The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    Move the shoe to America!

    I just saw the following short news item on yahoo. I propose moving the sculpture to America.  In fact, why not just make copies and place them in ever major city in the United States to show our solidarity with...
    Barth's picture


    In one of the endless number of great West Wing episodes, the biblical story of the shibboleth comes front and center as only WW could do. The point of this diary is not to repeat that story, or its West...

    Social Security Reform

    The Republicans want "Social Security reform" to solidify and make permanent the tax gains they achieved in the 1980s and under Bush the lesser.  The Social Security Trust Fund surplus, generated by increases in the payroll tax passed in the 1980s, has made the massive tax reductions for the wealthy possible.  Surprisingly, the wealthy are so greedy they do not want to share this money with the rest of us.

    Michael Wolraich's picture


    Hello dagsters. Several weeks ago, longtime dag reader California Paige suggested that dagblog should add a "reader comment interface." I was very keen on this suggestion and enthusiastically promoted it to the whole dag crew. The whole dag crew was open to the idea, but some of us were troubled by the fact that we didn't know what a reader comment interface was. So we scratched our virtual heads and engaged in a tedious semantic debate over the term "interface" until Orlando came up with the brilliant idea of asking Paige what she meant.

    Bipartisanship, the Stimulus Bill, and Dealing with Bad-Faith Hill Republicans

    Oversimplifying somewhat, there are two basic reasons for the White House and the Democratic Congressional leadership to be open to accepting ideas/requests for changes from individual or groups of Congressional Republicans to a bill they are trying to move....
    CVille Dem's picture

    Two For Two: Podesta Answers My Question about Single-Payer -- It's Off The Table

    Thanks to all who went over to yesterday and rec'd my question.  It was ranked as 3rd.  When Podesta answered it (about half-way into the first screen), the answer is clear.  The Health Care proposal coming out of this...
    amike's picture

    Who is the brightest, most charismatic Progressive in Ohio 8?

    One of the frustrating things about our federal system is when one's own state has a fine set of Senators and Congressmen one feels helpless in the face of bull-headed intransigence elected elsewhere.  I watched Minority Leader John Boehner, sourer...

    I take it back (update).

    Well, I'm embarrassed to say that our new democratic congressperson in Idaho is one of the 11 who voted against the stimulus package.  I'm not sure what this means for my long-term support of the man, but today I am...
    CVille Dem's picture

    These Ads Are Hurting My Eyes!

    Ok, Am I the only person who cringes every time I click on anywhere here at TPM, and either see hideous abdominal flab staring back at me, or contrasting yellow next to amazingly white (but both unappealing) teeth?Yuk!  Yuk! Yuk!...
    Barth's picture

    Rabbit Remembered

    Josh's postI never met Ted Williams and never met John Updike.  They are somewhat intertwined in my head, of course, because of this essay from 1960, republished in the Boston Globe on the occasion of Williams' death.Now Updike has passed...
    oleeb's picture

    We'll Need More Than Tighter State Standards to Reduce Greenhouse Gases: We Need Zero Emissions Vehicles

    I'm glad to see the President moving quickly to allow the states to establish their own tighter emissions standards.  It's a good initial step toward combatting climate change, but it's a relatively small step.  We need much, much more if...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    From the Archive: Remember When Banking Industry Was Regulated?

    In a photo taken during the pre-Reagan era when banking activities were closely monitored and regulated, we see Banking Industry mogul Jesse James auditing accounts receivable in his inbox under the watchful eyes of the regulators....
    ClosetLuddite's picture

    In defense of war

    There is (and Kant backs me up on this) justifiable war. There are things that misguided societies decide for one reason or another are correct that are so far from just and right that it becomes the moral obligation...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Paulson, Geithner & Friends "Gang Up" On Economy

    I could hardly believe what I was hearing when this financial crisis first broke. Our Treasury Secretary issued a quick response, offering a three-page solution that required immediate application to be successful. Among its points: He needed to have singular...
    wws's picture

    What Will You Do to Serve?

    President Obama wants each of us to contribute -- to give what we know to what we care about.What I know about is art, architecture and design. What I care about is: a) greening the globe without further delay; b)...
    jollyroger's picture

    Just following orders...

    Coming full circle, Israel would now offer, as an excuse for the war crimes committed by it’s agents, the formulaic Nazi excuse that failed to forestall the hanging of *Eichmann. It is impossible to listen to even ten minutes of...
    stillidealistic's picture

    On-line Dating Services (just pretend this is a liberal version of the eclectic WSJ)

    I know...on line dating services....sorta plays into the contention by one unnamed person that the new demographics here are older, female and, from the Midwest, so the content is getting to be a little irrelevant, but since many of...
    Barth's picture

    The State We are In

    By all rights, this week should be a celebration of the return of our nation to its role as the beacon of liberty and freedom throughout the world. We all know people, or stories of people, born in other countries...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Kathie Olsen "burrows" into TPM ...

    That creepy picture of Bush appointee / Stepford GOPer, Kathie Olsen has become a fixture of TPM's front page ... (Her eyes seem to follow you wherever you go in the room and from whatever angle you view her image!...
    acanuck's picture

    Gaza war fallout: Abbas is toast

    There are lots of tactical, political, strategic and diplomatic lessons to be drawn from the Gaza "war."  But there is one crucial conclusion President Obama must grasp for his Mideast peace efforts to stand any chance of success: Palestinian "President" Mahmoud Abbas is...
    stillidealistic's picture

    What Is It With Rich People?

    Why is it that so many people with more money than God have a seeming inability to pay their fair share of taxes? It's almost as if when your bank balance reaches a certain level, the integrity portion of your...

    Presuming Bush Innocent: A Thought Experiment

    This is a "what if" post, not a defense of George W. Bush's record.But clobber me if you're the kind that thinks I shouldn't be allowed to ponder out loud. Call me a troll, though a quick review of my...
    mageduley's picture

    We are guilty of torture in our name! Bush admits crimes.

    .msnbcLinks {font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;} .msnbcLinks a {text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px;} .msnbcLinks a:link, .msnbcLinks a:visited {color: #5799db !important;} .msnbcLinks a:hover, .msnbcLinks a:active...
    amike's picture

    Reconstruct Education by De-constructing Schools

    Things move quickly at TPM Cafe.  A day or so I was reading a blog entry by cmaukonen entitled Some "Stringy" Money for Education.  As often happens, the post entered my subconscious and percolated there a  bit, until it bubbled...

    Please Rec This Post (No, Not THIS One)

    THIS ONE View the video and be amazed....
