by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I am watching Doc_Martin
It is a BBC series that I got stuck on a number of months ago.
Then it was over and I forgot about it.
Netflix okays another year (2011) and by accident I hit the wrong button and I am back into it again.
Doc Martin is about 6'7” and has the steel gonads of a man who never really admitted to another human being a feeling he ever experienced. Hahahaha
It is so fun to watch him in this small village located in Cornwall, where he never wished to be, having to duck every frickin time he enters a building. Haaahhahahahaha
The show is delightful.
At the end of the 2010 season, Doc Martin was headed for London.
He had 'knocked up' a local—I mean this guy does not even masturbate—and the woman wishes nothing to do with a guy who feels nothing. Or at least he pretends to feel nothing.
Well he returns to the old locality from London as the new season begins and he finds out that he has a baby. A brand new frickin baby a few days old.
And his aunt dies—his only other link to humanity.
The Doc sees the babe and is captivated.
He runs to the local druggist and grabs the naps and the other accouterments to aid the mother in her search for tranquility and ….
Anyway, the idiot who has taken his post as municipal doctor in place of Martin is flailing and failing and...
So he ends up getting a two month sabbatical and stuck dealing with local health problems and then...
How in the fuck do I end up finding this crap endearing?
Because Seany shows up with Ashley and Noela.
And we go to dinner in beautiful downtown Virginia, Minnesota (the old downtown that almost looks like storefronts witnessed in some John Wayne movie with 1/3 of the storefronts closed for good.)
There are two Chinese restaurants and one Vietnamese restaurant within a 6 block radius of me!
Besides these culinary centers we have two delis and probably 7 bars. Hahahahah
Anyway, I had a chance to discuss things with Noela as she sat looking at me in her special carriage during dinner.
It's me.
Grampa Day! Ha
So a priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar and...
All of a sudden the barkeep looks up and inquires:
(An old Hitchens ruse; I know, but Hitchens stole the joke anyway!)
BUT SHE LAUGHED! Hahahahhahahah
Of course she was most probably at 3 months simply laughing at the single ugliest personage she has ever seen!
Mama has her baby bag with her and she pulls out a bottle filled with milk taken from Mama's breast.
I do not have any idea which breast.
The idea is that Mama can eat whilst Seany interrupts his meal to feed the little bugger.
Well over the next hour these two kids exchange this baby more times than a quarterback exchanges footballs during a switcheroo along with two fakes.
When Mama figures she cannot feed Seany whilst he feeds the baby she takes Noela and feeds her the rest of the bottle as the baby is held next to her breast. The right one!
This is just delightful to watch.
I am a sucker for this kind of thing.
The couple, who are isolated from all kin who reside up north in these parts, have developed these protocols for dealing with the newbie. Hahahahaha
He had to change jobs due to corporate switcheroos and therefore their residence changed by approximately 30 miles—they are in St. Louis Park now.
But his new apartment (rent reduced due to his corporate position) is down the hall from his new office.
He had to change jobs and relocate just after having their baby. Which is why I had to wait to see my granddaughter until she reached the age of 3 months.
Mama is beautiful but you know what got to me?
My son has these huge hands. He also is extremely muscular having fallen in love with weights decades before. But those hands...
When he picks up Noela you can barely see Noela. Hahahaha
I am not sure why, but this one physical characteristic never got to me before this.
Mama, mama, mama.
You forget.
Babies really say: Mama, mama, mama....
I asked all these questions of the parents while pretending to be less inquisitive.
So this is what I found out.
Mama has never taken her eyes off of Noela since the baby was born with one exception.
Ashley left the babe with her Mama for two hours during a ride while they were up here. Hahahahaha
You forget.
At least I forget so much.
Babies cannot be left alone. Ever. Haahahah
It is quite a task to raise a baby.
In the law we have this 'reasonable man standard'.
There is nothing 'reasonable' with regard to raising babies; especially in their first six months or so.
Anyway, Mama tells me that baby sleeps through the night just fine and Mama gets the rest needed.
During a normal 24 hour period in the Cities, Mama is just down the hall from where Daddy works and all is good!
Just as an aside, both parents are constantly groping the poor child's private parts making sure that a diaper change is not imminent. hahahahaha
I don't know. I was just struck by how the 'team' works together. It is a fun thing to watch.
We need teams to raise our babies for chrissakes!
Oh and Grampa raised his voice to make some point and the baby reacted like she had heard gunshots. Hahahahahaha
I'm sorry, I told her. She relaxed.
Seany had to hear that kind of reaction from me for 18 years straight. Haahhahahahahah
Seany was used to it but I am not sure Mama was.
We finished up and we took a walk around this monumental town.
There is the Library. There, right next to the Library are three attached buildings representing k-12.
We are walking Noela down the spectacular lanes surrounding our monumental downtown areas and she loves it in her stroller.
All whining has stopped. Of course Seany notes that there is some spittle on Noela's strap and dutifully stops to wipe it off.
You are 24; right Ashley?
Well, yes but I will be 25 in a month.
I look at Sean and I note that when she is 37 she will never inform someone that she is about to be 38. hahahahahahahahah
Ashley has finished school and has her BA in teaching.
What a total fantasy this is.
This baby is headed for greatness!
