by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have a premise. I’ve spent months working on it while riveted to the television and internet, watching the 2012 Presidential campaign develop like an origami snake - one pointed crease and sharp fold at a time.
I’m certainly not the first person to ask themselves what vicious trick Fortuna is playing on us now. It can’t just be me who watches these GOP debates and thinks that scraping the bottom of the Republican barrel doesn’t even come close to describing what we are witnessing as a Nation.
I cringe when I imagine what the world at large thinks of the line-up of Unusual Suspects vying to be President of the United States. It’s that same feeling I had every time George W. Bush came out to the podium to speak during his two terms in office. I wasn’t sure what gaffe he would commit next, how many times in one conversation he’d mispronounce the word ‘nuclear’ and on which foreign land he’d declare war next. I just knew that anything was possible and I spent eight years popping Tums.
He seemed, to me, a shelter puppy who'd suddenly found himself in a new home with lots of carpet to pee on; wide-eyed, shocked to be there, and ready to rip into a juicy bone. Good thing for him he had multiple puppet-masters like Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney - who clearly played the part of middle finger.
I’ve had to break out the chewable antacid pills again as I ponder the current crop of GOP contenders and consider the possibility that one of them could eventually become President of the United States.
Consider Rick Perry: from his disturbing and seemingly drunken, rambling speech in New Hampshire, to his debate performance in Michigan where he drew a blank while trying to name the third federal agency he would abolish if elected president. It was painful to watch. I felt sorry for the guy, but I’m sure pity isn’t the emotion he was going for. Just trying to imagine this guy in talks with foreign officials gives me heart palpitations.
Then there’s Herman Cain; the King of the ridiculous 9-9-9 plan that would assure the top 1% will continue to benefit while the rest of us 99%’ers would be pushed further to the bottom of the pile. Now the former pizza magnate and motivational speaker - who is backed by the strong arm of the Koch brothers and their Americans for Prosperity - is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal. But despite the drip, drip, drip of accusers, Herman continues to operate from atop a pedestal of righteous indignation.
I’m going to skip right over Ron Paul and Rick Santorum because while Ron has that crazy Grandpappy vibe and I sort of enjoy him, Rick is so far to the right he’s almost invisible at this point. There’s no way in Hades either of these guys will get anywhere close to being the nominee and they both know it. It seems they’re just there for the free food in the many media green room pit-stops. Or perhaps they both enjoy hearing themselves speak.
I can think of no other reasonable explanation for them continuing to travel the country, flushing contributor dollars down the toilet by the fist-full. My suggestion to both of them is to throw in the towel and donate the rest of the cash in their coffers to their favorite charities. It would do far more good in the grand scheme of things.
Michelle Bachmann continually rails against entitlements and big government, but she and her family have benefited greatly from land subsidies and federal monies for her business. That is disingenuous at best... insidious at worst. And consider this statement: “Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”
I wonder what she’d say to one of her constituents who relies on food stamps as the only thing standing between him and starvation because he was laid off a year ago and cannot find a job in this economy. Ditto the other 13.9 million people like him, all trying to scoop water off the bow of the Titanic with soup spoons.
I further wonder why nobody has the cahones to publicly call her on this statement. At not one of these debates do the moderators seem intent on actually holding these debaters feet to the fire. Repeatedly, the GOP contenders are asked a question and repeatedly they do not answer that question, but circle around to their talking point of the day, which invariably begins with them waxing poetic about feeling our collective pain regarding the economic disaster and massive job loss, and ending with Obama’s failed policies being the cause of it all. No mention, of course, of how that pile of guano ended up on the President’s desk in the first place. Nor have any of them suggested that the GOP stranglehold via their Congressional amigos might have something to do with our inability to rectify the jobs situation.
Why are these debate moderators and media pundits not asking direct questions and demanding they get a direct answers? At this point the word debate has become a joke, along with most of the media coverage - and all one has to do to see that is spend a little time on Twitter, Facebook, and any number of social networking sites and blogs.
The general consensus: there is no debate going on. It’s a recurring sideshow-esque reality show featuring actors with virtually no accountability - and in some cases, no conscience.
But the sideshow continues…
Newt Gingrich and Mitt “Flip Flop” Romney appear to be the least problematic of the bunch, politically speaking, though neither of these men meet with anything other than tepid reactions from possible voters, pundits, and their own GOP party members. Probably because they’ve both been around long enough for everyone to have decided they’re not anyone's first choice. Or even their second one... both in his own way like a document run through the photocopier one too many times; a tired image of what might have been… if only. And there are a lot of “if onlys” for both men.
