take...
    Ramona's picture

    There's Chutzpah and Then There's A.I.G

    This is what happens when you treat corporations like royalty. They actually begin to think they're entitled. And why not? The leaders of the land are their humble servants, and the rest of us are out there in the latrines with slop buckets.
    MrSmith1's picture

    My sister's rant about men with pensions and Soc. Sec.

    My older sister was born in January of 1947. (I was born in December of 1950.) She got married right out of high school. Her first marriage in 1966, lasted 25 years, (although, truth to tell, the last nine and half years...
    oleeb's picture

    Class war ya say? Bring it on Baby!

    On TPM's front page,  in a post headlined "Just What is a Bonus?" reader TR points out that a big part of the outrage on the part of the public is that people commonly see a "bonus" as a reward...
    mageduley's picture

    Obama on Leno (Video)

    I love the analogy he makes about the toaster. It shows his remarkable skill to cut to the heart of the complex problems and yet is able to convey this information in a way that is accessible to Jay's...
    Richard Day's picture

    Ethics of the Netwebblogosphere: TROLLING IN SHALLOW WATERS

    We should be grateful for what we have. Coveting is strictly prohibited in Exodus and Deuteronomy. You should not covet thy neighbor's goods or his wife.  I do not know whether or not you can covet someone else's husband.  I...

    The Stimulus Bill Was Small Relative to the New Deal: My Unsuccessful Efforts to Get the WashPost to Set the Record Straight

    Much of the economic policy discussion over the next few months will be about how to stop the bleeding in the financial sector, and then, how to prevent it from happening again.  Understandably so. Paul Krugman is not alone, however,...
    amike's picture

    God has a Lousy Job.

    Should the position ever become open, I'm not applying.  Lucifer might be a wanna be god, not aMike.  I've known that for a long time, but it came home to me yesterday when I had to play god for a...
    acanuck's picture

    AIG bonus clawback: I'm outraged by the outrage over the outrage

    Well, not really. Just amused and not buying it one bit. The House did what it had to do, legal niceties be damned. And the Senate and the White House, tone-deaf or not, will fall in line. Is this just...
    Richard Day's picture

    w's Biography: Decisions, Decisions

                                                     WHAT, ME WORRYA well-placed source in the publishing industry says George W. Bush's book deal is valued at about $7 million. The former president has already written 30,000 words of the book, to be published by Crown and...
    Ramona's picture

    Is a Blog really a Blog if you're talking to yourself?

    Thanks so much for commenting on my first blog piece.  I'll try and get back here more often!  I've been busy with my blog, but I'm really terrible at promoting.  My grandson put this piece on Fark and from there...
    Richard Day's picture


    When I was a kid in the fifties there were certain truths, truths that could never be questioned. The Pope was God's representative on Earth and he should never be questioned even if he spent a lot of time wearing...
    acanuck's picture

    The Iraq War: pipelines and pipedreams

    Interesting discussion over at the Book Club about Juan Cole's new book, and whether it was the Oil Lobby or the Israel Lobby that tricked the U.S. into invading Iraq. It's kind of a moot debate; I have yet to...

    The game's afoot - but what's the game?

    The thing that gets me about these AIG "bonuses" is that they have been known since well before AIG got the initial $85 bn.  Nobody hid them.  Congress, the press, the Fed, bloggers, everyone knew about it.I understand why the...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: Chivalry and Master Rumpole

    Back at Camelot we move into the Squire's School, run by Master Rumpole...All right, so which of you are sure that you shall become knights upon reaching that magic age of 13.  Come, come, SPEAK UP.  Richie, tell me, are...
    jollyroger's picture

    "You're talking about running over the minority, putting them in cement and throwing them in the Chicago River...."Well, Thank You Jesus!

    Judd Gregg (you remember this putz, don’t you) pisses and moans thusly: “That would be the Chicago approach to governing: Strong-arm it through…” referencing the use of an umbrella, budget reconciliation bill to carry our agenda past the menacing jaws...
    Richard Day's picture

    Canons of Ethics in the Netwebblogosphere: IS THIS THE PARTY TO WHOM I AM WRITING

    The rules of the netwebblogosphere are important to us all. What we are looking for is clarity. The purpose of course, is to communicate with another human being (most of the time) in a manner that will make it possible...
    amike's picture

    The Common Man: Where's his Fanfare? IV. Radio...Just like Television Without Pictures.

    A short post today, well, at least short for me.  As my avatar indicates, I grew up with radio.  My family was late to television-we didn't own one until 1954, as I remember.  But there were radios.  Great big Philco...