I told Ashley that the one thing Sean worried about more than anything else (before his baby was born) in his life was his car.
So she can be assured that baby will be taken care of.
Oh but when Noela spit up in his car, he appeared to be totally upset.
Yeah, but sometimes our true aims in life seem to conflict with each other.
A hermit is sometimes drawn back into humanity.
Anyway, I am caught up once again in this Doc Martin series.
He holds his baby with these giant hands.
And he is unable to flee to other parts once he meets his baby.
But I think that sentimentality gives one purpose.
The end
Okay, Richard Day, if I promise to watch this Doc Martin thing on Netflix will you get out of the doorway and come inside and sit down? Because that is the most beautiful, nutty, adorable story I've read since the days when you told these kinds of stories and we begged for more. (We did beg for more, didn't we? If we didn't we should have.)
I've missed you, my friend.
by Ramona on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 7:17pm
Oh babies just get to me!
But when I am with this baby....well it is so real!
I was caught staring at Ashley.
I had to underline that I was just looking at her ears--as well as my son's ears--and all the while touching Noela's ears.
Babies can give us HOPE!
Maybe, just maybe, babies are the only real hope we have!
by Richard Day on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 8:31pm
Oh dday, this made me laugh and tear up a bit. It's obvious you are in love with this tiny bundle of pure joy. (Keep baby away from parrot for sure!)
Well 'grampa dickiday', so glad you are here and how fitting that it is the first day of the DNC convention! We need you - your awards along with your wit, warmth and 'outrageous outrage' have been sorely missed.
Thanks for sharing and please, keep posting and commenting.
by Aunt Sam on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 7:20pm
Oh Auntie.
This baby is so damned pretty. hahahahah
Mama, mama, mama.
Another three months, and my son does not believe this, but it will be Dada, dada, dada!
Especially if he keeps up his end of the bargain!
by Richard Day on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 8:40pm
I hereby give you the Q-ward, Q-warded from all of us to all of you, for no other goddamn reason than that... YOU'RE BACK!
And thank God for that. Things had - basically - fallen to shit. Things were bad, Dick.
How bad, you ask?
Well, things were so bad they had some clown on here with a blog going on about.... green stuff. GREEN STUFF, I tell you. Might as well have force Soylent Green on the readership.
Anyway, thank God we've seen the end of that.
As for your topic, well.... let's just say we had the first grandbaby amongst my sibs this past year. He's a big 'un, too. Big, blond, walking at 10 months, climbin', thievin', chawin'.
And they named him..... QUINN.
Ok, fair enough, the name was after my brother, the proper grand-daddy, but still.... a new Quinn in this world!
"Ha," says I to the happy parental units, "with a name like that, the kid's BOUND to be a prick."
They're religious as hell too, so they don't like it much when I talk like that.
Good to see you back, Dick.
by quinn esq on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 10:54pm
Mama is sooooo pretty and seems to be so quiet and polite.
She asked where the changing table was and the Asian girl said:
So Mama tells Sean that they will use a booth on the other side of the restaurant and that was that! hahahahah
Sean has found a leader. hahahahahah
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 12:13am
Lovely to read the update on the brand new Day. Beautiful name, Noela. Lucky Grandpa.
by wabby on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 11:30pm
Brand New Day.
by Richard Day on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 11:51pm
God, I've missed you, DD. Yeah, I know I found you on that other site, but I've missed seeing you here. This is a beautiful story, and your segue from Doc Martin to your grand-daughter was sublime. You put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye ... and if you stick a finger in my ear, you'll hit the trifecta. ... (Sorry, that punch-line just typed itself.)
by MrSmith1 on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 11:52pm
Punch lines?
I actually received the best reception for one of my punch lines from Noela!
Isn't that a great name?
Mama told me they found it in a book of baby names!
A new start!
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 12:16am
by jollyroger on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 1:11am
Hiatus is right next to the Dominican Republic, right?
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 1:43am
Indeed, and Sean Penn is the unofficial mayor of Hiatus, which is heaven to a Minnesotan on February.
by jollyroger on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 4:24am
This will probably get lost in the clamoring crowd, but I see a bunch of Dayly lines in here and they're all good. Very good. Very, very good.
by Ramona on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 9:25am
Hey, Arthur! Sounds like you're enjoying grandparenthood as much as I am! Good for you!
by stillidealistic on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 1:45am
We see pix every day Stilli.
But damn, the real thing is something else.
And when a baby is loved and cared for; it is wondrous!
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 3:01am
by cmaukonen on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 4:25pm
You know it is something; I mean a child can take away so much noise!
Of course you must listen!
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 8:24pm
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 09/08/2012 - 10:18pm
Every see the relationship between 'daughter' and 'laughter'? ha
James Joyce recalled his first memory at age two or three whilst hiding under a kitchen table; I recalled being on a train (although how I would have any idea what a train was is beyond me!)
I betchya that in your case, those kids have to report their homework!
by Richard Day on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 3:27pm
Every see the relationship between 'daughter' and 'laughter'? ha
James Joyce recalled his first memory at age two or three whilst hiding under a kitchen table; I recalled being on a train (although how I would have any idea what a train was is beyond me!)
I betchya that in your case, those kids have to report their homework!
by Richard Day on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 3:42pm