Which brings me to my premise.
What I’ve outlined above is a collection of undesirable contenders no more able to successfully lead this nation than my albino frog, Humbert Humbert.
We must also take into account all of the forces behind the scenes: the Brothers Koch pulling the purse strings of Herman Cain as well as plunging their grubby paws into any political fight that serves them personally; Grover Norquist holding an entire governing body of lawmakers hostage due to a Tax Reform pledge penned and signed over a decade ago.
For heaven’s sake, Grover. I have a kid who’s gone from diapers to big boy undies and is almost out of elementary school in that amount time. Am I to assume that I shouldn’t adjust the particulars of his daily care and rearing based on the circumstances of today rather than ten years ago when he surfed out of my who-ha on a tidal wave of amniotic fluid and only required a clean nappy and a bottle milk to keep him content?
Cue the gaggle of Grand Ole’ Partiers like Mitch McConnell and his cronies, all bent on seeing our sitting president as a one-termer, and what we have is a recipe for a bilious stew of governmental gridlock; self-sustaining dysfunction with no end in sight.
But perhaps that’s the intent. At least from the perspective of the congressional GOP. Imagine, for a moment, if there was effectively no pesky POTUS to get in the way of the daily Senate and House shenanigans. Imagine a United States where the President was a puppet for Congress; a figurehead bought and paid for to do their bidding. A leader who was just ineffective enough to bow to every demand of whichever party held the most seats in Congress - a group of lawmakers who change the rules when it’s convenient for them; when it’s politically convenient and skirts around silly little issues like simple majority votes cast.
I don’t see anyone in the current line up of Republican contenders who, if President, would have the mettle to effectively do the job, or stones big enough to stand up to Congress when the need arose.
And I suspect that certain members of the House and Senate don’t either. Only to them, that’s a good thing.
Meanwhile, we the American people are strapped to Fortuna’s wheel and can only hope she does not crush us beneath her spokes.
I hereby render unto Ms. Decker the Dayly Blog Title of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of her from all of me. hahahaah
This is good summary of what I have seen anyway!
by Richard Day on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 5:29pm
I second that. Good one, Jeni.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 6:14pm
by Jeni Decker on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:24pm
Richard, you're agreeing with me? I have written this date and time down and will remember it always.![devil devil](
All of me,
by Jeni Decker on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:06pm
It’s a recurring sideshow-esque reality show featuring actors with virtually no accountability - and in some cases, no conscience.
It is taken as an article of faith by the media, those on the right of the political spectrum, and is often unassertively accepted by many on the left, that Republicans are never accountable for the consequences any action they take, statement they make, or crimes they commit. Those in the GOP Base, however, have an almost brobdingnagian capacity to remember every real or imagined transgression of every Democrat dating back decades, especially any that involved President Clinton.
Hopefully, more voters may be coming around to the fact that the GOP has not done a damn thing in recent decades beyond lining themselves up to try to win the next election. They don't know what the problems are this country faces, they don't really care what the problems are, and even if they did, they don't know how to do their ostensible job in government, fixing those problems. Most of the time what they do just makes things worse.
by NCD on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 6:54pm
...they don't care...
You know, it's only recently that I've come to that conclusion. Certainly not by all Republicans, but by a fistful who are calling the shots. And it's a shame because whatever your political leanings, you want to at LEAST think those in office, in both parties, do care about America and Americans - even if what's coming out of their mouth RE:policy isn't something you agree with. You want to believe that whatever they are, lawmakers are there on our behalf.
Clearly this isn't always the case and that's a real shame.
by Jeni Decker on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:32pm
I was kind of hoping to see the outlines of the newest musical to hit off-off-Broadway. I mean isn't this the opening of the Republican National Convention this year?
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 8:37pm
We kid, but... seriously - with this motley crew ANYTHING could happen! I still maintain the entire GOP line up (well except Ron Paul and Rick Santorum) will be on The Apprentice next year. Ditto Palin.
by Jeni Decker on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:23pm
And we blink and then we are saying "Well, I disagreee with President Santorum's position on this matter."
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:40pm
Wonderful! And I just finished reading "A Confederacy of Dunces." I was discussing the book with a friend, and he said, "You are reading it for the first time? I really envy you." What greater compliment for a book could ever be given?
A humble haiku:
Fortuna watches:
We continue to stumble
We NEED a thinker
Any chance you could get this published where people other than in the choir could see? Great Job!
by CVille Dem on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 8:47pm
You know, I only read it for the first time this year! It's one of those titles that you hear all the time and you know you should read - and as a humor writer, it's almost a sacrilege to have not read it... but I somehow hadn't.
