by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The Washington Post, reviewing Ron Suskind's book, The One Percent Solution, described one of its anecdotes, likely from former CIA director George Tenet or one of his allies:
an unnamed CIA briefer ... flew to Bush's Texas ranch during the scary summer of 2001, amid a flurry of reports of a pending al-Qaeda attack, to call the president's attention personally to the now-famous Aug. 6, 2001, memo titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US." Bush reportedly heard the briefer out and replied: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."
Former New Jersey Governor and commission chair, Thomas] KEAN. I've got a question now I'd like to ask you. It was given to me by a number of members of the families. Did you ever see or hear from the F.B.I., from the C.I.A., from any other intelligence agency, any memos, discussions or anything else between the time you were elected or got into office and 9/11 talked about using planes as bombs?
RICE. Let me address this question because it has been on the table. I think that concern about what I might have known or we might have known was provoked by some statements that I made in a press conference. I was in a press conference to try and describe the Aug. 6 memo, which I've talked about here in the - my opening remarks and which I talked about with you in the private session. And I said at one point that this was a historical memo, that it was not based on new threat information. And I said, No one could have imagined them taking a plane, slamming it into the Pentagon - I'm paraphrasing now - into the World Trade Center using planes as missiles. As I said to you in the private session, I probably should have said, I could have not imagined. Because within two days people started to come to me and say, Oh, but there were these reports in 1998 and 1999; the intelligence community did look at information about this. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Chairman, this kind of analysis about the use of airplanes as weapons actually was never briefed to us.
The New York Times, May 2, 2011:
Last July, Pakistani agents working for the C.I.A. spotted him driving his vehicle near Peshawar. When, after weeks of surveillance, he drove to the sprawling compound in Abbottabad, American intelligence operatives felt they were onto something big, perhaps even Bin Laden himself. It was hardly the spartan cave in the mountains that many had envisioned as his hiding place. Rather, it was a three-story house ringed by 12-foot-high concrete walls, topped with barbed wire and protected by two security fences. ...
On March 14, Mr. Panetta took the options to the White House. C.I.A. officials had been taking satellite photos, establishing what Mr. Panetta described as the habits of people living at the compound. By now evidence was mounting that Bin Laden was there.
Back in Washington, Mr. Panetta met with Mr. Obama and his most senior national security aides, including Mr. Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. The meeting was considered so secret that White House officials didn’t even list the topic in their alerts to each other.
That day, Mr. Panetta spoke at length about Bin Laden and his presumed hiding place.
“It was electric,” an administration official who attended the meeting said. “For so long, we’d been trying to get a handle on this guy. And all of a sudden, it was like, wow, there he is.” ...
On March 22, the president asked his advisers their opinions on the options.
Mr. Gates was skeptical about a helicopter assault, calling it risky, and instructed military officials to look into aerial bombardment using smart bombs. But a few days later, the officials returned with the news that it would take some 32 bombs of 2,000 pounds each. And how could the American officials be certain that they had killed Bin Laden?
“It would have created a giant crater, and it wouldn’t have given us a body,” said one American intelligence official.
A helicopter assault emerged as the favored option. The Navy Seals team that would hit the ground began holding dry runs at training facilities on both American coasts, which were made up to resemble the compound. But they were not told who their target might be until later.
Last Thursday, the day after the president released his long-form birth certificate — such “silliness,” he told reporters, was distracting the country from more important things — Mr. Obama met again with his top national security officials.
Mr. Panetta told the group that the C.I.A. had “red-teamed” the case — shared their intelligence with other analysts who weren’t involved to see if they agreed that Bin Laden was probably in Abbottabad. They did. It was time to decide.
Around the table, the group went over and over the negative scenarios. There were long periods of silence, one aide said. And then, finally, Mr. Obama spoke: “I’m not going to tell you what my decision is now — I’m going to go back and think about it some more.” But he added, “I’m going to make a decision soon.”
Sixteen hours later, he had made up his mind. Early the next morning, four top aides were summoned to the White House Diplomatic Room. Before they could brief the president, he cut them off. “It’s a go,” he said.
During those first hours after the 9/11 attack, the murder of so many people who had never heard of Osama bin Laden, the destruction of the place where at least one public servant toiled in his first years as a professional age earner and who knew many who died that day, it was hard not to wonder whether the presidency had become less about protecting the country than the best platform from which to campaign for re-election, and for like minded people to be elected to serve in Congress.
Learning that, on that horrible day the president, indeed, was reading a book to schoolchildren in what has come to be called a "photo op" simply underscored that thought. After the national security adviser said nobody could have imagined what had happened, knowing that was either plainly false or our entire national security apparatus is made up of gum and tissues, could throw a person into hysterics.
You will recall I hope, of the White House opposition to such a commission, its attempt to enlist former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger as its chair, only to have him resign when one of the victims' wives, a lawyer, asked him whether he had any bin Laden clients, and then their attempt to prevent Ms. Rice's testimony and the release of the now famous memo.
But you may have missed or forgotten about this part of the commission's final report:
we offer a reminder, and an explanation, of the one period in which the government as a whole seemed to be acting in concert to deal with terrorism-the last weeks of December 1999 preceding the millennium.
