The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Ma Joad & The Collapse of the Consumer Culture

    (With thanks to stillidealistic, who prompted the following "lengthy wandering" by asking a most important question: "What can we little guys do to be a part of the solution to today's economic crisis?")*****************************************What do we do to address the failure...
    MrSmith1's picture

    March Forth for America!

    Maybe we took our eyes off the prize too soon ... So ... here's a thought: How about we organize a Stand-up-for Obama day, on  March 4th. We could call it March Forth for America, and we could get a...

    On the Lack of Engagement of Invited Book Club Contributors

    Some good comments in the book club discussion this week on Andrew Bacevich's book, both by invited contributors and cafe denizens.   It could be so much better if Michael Klare, Bacevich, and others would engage with us riffraff.  Evidently they can't...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-X)

    Quinn returned to Marhaut after having a rather romping time with the previous hedge hogs. It never occurred to him that you could have a romping time with previous hedge hogs. Just as he returned, Marhaut awoke.Laddy, I must have...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Just How Screwed Are We?

    I have for some time now been trying to get my arms around how big a trillion dollars is, without much success.John Allen Palous, a noted Temple University Math Professor has simplified it. If you had spent one million dollars...
    oleeb's picture

    Scummy AP sues Fairey for "copyright infringement" over HOPE poster image

    I am simply amazed at what I've just seen on yahoo news.  After it's shameful anti-Democratic reporting of the past couple of years they now have the gall to attempt to get a piece of the Obama marketing pie by...
    oleeb's picture

    Truman to Obama: Put them on the defensive

    God how I wish Harry Truman were here today because he would give Obama the advice he needs  to be successful and Harry would quickly disabuse him of some of the more Quixotic ideas clouding the President's vision as he...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Groundhog Cheney Rears Its Ugly Head

      The "still President" Dick Cheney addressed a kindergarten class on Monday, February 2nd after emerging from his undisclosed location. In his prepared comments, he forecast six more weeks of winter. He is seen here responding to a question from one...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Bizzaro U.S. economy ... a proposal

      Given all the brouhaha going on about the economy and CEOs being paid outrageous salaries and bonuses, perhaps it's time to get out the Gold Kryptonite and turn the U.S. economy into Bizzarro U.S. economy.    In Bizzaro U.S....
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-9)

    Palidan packed up forthwith on a quest to Cornwall. King Mark had summoned him since Tristan was otherwise disposed. The Moor was always suspicious of foreigners but he had gotten used to the crowd at Camelot.  They represented something bold,...
    acanuck's picture

    Associated Press seen by some as arrogant

    The Associated Press seems to have learned nothing from the flak drawn by its blatant pre-election bias: WASHINGTON - Two weeks into his presidency, Barack Obama proved that even a clearly gifted politician cannot escape the gravitational pull of Washington...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Obama's Standards Too High?

    I am watching Hardball and the question is being asked whether or not Obama's standards are too high, and that's why he is having problems getting his people through the confirmation process...Are you kidding me????His standards are not too high,...
    Richard Day's picture

    David Gergen's Comb Over

    There are so many issues that face this nation.One payer health coverage.Tom Daschle's retirementMillions dispossessed in Iraq and Afghanistan.David Gergen's comb over.The last on this list of these important considerations that face this country may be of import to the...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-8)

                           THE QUEST FOR THE HEDGE HOG FUNDSMarhaut and Quinn had sojourned a full day from Camelot.  Sir Marhaut had worked 'a deal' with Merlin concerning the impertinence of Quinn....
    Joe the Banker's picture

    Confessions of an Investment Banker

    It's been kind of quiet and depressing at work, so I've been doing a lot of web surfing lately. It seems like everyone just wants to bitch about how pissed off they are that bankers like me got their bonuses this year. Well, like we say in my biz: go f--- yourselves.

    quinn esq's picture

    Yes or No.

    Do you prefer really short, one sentence blogs.... or really long, boring, 7 pagers?Yes, or No.- quinnP.S. I am writing this blog under duress.P.P.S. No, not dress, duress.P.P.P.S. Though it is my girlfriend Mildred who is making me write...

    American Marijuana Policy - an allegory.

    A man walks down a sidewalk.  Another man says "Don't walk down that sidewalk, I'll ruin your life".  The first man, says "I've walked on this sidewalk my whole life, and I'm quite successful. You must be mistaken".  The second...
    amike's picture

    Election Peripheral? So Moved.

    I'm having withdrawal pangs from Election Central, and for me, DC is no substitute.  I know that DC is where the action is.   After all, the village elders all over the media tell me so.  And I know it...
    oleeb's picture

    Hopeful note for Medicare for All!

    Don't know about anyone else, but I didn't see the following story in the news last week about a coalition that has formed to press the Medicare for All legislation in Congress.  If you can get two very different kinds of...
    oleeb's picture

    Gore is right! We need action on climate change this year: not next!

    In this piece running right now on TPM  Al Gore advocates the President take strong action now on Climate Change.  He is right and everyone who loves humanity and this precious blue jewel of a planet needs to join him in demanding...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-7)

    We must now return to the NW quadrant of the SE. Fathead, Field Marshall continued, these illegal Angles are under some assumption that this is their island.  Field Marshall, Dobbs answered but ignoring the moniker, I have actually heard one...
    suemazza's picture

    Avon Ladies on the Superbowl

    I personally loved seeing the Avon Commercial on the Superbowl.   This definitely looks like a "guy" blog, but excuse this Avon Lady for putting in a plug.   

    The money I make from my Avon biz has helped put my kids through school, purchased cars, vacations, and actually pays the mortgage on our beach house in Upstate NY

    Men and Women do well selling Avon at work, home, or wherever because it's very low cost to get started and you don't have to spend your time doing all those crazy parties.   Just pass a book around and get orders.

    wws's picture

    Connecting the Dots (or the dot.coms)

    I know y'all are watching the Super Bowl. That's a really good thing; relaxation is important (or, as they say in Charleston, "impoewtndt"). None of us needs to be en pointe, 24/7; all of us need all the harmless diversions...
    oleeb's picture

    Super Bowl Poll

    Taking a momentary break from politics... who are ya for in today's Super Bowl and what's your prediction? Personally, I'm for the Steelers but if the Cardinals win it won't upset me.  They are a good team too and Warner is...
    quinn esq's picture

    Dave Letterman, Bill Hicks, Truth & Reconciliation

    Back in 1993, David Letterman cut a comedian's performance from his show. Apparently because the guy made some jokes about pro-lifers.Last night, Letterman had the comedian's mother on his show, and he... apologized to her. Repeatedly. Talked to her for...
