The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    SOLID Evidence of McCain Encouraging VOTER FRAUD!!!

    Or, at least, to the Bush Justice Department, it could be.  (If it was a Democrat's website, that is.)I got such a chuckle out of Josh's item about McCain's website giving "Golf Gear" similar billing with his "Decision Center" and...

    How to Heal a Party

    There have been multiple, awkward attempts to appeal to Hillary supporters for the sake of party unity, including one by yours truly that was interesting, if not successful. All of them were doomed to failure for two simple reasons.The first...

    Cheney Doing His Best to Turn West Virginia Blue Again

    I would like to extend my kudos to Vice President Cheney for <a href="">doing his part</a> to make a thoroughgoing Democratic landslide more possible this fall with his recent remarks about West Virginians.  What other help can we look forward to receiving from senior...
    wws's picture

    Just A Man and A Boy, but Oh, What A Moment by wwstaebler

    One of the most beautiful moments of last night in St. Paul was after Obama's speech, after he had done the rope tour and was heading out of the arena proper. An Obama-of-tomorrow boy -- seven or eight? -- was...

    Oh, Sure, Blame Obama

    There are limits to what Obama and his supporters can do to achieve party unity. The onus, however, is on Hillary Clinton and her supporters.Hyper-aggrieved Clinton partisans here tend to blog that 1) it's time for unity even if Obama...
    dijamo's picture

    Hillary's Non-Concession Speech Revisited

    Hillary took her speech last night to speak for the 18 million people who've supported, campaigned for her and care passionately about her goals. If you take a look at the segment of the speech "What does Hillary want?," it...

    People Get Ready

    Not long before Super Tuesday, I made the following entry in blog at I thought some of you, like me, could use some uplifting perspective.There's a train about to leave the station, and it's name is the Obama Express....

    Graceless in Defeat

    Hillary Clinton proved tonight she loves nothing so much as herself.Rather than admitting defeat and laying down arms, she spit in Obama's eye and dared him to cross her private army of followers.After a few obligatory sentences of conciliation, she...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Hllary is the VEEP Candidate! Subtitle: Barack WINS the Nomination of the Democratice Party

    Can you just see it?  When Barack is getting sworn in, Hillary runs over and grabs the Bible and takes over the ceremony!  When he gives his first State of the Union she stands up and filibusters! Oh, really, this...

    Obama Starts Tuesday with Another Superdelegate

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri State Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal will endorse Obama today. Nice way to start the day."This is a year that the mere existence of a single candidate, Barack Obama, has inspired people in my district to...

    Andres Martenez rewrites Iraq war history

    Since the Washington Post has again decided to let the public read their articles without inventing a rude new username, I started poking around.  Soon I came across the ever helpful (I assume) Andres Martinez.  He is the message force...

    Obama & Clinton to Fight Deathmatch Over Wright

    Sorry about the title.  This isn't really about Obama or Clinton.  This is about a little love and what it takes to get some around here - for someone without the name Obama or Clinton.  Apparently, the first step is...

    One More for Obama Tomorrow

    Early word is that at least one of Missouri's six remaining Uncommitted Superdelegates has endorsed Obama, in a story to be released in tomorrow's St. Louis Post-Dispatch....

    Good-bye, Hill

    Now taking suggestions for "Best End-of-Primary Race Song." I may be giving this too little thought, but here's one to get things rolling.The winner will receive a 2,678-disc boxed set of DVDs reprising the entire campaign....
    acanuck's picture

    Hillary's stunning last words

    All the chicken entrails point to Hillary conceding tomorrow night.HuffPost reports talks between the candidates about help in retiring her huge campaign debt and amnesty for her diehard supporters. All good signs.But there are concession speeches and there are concession...

    Four Supers for Obama Today — The Night Is Young

    Boston Globe reports Obama has picked up four superdelegates today, bringing him just 44 delegates shy of the 2,118 needed to win, by the latest AP tally. And it's not even 2:30 p.m. Central Time.Can he make it five? Six?Is...

    Soooo, Does This Mean That McCain IS For "Capitulation"?

    I left the office earlier to the sounds of a McCain "sr. policy adviser" on MSNBC saying that Obama's Iran policy is "premature capitulation." First, it is obnoxious and obnoxiously wrong. But, second, is she suggesting that McCain is for...

    REPOST: Why the Superdelegates WILL Weigh In June 4th

    In celebration of the final week of primaries, I ask that you Rec this repost aplenty. And now, without further commercial interruption...They've waited, watching Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battle through the last remaining states. But I have a feeling...
    CVille Dem's picture

    TPM is just not USER FRIENDLY

    OK, Does anyone remember when we could post a comment, send it, and get put right back where we were in the queue?As opposed to now, where we get back to the beginning, and we have to scroll down and...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Breaking News: Hillary's First TERM?

    I am watching MSNBC Breaking news and Hillary is talking about her FIRST TERM!WTF?She is asking them to "travel this final stretch with her, and to keep fighting!"She is never going to admit defeat!  She is still hanging on!  She...

    Hillary Quits Democratic Race to Run for Pope

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Sen. Hillary Clinton announced at a press conference here today that she is abandoning her bid for the Democratic nomination to run for the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Her move hands the hard-fought...

    Pfleger Was Wrong and Owes Hillary a Public Apology

    I continue to support Barack Obama, but what's right is right. Much as it pains me to defend a woman who repeatedly has manipulated sympathies of gender and race throughout this campaign, basic intellectual honesty compels me to side with...

    Genuine Question re: DNC MI/FL legal memo: If the 50% sanction is mandatory...

    I haven't had a chance to fully analyze the DNC legal memo that is setting up the Rules & Bylaws Comm meeting, but a nagging question keeps popping up: --If the RBC can only reduce the 100% sanction re: MI&FL...

    McCain Wins Idaho Primary with 70%

    In the all-but-overlooked Idaho republican primary, John McCain apparently made his worst showing since Huckabee left the race with only 70% of the vote.  He picked up 17 delegates.Ron Paul, essentially a rogue candidate, made one of his best showings...
