by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
For the first time I think we've got a chance.
" We" being those of us who want to see Obama preside over the implementation of Obamacare. Could happen, now,
Until now I've felt our goose was Koched: the overwhelming financial advantage Romney will enjoy would be used to "Harry & Louise" or "Swiftboating" Obama..
Personally I once had the experience of being prepped by one of those famous Mad Ave firms to appear on a morning talk show. In 8 hours they (temporarily) converted me from my normal Klutzness into some one who won the contest. "Well XXX.won this one "was the sour comment of the aide who accompanied my opponent. Not because I had somehow developed unsuspected skills. But because they so thoroughly prepared me for every possible question, and so shaped my "presentation" -when to lean forward, how to nod my head- that I was temporarily a convincing advocate for a fairly weak case.
Those skills which have been used to convince us that Budweiser tastes good would be used to convince us that our lives would be better under Romney than under Barack.
Now I think we've got a shot. Mitt didn't pick a Rubio who could have guaranteed Florida, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. Or a Haley or that woman from New Hampshire who could have given him 5 additional points among woman.
He's picked the equivalent of the Grinche who stole Christmas.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I don't think the republicans care who the presidential or VP candidates are as long as they can fire up enough of their base to make their extensive cheats and dirty tricks planned to help them steal the election look good.
I don't think most people are paying enough attention to what is going on with all of the id laws, purges, registration tactics, and polling place games that have been put in place in order to give the republicans a huge advantage in the election.
I already will not believe it will be legitimate if Romney is elected in November. There is no way I possible could.
Unless the democrats can pull off a huge, gigantic turnout with big enough numbers to overcome all of their cheats around the country we don't stand a chance...
And they seem to plan to make sure people will have long lines and other restrictions to make it really uncomfortable for democrats to vote in many states this year.
by synchronicity on Sat, 08/11/2012 - 5:52pm
I'd like to think Obama has a team ,or teams- state by state - to do whatever can be done to combat this on election day
And that they're rehearsing that now
. It can't be solved nationwide nor is it worth trying to reduce Romney's margin in Mississippi. But there are X number of precincts in maybe 8 swing states where,predictably , the Republicans will attempt to suppress the democratic vote and in some cases will do so clearly illegally.
How about having MSNBC standing by at 8 am to interview some black professors who were stopped from voting in , say .South Carolina..Enough coverage early Nov 6th might deter the vote suppressors in Nevada.Might even swing some undecided voters.
by Flavius on Mon, 08/13/2012 - 7:44am