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    Shoeless Eric Cantor-Betting against his own team. "Say it ain't so, Joe?" Reply: "We're tanking the economy to win in '12-why not make a little for myself?"

    Pete Rose, you have been shabby did.  You got banned from baseball for betting that your team would win.

    Eric Cantor needs to be banned from office.  He's a  full bore black sox player who is betting against his (our) team

    No Arnold Rothstein was needed to bankroll this corruption, Cantor is banker and turncoat wrapped up in one.  He's arranging his own big  payday. Bad link. go here:

    Shit, that little walk he took out of the Biden negotiations probably paid him a thousand dollars a step, as the prospects for default objectively rose.

    It will be fascinating, (on a meta level) to hear how the  Repugnants spin this little patriotic exercise in personal enrichment through team sabotage.

    At least Benedict Arnold had the excuse that his brilliance at Saratoga had been insufficiently rewarded, thus causing him to sell out the cause to which he had pledged fidelity as a matter of personal pique.

    Cantor is just a mercenary self-seeking bottom dweller.

    Can he survive politically in the historical company of Joe Jackson, or will his name enter the lexicon of traitors, like Vidkun Quisling?.




    Some rob you with a six gun, some with a fountain pen....and some just bet against their team and  throw the game.

    Good song

    We could finsih the poem 

    .................Some with a fountain pen

    some bet against their team

    and  throw the game, again

    I should have read your post first before I asked the question here

    Hope your doing well, Jolly

    Doin' great, thanks.  The surgeon was a fuckin' genius!

    I wish this oily ass-hole would drown in his own shit.    Some day I'll tell you how I really feel about Eric Cantor.

    Slick Ric--found a way to drown us in his shit and make a buck doing it.  Nice work if you can get it.  Too bad we don't have the tea party astroturf legions to besiege the NY Times and complain that the story hasn't run there...

    I get into this funk. Everybody is in it for himself and then I look at asshats like the Pauls.

    Cantors a goddamn prick.

    A lot a good that does to say that. hahaahah

    Cantor was simply there to spread information and he has always sided with the powerful corps so i am not suprised in the least. hahaha

    Let me hear from the ladies from Maine in the upper house! Two of the only hopes we have but if they causcus and obfuscate there is no hope for anyone!

    It's one thing to use your position of power and inside info to trade profitably.  It's even understandable to make  trade based on your own ability to push an agenda that you argue is good for the country. (Say you are on the natural resources committee and you are a loathsome type pushing ANWAR drilling who goes long oil stocks--at least you are sincere.)

    But shorting  your own fucking country??!!

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