The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Audacity my ass, Mr. President

    Mr. President, I was happy to work my gnarled fingers to the bone for you last year: blogging, making calls and canvassing. I had to sacrifice much because I'm disabled and typing is hard for me. Everything is hard. But...

    It ain't over till it's over

    I understand the frustrations of those who are ready to become Independents. I'm pissed, too, and may drop out of Democratic politics myself. But not yet. Not today. No one who reads TPM should be surprised that Sen. Conrad has...
    amike's picture

    Thirty-One mainstream to left-leaning Religious Organizations Unite to Push FOR Health Care Reform

    .Last week I posted an entry which drew attention to the mobilizing of mainstream and left-leaning religious organizations in support of Barack Obama's health care reform initiative.  Consider this an update of the information presented in that post, specifically information...
    oleeb's picture

    No Public Option? Then Kill It

    I just saw on Yahoo news that the AP is running a story saying Obama is going to abandon the public option which is the only really decent aspect of his health insurance reform plan.  Here is how the article...
    Ramona's picture

    Cal Thomas, Humanitarian: An Oxymoron if Ever There Was One

    Of course we're special. We're so special, in fact, that a whole lot of us lefty heathens work doubly hard to ensure a quality of life for all. A far cry from what Thomas and his kind have been advocating. They're in the business of picking and choosing--who lives and who dies?--and a cynical business it is. They've chosen--proudly chosen--obscene, royal profits over needless suffering of the masses.
    acanuck's picture

    R.I.P. 'public option'

    The insurance companies just won. The administration, heeding the bleats of fearful and paid-off congresscritters, has just punted on the public option. Sebelius and Obama have both signaled that non-profit co-ops might do the trick by injecting some competition to...
    Richard Day's picture

    Shoes of the Fisherman

    My words are easy to understand and easy to perform, Yet no man under heaven knows them or practices them.   My words have ancient beginnings. My actions are disciplined. Because men do not understand, they have no knowledge...
    we are stardust's picture

    Why do Evangelicals and Pentecostals oppose Health Care Reform?

    I have been bothered by this question, and began looking into it more seriously lately.  I had assumed from polls and conversations with Fundamentalist Christianists who seem to have inordinate influence over the issue, that mainstream Christians were AWOL in...
    Richard Day's picture


    Why is the sea King of a hundred streams? Because it lies below them. Therefore it is the King of a hundred streams.   If the Sage would guide the people, he must serve with humility If he would...
    oleeb's picture

    Do DC Dems Ever Get Tired Of Being Beaten UP?

    As the Republicans and their corporate buddies have rolled out a slight twist on the now age-old "Bitch Slap the Democrats" routine on healthcare, our friends the DC Dems once again find themselves standing there, mouths agape at the atrocious...
    amike's picture

    A Ten Minute Tweet on the British National Health Service

    Yesterday I posted a short entry regarding Britain's Defense of the National Health Service on Twitter.  I promised  to post anything interesting I found...a daunting task given how fast the scene changes.  I don't think I'll become a tweetertwit.  I'll...
    Richard Day's picture

    For What It's Worth

      The Tao of heaven is to take from those who have too much        And give to those who do not have enough. Man's way is different. He takes from those who do not have enough         To...
    amike's picture

    The Brits Fight Back on NHS slurs. This is FUN!!! Really! Honest!

    Just listened to an extended session on Public Radio International's The World:The World's Lisa Mullins talked with a French and a German journalist covering the U.S. healthcare reform debate from Washington to hear what they make of the vitriolic debate...

    Chain email this URL

    Here's the White House website for countering misinformation about health care reform. It's a good, well-organized, concise resource for anyone who need the facts. Please email this to everone you know and ask them to do the same.
    Richard Day's picture

    BOUM BOUM!!!! Amended boum boum then. I mean this is starting to get on my nerves folks.CASE #1I am from New Hampshire and I welcome you. One false move and boum boum.The President of the United States comes to give...

    Pondering the bear shit

    Two hikers walked deep into the woods. As they hiked beneath the green shade of tall trees, one felt something squish under his step. He looked down and saw that he had stepped in a pile of bear shit. It...
    amike's picture

    More from the Religious Left supporting Health Care Reform UPDATED

    I mentioned a bit about this in a comment on Ghengis' Blog earlier today.  While the religious right is out there doing nasty things about health care, there's another religious side to the debate--several other sides, actually.  I thought I'd...
    Richard Day's picture

    BOUM BOUM!!!

    This is canceled. Tech problems. Please go to amended at: I withdraw this I lose the comments posted by those who could actually read the blog....

    Michael Steele's Weekly We'll-Mislead-You-Now-Give-Us-Funds E-mail: More Bogus "Facts"

    Just read Steele's weekly (he seems to have concluded that Wednesday's are good reach-in-your-pocket days) fundraising plea/hypocritical rant/bullsht "facts" e-mail.  More Republican Orwellian crap (what'd you expect?).  This time, he cleverly agrees with Pres. Obama that we should get rid of...
    Barth's picture


    Pressed for time, and the increased demands of an adult daughter, a former wife, and work it becomes difficult to mount the Paul Revere horse as often as the need seems to arise....

    Mary Robinson: A Reasoned View

    Today, Pres. Obama awarded Mary Robinson (among others) the Medal of Freedom.  Yesterday, I blogged what my interest in the news had turned up, and my concerns about her receiving the high award. This editorial from the Associate Dean at...

    The Message Challenge - PLEASE REC!

    Some of us -- maybe all of us in favor of real reform -- think our messaging has been scattershot and poorly defends the multiple fronts on which health care reform is under assault.So what should the core message of...

    WSJ Op-Ed Piece on HC Still Doesn't Get It

    Where to start with this piece below in the WSJ?    What the public option is about is people not wanting to pay private insurance companies' advertising and market segmentation strategy implementation costs, and for a degree of administrative complexity Kafka...
    amike's picture

    R.I.P. Eunice Kennedy Shriver: and Thank you

    It's ten of seven in the morning.  My computer at the university is disconnected, and who knows if it will get re-connected any time today.  But I wanted to make sure that the passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver was marked...
    Joe Wood's picture

    On Being Polite At A Debate

    When I was a young boy, I remember constantly being scolded over and over by my Father on how to be polite.  "Don't yell."  "Watch your mouth, dammit!"  Apparently, I was always saying or repeating something that made me either...