Only when a fellow writer used a reference to it in a review of one of my works-in-progress, did I decide to order a copy. He said the protagonist of my story was 'Ignatius J. Reilly on steroids'... so of course I had to find out what the fuss was about. But I have to say, it's a book I know I'll read again... and probably again. So many little gems lurking in there that sneak up on you.
I agree with you - what your friend said about the book is probably one of the best compliments a writer could get and one only hopes that wherever Toole is now, he's privy to it because he certainly didn't get enough credit for his writing while he was alive.
Love the haiku!![yes yes](
by Jeni Decker on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 9:16pm
It's not the clowns on stage you should be worrying about. It's all the Bozos in the audience demanding those on stage give them the vaudeville act we're having to watch. They're also the same Bozos the current GOPer class of clowns are acting out their political fantasies for.
To be truthful, the GOP has a political position of our way or no way and their base supports them 100%. Faced with such hared-nosed opposition, it seems the only option available would be to let the government come to a stand-still until the GOPer's decide they need to cooperate and compromise.
The problem is ... who gets the blame when the public is impacted?
by Beetlejuice on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 10:42pm
Thought of the week!
by Richard Day on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 10:56pm
...who gets the blame when the public is impacted?
The list includes almost everyone.... except Republicans. Circle all correct answers:
a. liberals
b. liberal media
c. Clinton, Barney Frank, Obama
d. job killing regulations and taxes
e. the French
f. lazy unemployed leeches
g. guvment, unless run by Republicans
h. illegals
i. EPA
j. Pelosi
k. baby killers
l. teacher's unions and tenured faculty
m. greedy global government climate change scamming scientists
n. people who hate America ______________ (fill in the blank)
o. anybody but Republicans
by NCD on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 2:27pm
We have Obama's bipartisan approach to thank.
by Beetlejuice on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 10:15pm
Obama really needs to show some backbone going into 2012, especially in skewering the Rethugs on millionaires taxes.
Has everyone seen Newt's plan to fire unionized JANITORS and replace them with 9-14 year old children?
Talk about 99%, the GOP candidates and a very large percentage of US voters are 99% nuts. We must remember that last fact when recognizing what Obama is up against.
by NCD on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 10:30pm
OK, that's funny. On top of the whole situation being a high comedy of farce ... you guys so consistently and *earnestly* missing the joke adds such an ironically surreal patina over the whole thing - it really is quite the masterpiece. GOPers do it also ... but the condescending arrogance with which Democrats dismiss their own failure as a product of the stupidity of others is pretty unique.
So, your theory is that Obama can't accomplish a damn thing he promised because a "very large percentage" of voters ... who overwhelmingly elected him, along with an historic majority of Democrats ... are 99% nuts. Can't make this shit up.
Wonder how Obama raking in so many donations from millionaires will figure in to his aggressive stance on a millionaire's taxes? Can't have class war now, can we? Those are the job creators after all.
Maybe the only correct person to blame for Obama being damn near a total failure is Obama himself. Ever consider that? He's not running against the GOP. He's running against his own hype ... and failure to even try and live up to it.
Also, like so many quizzes of it's ilk, your multiple-choice above really poses a trick question ... the Democrats have never actually mustered the huevos to make a stand and give America the opportunity to show you who we'd blame if there were some short-term negative impacts in a drag-out fight to advance worthy goals. Bearing in mind the New-Democrat ethos demands embracing entirely negative outcomes and calling them awesome in the name of incremental "progress" anyway (under the apparent theory that if we head in the wrong direction for long enough one will make it around the globe and end up closer to the desired destination sooner or later) ... as far as the increasing citizenry living in the not-quite-as-great-anymore side of America is concerned, it really is six in one hand half dozen in the other. Net result Obama has simply made you guys look like total losers who'll let yourselves get pushed around on *anything* as long as he can claim "held hostage." Considering how much Americans traditionally favor those they see as strong, it seems difficult to go out looking much lamer than that. So when you get done with your pity-party, as far as the dynamic you are truly faced with goes ... there really isn't much of anyone to blame that on but your own damn selves.
Which really kind of makes getting all those donations afterwards from wealthy contributors who traditionally give deep support those who theoretically "held Obama hostage" one of those quirky mysteries ... are they paying him so much for sucking so badly at politics to their benefit .... or is he sucking so badly at politics to their benefit because they are paying him so much?
by Lazy KGB (not verified) on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 3:00am
Take a circle and caress it, and it turns vicious.
by PeraclesPlease (not verified) on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 5:06am