The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    Assassinations Of Citizens On Orders From The Emperor

    Glenn Greenwald, almost alone---even on the internet, has been documenting the increasing lawlessness of the Obama administration and particularly the extension of the illegal, unconstitutional claim to have the authority to order the killing of citizens of the United States...
    Richard Day's picture


    ks                                           Girl with a Pearl Earring The Dutch Masters, such as Johannes Vermeer, who were hired as painters in the 17th century, were known for their magnificent attention to detail. It has been widely speculated that they made use...
    Joe Wood's picture

    A Day for the Stillness of Repose

    I wonder how many times you can do the same thing before you lose your mind, or before someone notices. For two days, I have been walking the same road, thinking, looking.  I move past signs and billboards and enterprise. ...
    Richard Day's picture


    ks                     Charity by William-Adolphe Bouguereau I have discussed some problems relating to Freedom Alliance, a right wing 'charitable organization' fronted by Fox News and its employees . Freedom Alliance was founded in 1990 by Oliver North, who now serves...
    Joe Wood's picture

    America, The Beautiful

    I usually go once a week to a local thrift store here, and sometimes I find some cool little things that you don't see anymore, usually for less than a buck. I walked in there today, and found two finds...
    Richard Day's picture


    ks I was meandering through the 'web' today. I was trying to get a grasp on what was going on five years ago.  Five years ago we were in the depths of despair. W Bush had been reelected even though...
    Richard Day's picture


    nks I am a left winger. Some no doubt think in the context of our Café that I am not hard enough on My President. When I am angry, some have noted I went far and beyond the edges...
    wws's picture

    Ask not....

    Several voices I respect at the Cafe have recently commented --  somewhat dismissively, if ironically -- that the Cafe has, in their view, lost its luster; to them, the tone of the Cafe has become "boring" pablum that may be...
    Richard Day's picture


    a                                     Claudia by Sophie AndersonIn Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392), the "Nun's Priest's Tale" is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two.[2] Chaucer probably meant 32 days after March, i.e. May 2,[3] the anniversary of the engagement of King...
    Richard Day's picture


    s With 24 hour news available on cable and at web sites, I rarely hit upon some story that shocks me; for any lengthy period of time anyway. I mean some event happens and I have the opportunity to read...

    Remembering candidate Obama.

    The administration's decision to implement an offshore drilling plan depressingly similar to one Democrats thwarted Bush from enacting for about a decade got me to thinking. What would candidate Obama think of all this?Well, let's check in with the candidate...
    oleeb's picture

    Beyond Vietnam

    Tavis Smiley is doing a real public service by airing a broadcast tonight examining Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech.  Smiley's program is called: "MLK: A Call To Conscience" and it airs this evening on PBS stations.  The speech...
    we are stardust's picture

    Merry Christmas / Call the Police (a story)

        My father's parents lived in Shaker Heights.  On Van Aken Boulevard, a wide street with a grassy strip the middle for the Rapid Transit tracks down the center.  The cars were powered through a metal rod that scooted along electrical wires strung...
    Richard Day's picture


    data                               PEGGY LEE never know how much i love you never know how much i care when you put your arms around me I give you fever that's so hard to bare   Because if you have 500 --...
    we are stardust's picture

    Update on Considerations of Robotic War

    I posted this diary on Drones recently, and wanted to update it.  We need to have the discussion on drone war.  The US use of drones is increasing massively, both abroad and domestically.  Some are capable of only reconnaissance and logistics, but...
    Richard Day's picture


    A bison from the Altamira cave ceiling, one of the most famous paintings from there.   In France and Spain alone there are over 300 caves containing some of the most monumental art the world has ever seen.  After...
    Richard Day's picture


    s  Social alienation was one of the main themes in Francisco Goya's masterpieces. Friday's Wall Street Journal says it all. ObamaCare: Repeal, Replace or What? Editor's Note: We have asked five opponents of government directed health care to give their...
    Barth's picture


    Two items amidst the many arriving at all of our homes today include historical lessons, and support for those who preach that we learn from the past.The New York Times Book Review discusses the so-called "court packing"  which President Roosevelt...
    Barth's picture

    The War May Have Finally Ended

    When it was finally over, and the President and Speaker showed the country how it feels when it is able to at least begin to tackle a real problem, my 23 year old daughter said that this was the first...
    amike's picture

    One can't have too many coffee houses.

    It's early days yet,  but I've found another place which  in which it is going to be fun to hang out.  No, not instead of but in addition to.  It's called Coffee Party USACOFFEE PARTY MISSION STATEMENT: The Coffee Party...
    Ramona's picture

    Giving Legitimacy to Hate

    Memo to WaPo Front Page editor: You missed the big news. The big news is that American health care just took a baby step toward actual reform. You might be bored with it, it's been going on for so long, but trust me, the millions without adequate health care can't get enough of it.
    we are stardust's picture


    Outside my bedroom door that should have opened onto a deck, but didn't. My husband and others in the doorway looking toward me eagerly, awaiting some response, but what?...
    Richard Day's picture


    s                                               DEAD MAN'S TEETH"She was forced to wear her dead sister's teeth. (Representative Louise Slaughter) Here's Rush Limbaugh: "There are people out there that think this is huge because it's so stupid. I mean, for example, well, what's wrong...
    stillidealistic's picture

    A Huge Thank You to American Dad!

    By now everyone and their brother is aware that American Dad's post here is the buzz of the blogosphere!  The recs and comments are off the charts, there are diggs galore, and it is being linked to other major blog...
    Richard Day's picture


                                     The Battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775 Gentlemen, raise your bricks.... At last count five different Democratic Party offices have been attacked with bricks or stones. Supposedly, Mike Vanderboegh; a militiaman, is at least partially responsible... File:Battle of Lexington Detail.jpg
                                    The Battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775

    Gentlemen, raise your bricks.... 

    At last count five different Democratic Party offices have been attacked with bricks or stones.

    Supposedly, Mike Vanderboegh; a militiaman, is at least partially responsible for these acts of violence. This man was profiled on Rachel last night; very intriguing gentleman. There are a number of relevant sites out there for us to examine in an attempt to get the full story.

    Rachel Maddow demonstrated rather forcefully that Mike Vanderboegh has a history in what I call the 'Militia Movement'.

    She alleged Mike Vanderboegh initiated the calls for people all over the country to attack Democratic offices and headquarters with bricks. And that is what happened. TPM has logged five such incidents. I noted this yesterday.

    Rachel then provided a sketchy history that sure pushed my buttons.

    There is a three percent solution. This is at least a double pun on Sherlock Holmes' Seven Percent Solution and Suskind's slam on Cheney called The One Percent Solution. It may seem that the Majority in any democracy can become authoritarian vis a vis the minority. But if Mike Vanderboegh can get just three percent of the population well trained and armed he will have an army approaching 10 million and as Bill Cosby liked to put it:


