The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    In Spite Of It All...

    Don't know what happened to the rest of my post on the last we go again...I’ve got goose bumps on my goose bumps after hearing Obama’s speech in Berlin.  ...
    stillidealistic's picture

    In Spite of it All...

    I’ve got goose bumps on my goose bumps after hearing Obama’s speech in Berlin.  ...

    Rachel Sklar's Answer to My TPM Post

    By Chris PowersMy identity is revealed above for the sake of transparency and also because I decided to call Rachel Sklar's bluff.Rachel, one of the bigwig bloggers at Huffington Post, served up a horribly knee-jerk attack on Barack Obama with...

    With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemas?

    Hint: Keep reading, you'll love my ending.Following up on Gary Cohen's post, I decided to register my complaint to Rachel Sklar about her hit piece at HuffPo under the headline "Obama's Revenge: New Yorker Reporter Banned From Press Plane For...

    Lieberman Becomes Zell Miller

    Barack Obama is prepared to accept defeat in Iraq, Sen. Joe Lieberman said today on Fox News Sunday (see the video here).Lieberman, who described himself as an Independent Democrat, attacked Obama relentlessly and also confirmed to host Chris Wallace that...
    wws's picture

    Making Retirement, or Even the Dream of Retirement, Meaningful

    Billy Glad started an interesting discussion last week about  whether or not the Boomer generation should turn over  their power to those who are younger because "it is their turn."The initial response by-passed the issue raised in favor of attempting...

    McCain's Next Move on Iraq

    Now that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has endorsed Barack Obama's plan to withdraw American combat troops from his country over 16 months, what will John McCain's response be?Some are hailing al-Maliki's position as bolting the door closed on McCain's...
    Barth's picture


    After last week’s adventure in craziness, watching my "team" descend into the same hysteria that Limbaugh and (I love Keith’s name for him) Bill-o the Clown propagates, I announced that I could not consort with the sort of seriously bonkers...

    Maricopa County Attorney is promoting right-wing talk show host's book on illegal immigration; hot on heels of news that he doles racketeering funds to religious groups

    A few weeks ago, the Phoenix New Times exposed the County Attorney's propensity to use seized racketeering funds to organizations committed to "bring(ing) sinners to Christ" - a key constituency going into his re-election campaign this fall., County Atty...
    Barth's picture

    The New Yorker arrives at my house and my drivel moves to the TPM cafe

    My copy of the New Yorker was in my mailbox when I arrived home Tuesday night.  I have been receiving the New Yorker for about 30 years after reading Brendan Gill’s book about it, and deciding that my mother (who...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Let's Get Obama Elected, First!

    I'm new to TPM, so allow me to introduce myself..I am a white, female, born-again Christian, long-time registered Republican who is enthusiastically supporting Obama...I know I'm not the be all, end all, but I AM a member of a number...

    My Heart Is Heavy; Sickening Display in Lebanon

    Hezbollah released the remains of the two Israelis ambushed, which triggered the Israeli war against Hezbollah two years ago. They had never indicated whether the Israelis were alive or not, and Israel held out hope. In return, Israel release remains...

    SCAMMD: How the Press Escapes Accountability

    TPM blogger Eric Kramer was recently kind enough to list the Associated Press board members in his reader post "Horrified by AP Bias."Having tried and failed again today to contact an editor at the Associated Press bureau in Washington, D.C.,...
    quinn esq's picture

    Shut Up Shuttin' Up!

    Found yourself a bit uber-earnest lately? (No? Ask your friends. The ones who won't lie to you.) A touch argumentative? Wantin' to go all Bugs on Leghorn... "Shut up shuttin' up"? Yeah. Moi aussi. Here's help.1. Canadian approach to the MSM....

    This Bud's for You, Belgians

    Dear InBev,This Bud's for you. Don't gloat about it.So it turns out that America's premiere brewing company, Anheuser-Busch, will soon become Anheuser-Busch InBev, thanks to your generous buyout offer to A-B stockholders. Apparently, most of them sobered up when your...

    Where the Elite Meet to Tweet

    I'm no political junkie.For one thing, a junkie needs a fix just to keep his head from popping off. Then there's the fix itself: pure poison. It accomplishes nothing except to keep the junkie on that yo-yo of tension between...
    CVille Dem's picture

    A Civlized Question for TPM

    Many things have smoothed out, but there are some biggies that haven't been addressed.  I just want to know if TPM considers them important, and therefore will be solved, or if the management is happy enough as things stand.1.  Do...

    Please Get Off Your Backside

    I thought that might get your attention.The media is lewd, crude, rude, skewed ...and if we have anything to say about it, screwed.Raidder99 and I have spent hours -- nay, days -- setting things in motion to begin a netroots...

    Faith in One Another as Americans?

    Obama and McCain recently offered distinct definitions of patriotism.  McCain said it means doing what's best for your country no matter what.  Obama said it means having faith in one another as Americans.Many here are aware of a long-running survey question...
    quinn esq's picture

    Enemies & Empires, Cajuns & Yankees, Blood & Blossoms

    Down Home, they tell stories. Endless, spiraling, swooping stories. Sit and listen, you're gonna hear some of the best story-tellers in the English-speaking world. Maybe it's the Scots-Irish thing, memory and clan... and entertainment. Stories - salt on the potatoes....

    Frank Rich's "Wall-E for President"

    While I think Frank Rich is a bit overstated in his worries about the "complacency" of the early-summer Obama (as well as McCain--I don't think McCain is clued into reality enough to merit the charge of being "complacent": "complacent" compared...

    Reuters Propels Iraq Flip-Flop Lie

    I see raider99 has raised in general form a topic I bring up here in specific form. The posts are by no means identical, though I like raider's thinking very much.You don't have to be an investigative reporter to see...

    Will the Real Sen. Obama Please Stand Up

    There was a show on TV for many years called "To Tell the Truth." Contestants with fascinating personal stories appeared with two impostors. A panel of celebrities questioned the three people to guess who was the real contestant. The show...

    Nazi professors

    So yesterday, I go to the mailbox. Nothing inside. Nothing but a folded flier on white paper, badly reproduced, that somebody -- not the mailman -- had stuffed inside.The flier is entitled "The Holocaust Controversy, The Case for Open Debate,"...
    Barth's picture

    The Glorious Fourth

    I love the Fourth of July.  It may be my favorite holiday, and not because of fireworks, since I am neither a fireworks or bombs bursting in air sort of guy.  (On the other hand, the advent of the internet...
