by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have never seen a more disingenuous personage on the American Stage than Joel Osteen.
Melodrama was an art a hundred years ago; hell a thousand years ago.
We are confronted in literature and on the screen with melodramatic charlatans forever.
That is a reality of life.
But this guy bugs me.
I mean, Osteen bugs me beyond redemption!
My detestation knows no bounds.
And this emotional reaction embarrasses me!
Here take a quick look at what I am talking about.
Well, for heaven's sake do not watch an hour of this fascist bullshite!
I am more interested in his rhetorical devices.
The way he moves his hands.
The way he moves his head.
The way he moves his body.
The way he dances to some music he would advance as truth.
The guy is the single phoniest bastard I have ever witnessed on the tv. And that conclusion is reached a=following at least 55 years of watching the tellie.
And yet, as I demonstrate with this video link, thousands upon thousands follow this prick.
I grew up with Bishop Sheen.
Watch a minute or two of Sheen, a guy with an Irish accent who grew up in Ohio?
Now, as far as rhetorical foments go, this guy was pretty good! Sheen was attacking the commies of course and their anti-clerical embrace.
I grew up with this.
The Commies would take my god and my good and my freedom away from me!
Do you see in the short Sheen link that he stops to get a laugh?
But do you also see the fire in his belly, the total belief this bishop had in what he was saying.
And I look at this vacuous, gay poster boy named Osteen and I wonder...
How long does his hair dresser have to work in order to present this beefcake to an audience of idiots who will pay a c-note or more just to see him celebrate himself.
Osteen has no soul!
Bishop Sheen had a soul.
Reverend Wright has a soul.
Hagee is a pig, but damn he believes in what he believes; whether or not he wishes the Pope to be fireballed into hell by Jesus or whether or not; that he believes the Jews are responsible for every single economic downturn in the history or man or whether, like Sheen, Hagee is sure that the Commies are responsible for everything! Ha
There is this red-haired robot on MSNBC that just disturbs me!
I mean I cannot even watch Mika; Joe Scarborough is a prick, is a fascist, is a prevaricator, but I get a kick out of him. (What happened exactly to that clerk Joe?)
But Mika is vacuous and without substance and without knowledge and without history and without a soul for sure. (Goddamn I love her daddy though!)
But the red-haired robot bothers me even more.
Kelly O'Donnell just makes me wish to puke.
Watch how she holds her head and in other links she holds her arms, hands and body in such a manner that she must have had some coach; some idiot who used twistems and she never forgot.
Kelly O'Donnell, I suggest, has similar genes to this Osteen.
I know.
I know.
We look for what we wish to see, we listen to what we wish to hear, we smell what we wish to smell—except for Parmesan of course! (I mean it smells like ass to me! And you are supposed to put it on food?)
Adam Sandler talks like a baby in every goddamn film he ever starred in! It is so phony as to make me vomit. I cannot stand to even watch the mother for more than six minutes when he appears on cable.
Because he comes across as un-empathetic, unfeeling, unreal, and unbelievable.
Osteen scares the hell out of me! His purpose, you might remark!
But my God, this guy is making more money than some of Mitt's trusts and he is without form! He has no soul, he has no heart, he has no beliefs, he has no knowledge, he has no vision, he has no....
He cannot be human.
Yet he plays before thousands upon thousands of filled stadiums.
He plays with these ancient forms of physical movements that are meaningless.
Just watch as he bats his eyes.
He could not possibly believe in anything! Ever!
So why does he scare the hell out of me?
He scares the hell out of me because millions (or at least thousands upon thousands) eat this shite up.
And what bothers me most is that it bothers me most.
I have an id that would love to pummel the bastard with a Louisville slugger that would bash in his skull just because of his performance.
I am disturbed by my reaction, really.
He recently appeared on Piers Morgan (which I originally thought was a food show for gourmets)
Watch Osteen.
Forget the fact that Osteen hates homos.
Forget the fact that he claims to love everyone who is not hated by his version of the scriptures.
Just look at him whilst he responds to questions.
He moves his eyes, shutting and opening those pretty eyelids.
He moves his head, like he was tutored by O'Donnell's coaches.
He moves his hands, like he was tutored by Hitler's minions.
This is terrible, but I hate Osteen.
I hate Osteen with my whole brain, my whole heart and my whole soul.
