The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Barth's picture

    What We Stand For: Guest Blogger Harry S Truman

    Yesterday, in the the three locations where these Barthogems appear, usually only on weekends, a portion of FDR's Four Freedoms speech was published, showing that less than a year from our entry into World War II, our greatest president was...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Depending On The Kindness Of Strangers

    Sometimes just when you are at your lowest, that's when you realize that you are not alone in this sometimes friendless world. I had a few weeks recently that had me questioning whether or not America works anymore.  Not only...
    Barth's picture

    What We Stand For: Guest Blogger Franklin D Roosevelt

    It simply is not possible to post all the things that need to be said, though others have said those things before and often better than your not so humble blogger can muster.So, again, in a week of great importance...
    Richard Day's picture


      Water boils at 212 Degrees Fahrenheit at sea level. Why is that important? Ever think about why we learn things like this type of scientific truth in school? If you desire to make some tea, you do not have...
    Richard Day's picture

    And Now For Something Completely Different

    s Coincidence is when something uncanny and coincidental happens. The word is derived from the Latin co- ("in", "with", "together") and incidere ("to fall on"). In science, the term is generally used in a more literal translation, e.g., referring to...

    Mitch McConnell is Dead

    Just like the headline on this post, rumors of the Public Option's death are greatly exaggerated.Here is the message I received today from Aaron Swartz of Progressive Change Campaign Committee:hey, chris -- what's up?did you see? mccaskill's office let me...
    we are stardust's picture

    Droning On. And On. And On...

    The Mechanization of War has always produced a flutter in the hearts of the military and the supporters of war; each generation of weapon is heralded as helpful, and often more efficient.  Now we are into the generation of...
    Barth's picture

    Watching Cartoons

    A person could blog while on short trip to Florida, certainly, but it is too hard to study Red Sox minor leaguers and observe whether Tim Wakefield can actually get off the mound, while considering world and national affairs. It...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Obama Trade Policy Announcement Raises Questions

    President Obama recently announced his new Trade Policy in which he promises to double exports in five years and to create two million jobs.It looks like a continuation of the globalization of our economy that gave us such stellar successes...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Hydra of Wall Street

          Upon reaching the swamp near Lake Lerna, where the Hydra dwelt, Heracles covered his mouth and nose with a cloth to protect himself from the poisonous fumes. He fired flaming arrows into its lair, the spring of...
    Ramona's picture

    Job fairs, census jobs, and--wouldn't you know? Nut jobs

    How many jobless people took in what those baboons were saying? What does it take to get those jobless, demoralized folks mad as hell? I know it's a struggle just to get through the day for millions of people these days, but, damn! Enough is enough. They're thumbing their noses at us, spitting in our faces, and, in the case of Tom Delay, grinning like Jack Nicholson in "The shining" while he's thumbing and spitting.

    Echoing Howard Beale: Cowardice, Betrayal and Chaos

    I said I was leaving TPMCafe, and I am. I came back for one last post to make the most important point I've ever made on these pages: You are being betrayed by nearly every leader in politics, media and...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                     THE BASEMENT AT BOA Tom Friedman discovered a short while ago that the world was flat and that he was married to one of the richest women in the world. What a genius. I was reviewing a clip...
    Richard Day's picture

    The New & Improved BIBLE!!!

                                                             GODThere is this project whereby conservatives are writing their own bible. Like fascistpedia, they are attempting to create their own reality. This stuff just fascinates me. I mean fascistpedia will spend time telling you that Einstein had nothing...
    we are stardust's picture

    War Postmortems

    The Iraqi elections are over.  It will likely take weeks to count the votes, and MSM will report on the results, and are already reporting on the election's success and awesome turnout.  We won't be told about the Iraqi courts...
    Richard Day's picture


                      Before I start this post, I would like to vent for a second or two. Dick Cheney is free as a bird with no charges lodged against him. Rumsfeld is still free as a bird probably standing by some...
    oleeb's picture

    Corporate Whores Scapegoating And Smearing Kucinich

    Starting sometime yesterday the people who have completely mismanaged and wrecked healthcare reform started making the rounds to some in the media trying to place blame for their possible titanic legislative failure on Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio because he...

    On Creating 2010 Mojo

    The cafe's <a href="">Jon Taplin</a> is one of the few pundits sympathetic to the Democrats who hasn't already thrown in the towel for November--and I say good on him.  The defeatism makes me crazy. Jon writes: (come the fall): " will be clear...
    Richard Day's picture


                                              THE TREE OF LIFEIt was a tough gig. But I had learned it. You have to find some forum, some place of trial, some experimental lab to test things. I am no good at golf. I break all...
    stillidealistic's picture

    We Said, "Yes We Can!" But Can We?

    I have been mulling over an idea lately that has me a bit distressed.   This nation is just horrifically divided. It isn't just a political divide, as if that isn't bad enough. It is religious, economic, almost...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                   Incendio, fuego de noche by Goya PREFACE There is a nice report put out by the Congressional Research Service that just came out January of this year.  Its pdf and located at this link: It is...
    Richard Day's picture


        Look, for my dogs it was easy. I had 25# of dog food. You know those pellets or balls or whatever that they shove into strange sacks. The dog ate when I ate. Once a day. She would...
    oleeb's picture

    Academy Awards Picks?

    I've not seen all of the nominated pictures, but I have seen most of them.  There were some very good films out this year.  What are your picks in the major categories and thoughts overall? Here are mine though because...
    we are stardust's picture

    Not a Bedtime Story Part III

    The working title might be: Suicide Isn't Painless   Please don't read it if you're looking for an upbeat read; I can guarantee you this isn't it. ...............................................................................................................................  I updated (re-wrote) Part III; you may have to Refresh it; I...
    Richard Day's picture


                                        I Can Read With My Eyes Shut By Dr. Seuss I can read in red. I can read in blue. I can read...
