The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    That Jefferson - What a Spoilsport

    We are still frantically thumping our chests, pretending that America is alive and well, while the rest of the world sees us as we really are--a sad and sorry lot. But ain't we got fun. . .?
    amike's picture

    "The Takeaway" Becomes the Throwaway (Updated)

    The Radio and Internet as news source have certain faults.  When I read something stupid, offensive,slanderous or all three in print media, I can turn it to good use:  I can use it  to clean windows, or pickup hairballs, or...
    Richard Day's picture


    TPM PIX: VOX INSANITUS POPULIOnce upon a time, an eighty-two year old American Nazi walked into the Holocaust museum out of the blue, opened fire against an innocent guard: This afternoon, a gunman apparently shot at least one person...
    amike's picture

    Anyone Can Aspire to be a Governor

    Well, except the buy above... he can't aspire to be a Governor: he is a Governor: Deval Patrick of Massachsets.But this guy, Charles D. (Charlie) Baker, who recently resigned as CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care can.  Tossing his hat...

    RALLY TRIP: Wheels up

    Got a wake-up phone call from a checken today. Bwak! Bwak! Looks like I'll make it to the airport on time. Should arrive in DC about 11 a.m. after Atlanta layover.Kristy will fly to DC tomorrow.I'll try to find a...

    The sergeants particularly liked removing victims' brains.

    I'm not sure what more can be said here. Via Fire Dog Lake is this report from the Colorado Springs Gazette. It is part one of a series and appropriately titled  "The hell of war comes home". The article highlights...
    Richard Day's picture

    Alexis de Tocqueville and Prison Reform

    Alexis de Tocqueville just touched on America's penal institutions in the first half of his work Democracy in America:   A few years ago some pious people undertook to make the state of the prisons better. The public was...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Howard Dean -- He May Be Our Only Hope

    Howard Dean, on Rachel Maddow tonight, discussed the differences between health INSURANCE reform, versus health CARE reform, among other topics.  He succinctly spells it out, and he will be hosting the Keith Olberman hour for two nights.  To all of...

    Calling Cpt. 'Trapper' John McIntyre, M.D.

    Screen Actors Guild board member and movie star Elliott Gould called me today to express his support for Single Payer health care and to graciously explain a prior commitment that prevents him from attending Healthcare NOW's July 30th rally in...
    acanuck's picture

    Gates 'break-in suspects' weren't black

    I've been discounting all racial-profiling allegations in the Gates incident, and that's in part because I accepted as true reports, based on police statements, that a witness who called 911 had volunteered the two "suspects" were black. So the suspicion...
    amike's picture

    Research Help Wanted--pleeeeze (Health Care Related)

    Hi one, Hi all.I'm working on a little blog item about Charles Baker, CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health stepping down to run against Deval Patrick in the 2010 Massachusetts Governor's race..  One of the bits I was going to use...
    mageduley's picture

    Attention Pregnant Americans Traveling Abroad

    A friendly message from your Dept. of Homeland Security :)Warning! Your child may not be an American citizen if born in a foreign country. Homeland Security's tighter regulation on the immigration of illegal aliens (and believe me all newborns...
    we are stardust's picture

    This is Chauncey deVega's (wearerespectable interview with Patrick Buchanan

    Some commenters at the site wonder if it is a spoof; I think not, as Pat and Sister Bay have said almost all of the same things on the air.  I had to cut and paste it, I was unable to...
    Richard Day's picture


      Mating with  a cuddlefish is a strange affair, Nova (7/26/09--up here anyway)   Charley Brown: If I only knew then what I know now. Charley Brown: If I only knew then what I know now. Charley Brown: If...

    I miss Clearthinker

    I understand CT has taken down his blog posts and indicated he is moving on.I have not always agreed with him (understatement?) but I have appreciated his inquisitive nature and rigor in trying to pin down the facts. He can...
    Richard Day's picture

    When Those Tanks Come Marchin' In

    Bonus Army Conflict Shacks, put up by the Bonus Army on the Anacostia flats, Washington, DC, burning after the battle with the military, 1932. Rutherford B. Hayes kind of out maneuvered poor Tilden in the presidential election of 1876. There...
    we are stardust's picture

    Watch the International Space Station for a much-needed mental health break!

    Here's a link to find viewing times and the sky area to scan for your area: Under configutations, choose either register and login, or select from data base; they will allow you to select your town for viewing times...

    Help TPM reps tell your healthcare story in DC - PLEASE COMMENT!

    As Kristy Ray, kfreed, Jason, Donal and I prepare to visit Washington next week to attend Healthcare Now's single-payer rally and to lobby our delegations, it occurs to me: As compelling as our personal health care stories are, very likely...
    we are stardust's picture

    Think you are in favor of the "public option?" Not so fast...

    Last night on Bill Moyers Journal, two helathcare journalists,Trudy Lieberman and Marcia Angel, M.D., discussed the current plan, and expressed great skepticism about the true results of a plan based on the current system.  Angell's position was that throwing money...
    Richard Day's picture

    It Aint Necessarily So

    Okay folks!  All I got is snippets and a song today. TPM: In that spirit, take a look at this new Web video from Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), attacking his potential opponent Charlie Melancon, a Blue Dog Democratic Congressman,...

    Why Max Baucus is key

    As chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) holds sway over the only remaining Senate committee still working on a markup of health care legislation. The HELP committee passed its version, which includes a public option,...
    we are stardust's picture

    Please. Start with the understanding that we all have biases.

    And there is evidence that the biases and bigotries we hide from ourselves may be the worst.  For one reason, if they remain hidden to us, we won't work to change them.  For two, we act on them, even while...
    Ramona's picture

    Maher Socks it to the Profiteers - Why hasn't everyone else?

    So many of us have said for so long that this isn't the America we've known and loved. We've shouted until we're blue in the face that letting the obscenely rich get obscenely richer by sacrificing the entire middle class MAKES NO SENSE.
    CVille Dem's picture

    Maybe It's Time to Have a Blog Delay Function

    I hate to say this, because it goes against the way TPM has always worked, but today's spam posts make me think that perhaps the way around them is to have a review of blog posts before they actually appear...
    Richard Day's picture


    The scene  was in Bobby's basement. He was a resident of the west side of our little white suburb. The only one of two in the gang to have a furnished basement. Carpet and color TV and a stereo...