Just a confession here.
Previous version @
The catholics used to like socialism until the socialist started saying the church should be taxed.
Now sort of OT I think one big problem is that the top 20% in this country really think that THEY are the middle class and everyone else is just whatever. Not worth thinking about.
You can tell this by their rhetoric. Heaping the "working class" in with the other poor.
Kind of a point of view thing.
Sad to say but I remember a lot of the middle class working people doing the same when I grew up in the 1950s and 60s.
by cmaukonen on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 11:57pm
Jesus, somebody read this! ha
Good points!
But C they had the unions (real unions with power) and these unions would publish a point; a hope; a thesis for modern America.
And these workers would work for gold.
And like you say, the repubs would lump the poor with the workers somehow and degrade 80% of us.
And they get away with it! ha
You already know, I grew up similarly.
Now, there are the winners and losers.
Oh, just as an aside, I see this new repub plan and I see losers paying 10% when they are only paying 0 RIGHT NOW! How could the losers be so stupid as to vote for repubs?
As stupid as stupid can be!
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 12:11am
Well yes the unions did and a lot of blue collar works income was not the much different than the lower white collar crowd. Doctors (GPs) and lower level engineers and technicians and even college professors and such.
And this view of them all being considered "middle class" and considering them selves as such has not change much but the income difference has a very great deal.
by cmaukonen on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 12:55am
I remember watching Bishop Sheen when I was a kid. He was mesmerizing. I recently stumbled on a re-run of one of his old shows while flipping through some obscure cable channels, and he was still fascinating to watch. He also had a very comforting and optimistic point of view, which I guess would make sense, given the show was called Life is Worth Living.
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 2:41am
Yeah I have three religious channels on cable and one of them is more or less Catholic.
And they play old Fulton two or three times a week.
The guy was good.
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 10:28am
"I have an id that would love to pummel the bastard with a Louisville slugger that would bash in his skull just because of his performance."
Sorry dick, but your id is a prevaricating pussy compared to mine when I see this guy. We should take our ids on a playdate sometime...
I just love this piece!
by Anonymous Obey (not verified) on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 7:08am
Well thanks Obey.
Good to see ya again!
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 10:29am
dd, sometimes you are so funny.
Fearing and loathing Osteen is like fearing and loathing
Oh, wait...
If Sheen seems more authentic to you, maybe you would prefer an older version prosperity gospel.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 8:56am
The golden chains of love?
Wiki says he was an outfielder prior to becoming a psycho. hahaha
Thanks for the kind words and the link.
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 10:32am
dd, I couldn't agree more unless I go into an over the top rabid rant about him and the basis for his 'ministry' (gag).
His entire foundation is only about how God wants all to be wealthy. Osteen declares his mansion and material wealth as proof of the veracity of his perverted, twisted 'sermons'.
He and his are predators. Sociopaths. Scum. Evil.
He makes Limbaugh look like the 'good one'.
by Aunt Sam on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 11:32am
Well I guess I agree that rusho believes in at least half of what he says; especially when he talks about his Punkin. hahaha
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 11:40am
I wonder if Osteen got his "God wants you to be wealthy" shtick from Reverend Ike:
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 1:15pm
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 8:38pm
Oh Momoe!
I am honored.
Both sites you reply to. ha
Old time religion with a twist!
How well put indeed!
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 10:51pm
Damn, I almost forgot. I gave away the phrase of the day award.
I hereby render unto Momoe the Dayly Comment of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of her from all of me.
SNAKE OIL....hahahahaha
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 11:14pm
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 03/23/2012 - 1:23am
Don't feel back, Dick. Evangelicals hate him too.
PS: I think you are jealous of how cute he is and all of that curly hair.
by The Decider on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 4:05pm
This is just a great link W.
I never bothered to google the guy. Like I wrote I just saw him on TV while I surf and the Morgan interview.
You ever see those kids in the old days who would begin sermonizing at age 8? Like that dead comic?
Maybe I am just too much into pathos in my waning years.
Oh well, in answer to your question, no I never dream about him--although I think his wife showed up in one of my dream sequences.
We did not pray. At least very much!
by Richard Day on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 4:44pm
NP, Dick. As a Methodist, I can pray for you. But if you will get behind the R and help elect Romney, he can baptise for you!
by The Decider on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 8:11pm