by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I am having trouble getting my head around all of this.
The repubs just continue to piss me off.
Except Kasich of course.
Let us pray that we shall find and subsequently exile or incarcerate all 'illegals'.
Let us pray that we might put stars upon those illegals; on their chests and with gps monitors within their skins so that we might more easily hunt them down.
Let us pray that we might abolish the FDR/commie idea of Social Security and do the same for Medicare!
Let us pray that we shall abolish taxes upon inheritance; the family is all after all; we should honor those who have it all as well as their offspring.
Let us pray that the progressive taxes be abolished so that those in power stay in power.
Let us pray that we all come to learn that we must bow to the self-made and recognize what these fine folks have done for us.
Let us pray that we might all, as a people, recognize that great cities were erected without the help of HUD.
Let us pray that we all understand that 'we' had nothing without the ubermenches.
Let us recognize that without the supermen, we are nothing.
Hell, let us pray that they ABOLISH the IRS; except who the hell will collect these taxes?
Oh who cares?
The powerful are really saying:
Let us pray that the misguided liberals in government never again force the honest charlatans of Wall Street to make wheelbarrows full of money making liar loans to anyone with a pulse
Let us pray that if taxes are cut on the rich just one more time it will balance the budget and create good middle class jobs
Let us pray that Wall Street deregulation and hedge fund tax breaks that allow purchasing legacy drugs and raising prices for life saving pills from $0.66 cents to $750 apiece are shown to be marketplace magic and not a superfluity of callous greed
Let us pray that the hallowed tradition of gaming the markets and system remain a freedom for our worthy rich, forever protected by do nothing ranting government is the problem Republicans
Let us pray that the 2nd Amendment written by Jesus giving the right to own your own closet full of AR-15's never be usurped by a Democrat or their ally Satan
Let us pray that no matter how many Americans he pre-emptively sent to their deaths in Iraq, that George W. Bush always be misremembered for keeping us safe
by NCD on Mon, 11/02/2015 - 11:46pm
This just caught my eye.
It is oramus.
We shall pray.
This Lingua Latina was misspelled on some big blog site.
I think I was making a joke at the time.
Who knows what in the hell I was thinking as an old ex-altar boy?
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:41pm
Let us pray ... that the free market will forever be free to screw us all to a fare-thee-well.
Let us pray ... that Big Banks will forever remain too Big to Fail, because Failure is not an option because nothing succeeds like success and nothing fails like failure, so if you want to succeed, you can't fail.
Let us pray ... that our Politicians will forever embrace the richest and most powerful amongst us, because they are the people that really matter and deserve the most help, as opposed to the laziest and poorest amongst us, who just aren't really trying.
Let us pray ... That Republicans will continue to dismantle our Government and, by de-funding the parts of the government that work, will cripple those parts so badly we will become convinced that we were wrong and they never really worked in the first place and that they should be eliminated completely so that more of the Federal budget can go to the military-industrial complex to spend on defending us against all the people in the world that our policies have 'helped' over the years.
So prayeth the GOP.
However, Let us Progressives pray that all those that pray those words will pray instead of actually voting, and by the Grace of God may they be sent to cloistered monasteries where they can live a life of devotion and humble reflection and leave the actual governing of our country to people who understand and are willing to do the work involved in creating a more perfect union.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:15am
Let us get out the vote or we all end up goats?
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:53am
What's up, Dick? ever since you got your new computer parts, you keep turning out these master/mashter/monster pieces. Are you gunning for the Masthead? DagBlog => Dick's Place?
There's a fire inside, burning. Keep it up, give 'em hell.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:02am
There ya go Peracles.
If I aint burnin I'm churnin inside and without all hope?
Oh you gotta read this:
This is gooooooooooooood stuff. I have to find this book in paperback! ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:16am
Concisely done as always, Dick! You have a way of humorously getting to the point without bogging us down with a bunch of needless wordiness (a talent I've obviously yet to achieve).
In all seriousness, you slay me!
by barefooted on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:33am
Hi Missy!
You are much too too nice to me when I rant in the middle of the night. ha
Oh and if you have the chance check out my response to Peracles.
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:55am
Sorry I am too pooped to pray. I thought I would check in before I lay down. A laundry all nighter.
Great Rant.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 5:21am
You know this is a day late and a dollar short.....
But I hereby render unto Momoe the Dayly Line of the Week award for this here Dagblog
Site; given to all grandmas; from all of me to all of her.
Let us all work to clean up our laundry! ha
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 3:30pm
Thank you. This is busy season for me.
I am also fed up with Republicans and their stupidity.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 7:43pm
I am a little light this week. Would it piss off the congregation if I lifted a fiver from the collection tray when it passes through all the points of light?
by moat on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 8:05am
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:22pm
Points of light, etc. I read the salon excerpt from the book "When Texas fell to the Wingnuts". The author concludes that the original "light" language was a purposeful dog whistle within the developing "Southern Strategy". Goldwater used a "light switch" metaphor (which BTW rhymed nicely with "Switchknife" which was also used) ---"the lights of moral order", "turn on the lights of moral leaderhip". It's hard to make a case that it's racial---which is what a good dog whistle is all about.
by Oxy Mora on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:54pm
Great one, Mr. Day. It's incomprehensible that christian churches are into guns, but there is one nearby---you have to drive a pickup and wear a cowboy hat to go there---which is sponsoring classes on how to get an open carry permit---come worship, bring your guns and kids.
Also, ads in the local newspaper quoting the bible---Leviticus, as I recall---that a man who lieth with his own kind should be---well, essentially, put to death.
Christ equals White equals Threatened by social change equals we will Defend our Religion and our way of life with Guns.
by Oxy Mora on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 8:59am
I will never ever figure out the gun thing!
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:24pm
Another fine one, Dick. If I were the praying kind I might say, "I pray you keep this good stuff up."
by Ramona on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:10pm
Ramona, I'm in the kitchen with the Tombstone Blues.
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:37pm
I just ran into this that appeared on Mornin Joke:
If you take the time to see what Joe is talking about, well he is attacking a liberal media from fifty years ago. A liberal media that attacked the South for what the South was doing against minorities sixty years ago.
The people Joe attacks, who are not dead, are repubs for chrissakes in this world.
Joe likes to talk about how he was forced to study with minorities when he went to public school.
Thank you Joe for all you have done for civil rights. HA
Fuck you Joe.
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 4:56pm
Have any of the Republican candidates advocated abolishing Social Security and Medicare? I haven't heard that they have, but I haven't been paying that much attention.
by Aaron Carine on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 4:05am
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 7:14am
This is so true. Hell, the GOP has attacked the FDR transformations and programs forever.
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 12:14pm
Carson for real!
Our current Speaker wishes to give all of us chits of A SORT and just destroy Medicare and he wishes to see SS funds end up on wallstreet.
Trump has attacked Carson as far as the MD's position on Medicare. But none of the GOP candidates (except Kasich) have disavowed the Speaker's positions on these issues.
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 12:12pm