The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture

    A Valentine's Day Card--no sloppy poetry, guaranteed

    At 9:00 sharp this morning my blood pressure returned to normal and my mood improved considerably.  My local NPR station's Valentine's Day Fund Drive was over.  It would be a year until I would be urged to send a significant...

    My New York Story

    So here's my story:

    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XVIII)

    A MYSTERY PART DEAUX    The morning always comes sooner when you cogitate through most of the night.  Sir Rathbone really attempted to fit all the clues into some paradigm over his favorite scotch and this new vice from Asia he...
    jollyroger's picture

    Doubts about evolution? Surrender your registration--you are too dumb to vote.

    This is so profoundly depressing. As a special cultural event co-incident with the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birth, we are treated to a veritable blizzard of news so disturbing as to beggar belief. Reading the instant report, purporting to show...

    We Need to Fix The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) BEFORE We Develop a National Electronic Medical Records Database UPDATED!

    We need to move carefully in establishing a national electronic medical records database, since there really are serious problems as it stands now with healthcare records privacy. The fairly recent Privacy Rule (2006) established under The Health Insurance Portability and...
    oleeb's picture

    A Bicentennial Minute

    Today marks 200 years since the birth of Abraham Lincoln.  Quite a milestone.  What a happy coincidence that this great American's long shadow casts itself on the American scene at this time!  Our country could do much worse than to always...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XVII)

    THE DEATH OF LAGAMOR, A MYSTERY IN PARTSSnerf was walking his rounds again with Macaca, his trusty monkey.  I wish I was back with the peasantry. I so dislike the aristocracy. The peasants are revolting, the peasants are revolting.I am...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Why Are the Democrats Letting Franken Twist in the Wind?

    The election took place on November 4th, 2008.  It was always close.  It remains close, with about 200 votes out of MANY still in Franken's favor.  Weekends passed with normal people checking out ballots.  Their conclusions were evaluated by a...
    Richard Day's picture


     One day, after meandering the forest to find scrub wood from its plentiful floor, I looked down and espied a small toad clinging for life next to a tree.  It was the last month of winter and I could hear...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XVI)

    THE TRIAL OF KAYProceed with jury selection counselor, said the King.You are Sir Lagamor of Caerleon? Asked Bedivere, chief prosecutor.Yes, Sir.Do you know Sir Kay, the defendant in this matter?I know of him.  That is, ten years ago I challenged...
    acanuck's picture

    Hillary's role at State at stake

    Dick Morris may be, as some suggest, a dick. But in this item, he rightly points out how Hillary's role at State is being circumscribed. I'd add in the fact that, after leaking repeatedly that he was going to...
    amike's picture

    Poor, Poor, Rich Folks (Really)

    Reading TheraP's most interesting post, "how much is too much" the other day reminded me about something I've felt nearly all my life.  Rags to riches stories have never inspired me.  Sorry Horatio Alger, not a single one of your...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XV)

    Senor Eduardo and the Moor arrived at Joyous Gard, in Cornwall in pretty good time and in pretty good shape. Now let me do all the talking Sir Palidan said.  Who goes there? Cried the Palace Guard from the turret....
    CVille Dem's picture

    Open Thread -- Obama's Presser 2/9/09

    So far, I am truly impressed. Comments!!!...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XIV)

    Meanwhile, back at CamelotTwo lines queued to the Grand Living Room, all the way around the castle and across the moat.It was the annual, Old Stuff Road Show.  The traveling experts on old stuff came across the Channel to Camelot...
    Barth's picture

    What the president meant

    I generally put new posts here on Saturdays, the only day I can really spend writing things for which I do not get paid.  With not much time for writing here today, I will let a few presidents do my...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XIII)

    Lancelot awoke on a wooden bed stuffed with straw and covered with animal skins.  His room had two beds and a window.  He attempted to rise.Ooooooh, that hurts.  He managed to get to the window anyway to peruse his new...
    stillidealistic's picture

    The America I Love

    This is not the America I love. The acrimony, the partisanship, the "I'd rather we destroy the country than see this President be successful" attitude. The America I love is not filled with people who lie cheat and steal to...
    jollyroger's picture

    A-Rod Busted! Youth learn lesson: " 'Anonymous test, samples destroyed' my ass"

    Those among us (and there are few...) who went to our *last live ball game at Ebbets Field, we who hate the Yankees more than Satan and all his works, will be rejoicing at the immanent disappearance of Alex Rodrigues...
    Barth's picture

    The Consequences of Our Failures

    In July, 2007, we watched the debates in the United States Senate over the progress in Iraq and was struck by the huge gulf between the views of the elected representatives and that of those they represented. That "disconnect" as...
    Richard Day's picture

    The End of Parity

    "What executives have done is troubling, but it's equally troubling to have government telling shareholders how much they can pay the executives," said Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL). HUFPO-TODAY Why is it that every time I see an issue become part...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XII)

                                              Meanwhile, back at Camelot...The King of the Roundish Table was firm enough after his catastrophe a fortnight before, to meander down to the great living room. When I say meander, I mean that he went very slowly because...
    oleeb's picture

    Centrists and Republicans to America: Drop Dead!

    Now that we have seen just exactly what the influence of the centrists in the Senate has been on the stimulus bill, it is clear that the bill is much worse than when it arrived in the Senate and if...

    NIH research open access policy threatened

    Here's an interesting bit that seems to have slipped through the cracks in all this economic panic.  It seems a rather important policy is under bipartisan attack.The National Institutes of Health, which funds the majority of biomedical research in...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XI)

    Introibo ad Altari DeiSo the morning Mass began. Lancelot was beside himself with a grief gnawing at his chivalrous soul.  Gwenivere had said goodby. He was now alone as he had almost always been, only this time there was a...
