The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    Christians Aren't Going Away and Neither Are Gays

    Preface: This post was started as a comment made on another blog. At Orlando's suggestion (with a cosign from Miguel and TheraP) I am making it into it's own post. For those of you are unaware of my journey...
    quinn esq's picture

    Beware The Little Fellow With An Idea

    Bumping home in the cab. Broke my toe, and since it's -40 out, no way I'm walking home. Tried that yesterday. Two & a half miles home, in that cold. Thought I'd "test the foot." Somebody should test my...
    jollyroger's picture

    Josh Marshall: Progressive Queenmaker. (Who knew??)

    Any TPM afficianadi also listeners to NPR will have noticed how Elizabeth Warren (dare I say, our own Elizabeth Warren is all over (including a spot on *Fresh Air!!I) Anyway, according to Prof. Warren, it all started with a phone...
    stillidealistic's picture

    How's This For An "Outside The Box" Idea?

    Since we're in the mode of thinking BIG, and spending more magic money than will be repaid in a couple of generations, how's this for an idea?What if, instead of concentrating so much on creating new jobs, we decrease the...
    stillidealistic's picture

    I Swear, We'll Fight About Anything!

    I just ran across an article in the Huff Post that has me shaking my head...I swear, we'll fight about ANYTHING!"We do not have our first black president," the author Christopher Hitchens said on the BBC program "Newsnight." "He is...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Bush Solely Dodges Yet One More Issue In Legacy Promotion

    On the eve of President Bush's recent surprise visit to Iraq, Charles Gibson of ABC News introduced a segment including an interview with Bush by saying the following: "Much has been made of his historically low approval ratings, but Mr. Bush...
    jollyroger's picture

    OBAMA 2016! Because the world needs a good president...

    Ok, ok, I admit to residual giddyness attendant upon watching Prez announce the appointment of, inter alia a Nobel Laureate teammate. And even though there may be small-minded and carping cynics who smell a whiff of "today America, tomorrow...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Where are you TheraP?

    Thera, you're needed over at dickday's. He's laughing at burning cats....
    oleeb's picture

    Does knowing you die affect how you live?

    In another post, TheraP asked the following question:   "So, how do you value your life?   How do you value what is most precious but cannot last?  Does it affect how you live, knowing you will die?"   This is...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    CLASS WAR: "Say, Don't You Remember? You Called Me Al!"

     CLASS WAR: Third Installment GOP Senators have all but declared outright that they will withhold any help in curing the overall economic slowdown unless they can first break the Autoworkers Union (UAW). In so doing, they have painted a picture of who are to...
    quinn esq's picture

    Fewer, Better Things.

    Fewer, Better Things Our lives are full of things. Disposable distractions, Stuff you buy but do not cherish, own yet never love. Thrown away in weeks, rather than passed down for generations. Perhaps things will be different now.  Wiser...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    CLASS WAR: "Reaganomics? First, Bust the Unions!"

    "Ronald Reagan had shown the way (to gain dominion over the working class) in 1980 when he refused to negotiate with the Air Traffic Controllers and instead simply replaced them with cheaper labor."
    MrSmith1's picture

    Bush, a friend to Labor around the world ...

    First, he commits to save the auto industry here, then today, he allows a representative of Iraq's shoemaker's union to demonstrate, (smack dab in middle of the MSM), the fine quality of Iraqi leather shoes with an impromptu visual display of their aerodynamics. Bush has...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    CLASS WAR: "Whose Economy Is It, Anyway?"

    "At what point did economic Darwinism within the proletariat become a fundamental principle in our economy?"
    MrSmith1's picture

    A bolt of cynicism ...

    A bolt of cynicism struck me a few moments ago, as I read another headline about the Bush administration vowing not to let the automakers go under. How cynical is it to wonder if the whole scenario is a set-up?  Could this possibly...
    Barth's picture

    Finding Reasons to Impeach the President-elect

    Once again, poor Barth is confused. One day the Washington Post is editorializing thatThe Wilson-Plame case, and Mr. Libby's conviction, tell us nothing about the war in Iraqintentionally ignoring how much it tells us about the creation of phony justifications...
    quinn esq's picture

    12,000 years ago... 12 miles from Nazareth

     "12,000 years ago... In a cave, 12 miles from Nazareth...." I'm reading to the Ice Weasels again. Most stories, they don't like. This one, they're wearing it out. Or rather, wearing me out.  It's time-consuming, and a bit frustrating,...

    Labor Secretary Musings

    What I'm hearing is Bonior declines when people push him, saying it's time for a younger generation to lead the labor movement charge for the feds.  He has reportedly been pushing Mary Beth Maxwell, about whom I know very little. ...
    oleeb's picture

    Time to party like it's 1929... cause it is

    Take a good look at the calendar folks. It's 1929. The ride has just started. Better hold on tight cause it's gonna get pretty rough. I just pray people don't wait terribly long before they realize that drastic changes...

    Obama Omnipresent

    Overheard in downtown DC this morning: "They should just put Obama's likeness on the dollar bill and get it over with."  (spoken during a conversation in which the ubiquitous presence of his likeness these days was alluded to.) ...
    acanuck's picture

    Intel failures: it's time to clean house

    From Congress Daily: The House Intelligence Committee's top Democrat said Tuesday he has recommended that President-elect Barack Obama keep the country's current national intelligence director and CIA chief in place for some time to ensure continuity in U.S. intelligence programs...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    The Difficulties of Being Bi-Partisan

      ...although, to be fair about it,  I'm not really all that obsessed with cats!...
    stillidealistic's picture

    This Odd Little Family...

    I don't know if it is the lull after the election and the residual euphoria, the introspection that comes when suddenly I find myself with some extra time on my hands, this mushy time of year, or the number of...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Empty Nest

    I have known this was coming for 23 years, and yet I am totally unprepared for this feeling.  All my children are sleeping in apartments or dormitories rather than down the hall from me.  I stayed home with them for...
