The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    You can be the first on your block


    who knows there is no debt limit problem.  According to  Bruce Bartlett Via Brad Delong

    Barth's picture

    The Fourth of July

    Please forgive a "repeat post" from July 4, 2007.  There is no time for anything new today and no post under this name will appear until mid month what with this and that.  One extra thought: When you read the Declaration today, as you surely will, note in particular the complaint about the King obstructing immigration.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Nuclear is out. How best to generate the power we need.

    This is a blog on energy. More specifically on electrical energy IE electricity. When we talk about energy we are talking about electricity, the single most used and necessary for of energy in our lives. From heating, cooling, cooking, transportation, medicine, security, fire, communications, light, water, sewer, garbage disposal, transportation and on and on.

    jollyroger's picture

    Debt Limit: Follow the Money: Fed lends bank 100 B @ .25%. Bank buys 10 yr bonds @3% Holds bonds lends hedge 500 B @ 3.5%Hedge buys 30 yr's @ 4% Treas uses 500 B to pay Fan/Freddie losses to.....Banks

    Talk about *"getting paid off the top and the bottom"

    Let's walk through this in some more detail, because the caption leaves out the really good part at the end, where the banks evict us from the homes on which they are being made whole by our moneyl

    And they charge us big "servicing" fees to throw us on the street.

    Barth's picture


    This has become an annual rite: the recitation of a blogger, one who sees himself as a defender of all that is the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier and the Great Society about love for this so secular holiday and for this country in which we were blessed to live, and for the luckiest of us, to have been born here. It applies no less this year than any other even if the ties that have bound us all together as one, often frayed, and pulled apart, are really on the eve of destruction.

    NBA Lockout, 'Losses' and Flimflam

    The NBA lockout started yesterday, and one might ask, who cares about millionaires fighting billionaires? Looking at the details, it appears that even NBA player millionaires are, like 'little people', ripe targets for scams by greedy and rich corporate run organizations. I side with the players for the reasons below. The following is my interpretation of facts presented from ESPN articles linked below..

    Red Planet's picture

    Obama's Historic Opportunity

    In the back and forth following my post on David Frum's article ("A Dose Of Truth From David Frum"), I averred that "Obama was given a historically huge majority in Congress and a correspondingly huge mandate to change things for the better." brewmn corrected me and was right to do so. I was engaged in a bit of unnecessary hyperbole.

    Going back to the Great Depression, with few exceptions the Democrats enjoyed regular Congressional majorities, sometimes large ones, from 1933 through 1981. 

    coatesd's picture

    Celebrating Independence by Seeking to Regain It

    The signers of The Declaration of Independence combined political courage with intellectual honesty. Indeed for them, the first was entirely rooted in the second. As they said, since “prudence…will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes,” “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that” those proposing radical change “should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” This they duly did in what is now the Republic’s founding document.

    jollyroger's picture

    Shorter Strauss-Kahn lesson:Video your sexual encounters--it might keep you outta jail!

    Holy reversal of fortune, Batman!

    A dizzying array of profoundly damaging details about the pious and hard working hotel employee who took down the head of the IMF are cascading into public view

    Credibility? Shredded.

    Character? Sliced and diced.

    History? Shadier than one could imagine.

    (I will reproduce the catalog in some detail, for those who cannot access the NY Times):

    Which shell is it the pea is under?

    Over at Brad Delong's he was dispairing about Obama's  economic comments at todays press conference.

    Not so much his readers - or me-.

    Zach said...

    jollyroger's picture

    Shoeless Eric Cantor-Betting against his own team. "Say it ain't so, Joe?" Reply: "We're tanking the economy to win in '12-why not make a little for myself?"

    Pete Rose, you have been shabby did.  You got banned from baseball for betting that your team would win.

    Eric Cantor needs to be banned from office.  He's a  full bore black sox player who is betting against his (our) team

    stillidealistic's picture

    The Debt Ceiling and the 14th Amendment...Who Knew?

    Well, according to a piece on Countdown tonight, the Dems may be able to skewer the Repubs with the Constitution itself, making raising the debt ceiling a moot point, and at least temporarily taking away the possibility of a default.

    The 14th Amendment states in section four: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

    Red Planet's picture

    A Dose of Truth from David Frum

    [Barack Obama is] not an alien, he’s not a radical. He’s just not the person the country needs. He’s not tough enough, he’s not imaginative enough, and he’s not determined enough.

    In the throes of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, the president ran out of ideas sometime back in 2009.

    In the face of opposition, Obama goes passive. The mean Republicans refused votes on his Federal Reserve nominees and Obama … did nothing. Would Ronald Reagan have done nothing? FDR? Lyndon Johnson?

    tmccarthy0's picture

    ACA: The Slow Dance of Reform

    There is positive news about  ACA, and an indication so far things are moving in the right direction. But you won't hear about it on the front page of any newspaper or on an evening news cast, no it is information you must seek out yourself. Whether you believe in insurance or not, a Public Option was merely an insurance company run by the government, meaning it is fully regulated by the government, in essence this will be no different, when ACA is fully implemented, insurance companies will be heavily regulated by the Federal Government.

    Richard Day's picture




    A woman has reportedly died from the shock of coming to life at her own funeral.

    Tommy Holmes's picture

    Basic Math and the Summation of the Equation.

        Heard recently the Bush tax cuts cost this country between 3 and 4 TRILLION DOLLARS over the past 10 years. There is the  reason for almost a third of our 14 trillion dollar debt. A good part of the reason we have run up this debt is basic math. Because of the vast amout of wealth that is being stashed off-shore by the multi-nationals along with the corporate welfare system compounded by the afore-mentioned tax cuts on capital gains. (Bush tax cuts); we just plain and simply do not bring in enough money to continue to spend like this.

    Barth's picture

    Deep Thoughts on a Monday Morning in June

    Trying to limit oneself to one post a week is sometimes impossible when Certain Things come to the attention of an itinerant blogger with little self control (especially when he gets prominent attention on Dagblog).  Hence:

    Mad Men

    I've gotten the impression a number of folks at dag like this show a lot.  My wife and I got into it a few months ago and are getting caught up. 

    If you have a favorite scene, an "aha" moment the show has triggered for you, or just some observations you'd like to share about the show, it's success, and what that says if anything about part of our culture, please feel free to share.  Also if you don't like the show or know people who don't like it, I would find it interesting to hear why.

    Tommy Holmes's picture

    Race To the Bottom

       If you don't know what I mean by this, odds are you will; just give it time.

       What I'm alluding to is the talk of making America competitive in the global workplace. This is code for bringing us to the same level as workplaces in other countries. No unions, no collective bargaining of any kind, poor safety regulations, no pentsions, no benefits except what you pay for yourself. Need I go on?

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Political Power of Cable TV Shock-Jockery

    While the exceedingly cool members of this nation were celebrating some success, the cable news media was at it again. Let's review for a moment and be thrilled about the events that took place, leading to the exhilarating events of last night, Roy McDonald broke with his party, when he told reporters June 15, 2011 this: "F**k it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing." And with that, the line of demarcation was absolutely shattered.