In the period between December 1999 and early January 2000, information about terrorism flowed widely and abundantly. The flow from the FBI was particularly remarkable because the FBI at other times shared almost no information. That from the intelligence community was also remarkable, because some of it reached officials-local airport managers and local police departments-who had not seen such information before and would not see it again before 9/11, if then. And the terrorist threat, in the United States even more than abroad, engaged the frequent attention of high officials in the executive branch and leaders in both houses of Congress.
Why was this so? Most obviously, it was because everyone was already on edge with the millennium and possible computer programming glitches ("Y2K") that might obliterate records, shut down power and communication lines, or otherwise disrupt daily life. Then, Jordanian authorities arrested 16 al Qaeda terrorists planning a number of bombings in that country. Those in custody included two U.S. citizens. Soon after, an alert Customs agent caught Ahmed Ressam bringing explosives across the Canadian border with the apparent intention of blowing up Los Angeles airport. He was found to have confederates on both sides of the border.
Just as President Obama was required to explain that he was born in this country, President Clinton spent much of his presidency fighting off investigations and ultimately impeachment. President Clinton may have brought some of this on, but it can scarcely be doubted that this nonsense may have contributed to the loss of American lives. And, by the way, we need no photos to prove that bin Laden is dead. The President said so and the word of the President of the United States (at least of this President of the United States) ought to be sufficient at this point.
So, as it turns out, it is not something endemic to government that we cannot be protected from harm. As Rachel Maddow has observed more than once, when the government is run by people who disdain government, and think government is "the problem" it is simple for them to make what they believe to be so.
The other day, some smartass posted these photos and said that each made 1000 words unnecessary.
Hope the words don't detract from the force of the photos.
We elected the right person in 2008. If you still have any doubts, listen to Rachel's latest summary of what has been accomplished since then:
Nuff said
Yes we did.
And I had to listen to Rice lie over and over again in her interviews with Cooper and O'Donnell.
Brought it all back to me.
by Richard Day on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 4:10pm
It really is amazing. Every time they are discredited once again, some moron gives the crew a platform to start the whole cycle of bullshit over again.
Gee, thanks O'Donnell.
by kgb999 on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 7:57pm
O'Donnell did fine. She looked to be a fool yet again whike trying to take credit for something.
by Barth on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 11:34pm
Thanks for the (painful) summary, and I certainly agree with your conclusion.
I have never gotten a decent explanation as to why Bush could just sit there...
-- not responding to an attack on our country
-- not being immediately removed to a safe location since our country was under attack
-- and later that night (according to Laura) -- laugh about having to go up and down stairs depending on the threat level. Was anyone else laughing that night -- except Bin Laden?
by CVille Dem on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 6:54pm
I'm not sure what you think those pictures say. Obama didn't prevent 9/11. Nor has Obama faced a 9/11.
I think your best point was that the presidency has become a platform to campaign for reelection. With a manly manly and a "I don't need no briefing - Let's Roll It's a go!"
Some days Democrats are so pathetically Republican.
by kgb999 on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 7:49pm
The pictures represent two ways in which intelligence can be used. One is to consider these warnings an annoyance in a what does it have to do with me. I am doing political stuff'; if there is a problem, deal with it, but don't bother me with that crap.
The other is to do what a president should do. Gather the information, get recommendations as to what could be done, and then figure out what to do. It might be right and it might be wrong, but the decision has to be made.
No. The President did not say he did not need a briefing. He had many. The last one gave him the available options. He took sixteen hours to think about it. He did not do the politicaly easy thing: bomb the place, claim that you probably got him, or perhaps wonder if you did, as well as a few civilians and such. He agreed to take the riskier, but better course of action. Had it failed, his presidency might well have been irreparably damaged, and worse: US military might have been killed or worse.
There was no better than a 60 per cent chance the guy would be there, but he was. The plan might not have worked; but it did.
There may have been more that could have been done during the faux millenium, but the high alerts within the government, including the White House, may be what caused a customs agent to do what she did and to stop the plan to bomb LAX.
There may have been more that could have been done between August, 2001 and Spetember 11. But the President ignored the threat, told the CIA briefer to get lost, and went off to read to schoolchildren.
Yeh, that's what the photos show.
by Barth on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 11:32pm
I'd love to know who took each photo and what was originally done with them.
by kyle flynn on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 11:56pm
I did some digging. Interesting. The "photo" of Bush is a still of the video shot the morning of 9/11. It's cropped, eliminating the teacher, students and the surrounding classroom. The "9:05" time signature was added, near as I can tell, by Michael Moore, who used the footage for his movie Fahrenheit 9/11. The photo of Obama in the situation room is also cropped. The full fame includes Biden seated in front of Obama. It was taken by the Chief White House Photagrapher last Sunday. Ken Johnson of the NYT had this to say about it:
Both images, as you present them, seem political to me. I guess we all see what we see. But c'mon. A photographer in the Sit. Room?
by kyle flynn on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 1:37am
It's not the photographs at issue. It is what they are doing in the photographs that is significant. The WH photographer. Peter Souza, has been given extraordinary access throughout this presidency for historical purposes:
by Barth on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 8:24am
double post by accident
by Barth on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 8:41am
Let's be clear hear. It's not a photographer. It's the White House photographer, who presumably has the appropriate security clearance and wasn't going to rush to get a scoop.
by Verified Atheist on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 8:31am