GotToBeMe's picture

    Flush Bigotry, Restore Sanity

    Flush Bigotry, Restore Sanity

    I wished I could be at the Rally to Restore Sanity (Washington D.C.)in two weeks but I can only make a sign and hope that it would be there in spirit!

    Crossposted at

    Artwork 2010©

    For more Political Cartoons, sketches or just thoughts visit Kaveh Adel's Art & Humanity Blog


    Is that Bill O'Reilly?

    Yes. :)

    I see Bill Orally, but who is on the left?


    Well lucky me, Denver CO is having a satellite rally and I will be able to be there for at least part of it.  It will be streamed live on comedy central.  We will be united across the country wherever we are.

    I am going to the Rally and I still haven't come up with a sign.  Can someone come up with a few suggestions?  It will have to be simple text only, no time for drawing.

    well played!

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