The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Will Hilalry Walk?

    If Obama wins Indiana minutes from now, the count will be  3 and 2. Hillary will have two strikes and, if James Carville is right, three balls....

    FLASH: Hillary Nearly Bursting With Shit

    Doctors from the Mayo Clinic were flown into Indianapolis tonight to relieve the pressure in Sen. Clinton's innards. A preliminary examination showed she was full of crap from eating all the shit sandwiches she was forced to eat by falling...

    Hillary Declare Earth Flat

    "Weve broken and the tie," she said in her speech in Indiana. "It's full speed on tothe White House."Will someone please sign the commitment papers? Please?...

    Sizing Up the Night

    Looks like Hillary lost the "Big State" tonight. There goes another phony metric....

    Caught Between James Carville and the Deep Blue Sea

    If the politics of personal destruction is the new arsenal of our democracy, its most formidable weapon must be guilt by association. From former Weather Underground member William Ayers to Tony Rezko to Rev. Wright, no stones have been left...

    Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Banshee's Curse

    ACT IProfessor emeritus of anthropology Indiana Jones is hired by an international consortium that promises a rich endowment for his old college if he will fly to Little Rock, Arkansas, to interpret symbols inscribed on an ancient document recently discovered...

    Chicago Trib: Indiana, go with Obama

    Chicago Tribune reiterates its endorsement of Obama for Indiana readers here....

    An Open Letter to George Stephanopoulos

    Dear Mr. Stephanopoulos,As tomorrow's "This Week" will find you in Indianapolis hosting a live town hall meeting for Hillary Clinton, allow me to offer my congratulations and advice. I am crossing my fingers that the blogosphere, in its infinitely mysterious...

    It's Raining, It's Pouring, Obama is Snoring

    The sky hasn't quite fallen yet, but it has been drenching Barack Obama's parade in faintly yellow precipitation for the past six weeks. In Biblical terms, this would qualify as raining for 40 days and 40 nights.So since the creek...

    Help research the "Obama lies" list rebuttal v2.0

    How about some help making a clean copy of the rebuttal to the 70 Obama Lies list?I saw the post this week that asked for the rebuttal, so I followed the comments and picked up a copy from Google's cached...
    acanuck's picture

    Lamontgate: blessing in disguise

    Everyone quoted today as rushing to vouch for WVWV's bona fides is a member of its board of directors -- the group that has oversight responsibility for its actions.Why is this supposed to persuade anyone?Especially when, confronted by prima facie evidence...
    jollyroger's picture

    Let's raise the gas tax $2.00/gallon and pay directly to the wealthiest.

    *"We are the laughing stock of Europe because we keep [gasoline] taxes so cheap," notes Matthew Simmons, chairman of a Houston-based investment bank for the energy industry, Simmons & Co. InternationalA modest proposal:Jumping off from a suggestion broached by (!)...

    Feet of Clay, Heart of Gold: Why I Still Support Obama

    Rev. Jeremiah Wright's defiant insistence on a tragically wrong world view gave Obama no choice but to cut all ties and say good-bye to his longtime pastor. Obama obviously has struggled with that decision, but he was right, finally and...
    acanuck's picture

    Who's paying Wright to write?

    Suddenly, three times in four days, Jeremiah Wright blitzes the airwaves. All to promo his forthcoming book -- and not, we are assured, to torpedo Barack Obama's White House bid. Then a disquieting fact emerges: avowed Clinton supporter Barbara Reynolds...
    CVille Dem's picture

    What is Edwards Waiting For?

    We all saw him on Colbert, joking that he was the most "sought-after white male" in the Democratic contest.  We saw him joking that he wanted to be bribed with a Jet Ski.  Ha!  Ha!  So funny!OK, John, why are...

    Their Next Campaign Missive: "Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride"?

    Today's campaign e-mail from the Nader crew carried the subject line:  "We Need Gas Money."  That was clever and cute... even though I hope he has to walk....

    Obama Says NO to NC Debate, So How About a NEW Format?

      The Obama campaign's talking points about the debate refusal are that the debates are twisted thru the media's filters. So, why doesn't Clinton (or Obama) propose a NO-MEDIATOR DEBATE, where they question each other?  I think this would be...

    Exchange With My Good Florida Clinton-Supporting Friend on What Last Night Means

    My good Clinton-supporting Florida friend wrote me this morning that it's "time to rethink all this":"Clinton has now won NH, NJ, NY, CA, PA, OH, TX , MA, FL, MI, MD - all  the states worth counting and the states we...
    mageduley's picture

    For election weary TPMers

    I thought everyone would like a little pick me up and persepective of why this campaign is so passionate.'s get inspired all over again....
    CVille Dem's picture

    I am just plain sick of Hillary

    I won't go into the many superficial things about her that drive me crazy, but the substantive ones include:Her vote to give George Bush the authorization to invade a country that was no threat to us, knowing that he could have...

    Fun With Bumper Stickers

    Some I have seen (all available from, among surely many other outlets)  Middle-Class White Guys for ObamaI Hated Bush Way Before It Was CoolLatte-Drinking, Prius-Driving Democrat for ObamaBitch is the New Black (Tina Fey wins the award for closest-to-instantaneous journey from...
    mageduley's picture

    Hillary vows "MASSIVE RETALIATION" against Iran.

    If you doubted that Hillary is more of a war monger than John McCain, see tonight's debate when she vows "massive US retailaton" against Iran if Israel is attacked. She extendend these remarks to not only include Israel, but also vowing to inject our military...
