The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Of Rolling Hatred and Eternal War

    I suppose the most reliable truism I've learned about politics in my 49 years is that hateful people will always be at war with people who don't deserve to be hated. No matter what coordinates in history one picks to...
    we are stardust's picture

    Page 425 of the House Health Care Bill: Just Remove It.

    Page 425 is making the Insurrectionists crazy.  If I understand correctly, there were two versions that were originally stand-alone bills, authored and co-sponsored by Republicans, one as a Medicaid measure, one as a Social Security measure.  It provides for Medicare payments for...
    Richard Day's picture


    Shame is, variously, an affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition. The roots of the word shame are thought to derive from an older word meaning to cover; as such, covering oneself, literally or figuratively, is a natural expression of...

    Links/thoughts on Obama's honoring Mary Robinson (and John Bolton's reaction)

    I've been kinda outta the loop the last few days, so the headline about John Bolton slamming Obama for awarding a medal to Mary Robinson caught my attention. He was unsurprisingly bombastic, but he set me to digging for...
    amike's picture

    Evacuation Drill (updated for Obey)

    Evacuation Drill  O Ship of State THOU, too, sail on, O Ship of State!Sail on, O Union, strong and great!Humanity with all its fears,With all the hopes of future years,Is hanging breathless on thy fate!We know what Master laid...
    oleeb's picture

    How Can Obama Get The Momentum Back on Healthcare?

    As a purely strategic proposition, it is pretty well agreed by most people the President has lost the momentum on the issue of healthcare and is no longer driving the public debate or the agenda.  As a practical matter, how...
    Richard Day's picture


    how does it feel how does it feel to be without a home like a complete unknown with no direction home Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.....Blanche DuBois The Nation presented one...
    we are stardust's picture

    9-12ers in their own words, at their own meeting, and at a Town Hall

    David Long of the Four Corners Free Press (not online) in Cortez, Co attended a July 20 meeting of the Four Corners 9-12 Project (a la Glenn Beck) at the Elks Hall.  Approximately 100 people attended; the subject was health...
    we are stardust's picture

    CREEPY ALERT: The National Association of Rural Landowners: "Without Property Rights, no other rights are possible."

    This group headed by Ron Ewert is closely associated with the Tea Party movement. They produced this video about revolution, "The Coming Civil War." It is creepy to the Nth degree.  I know the 9-12ers in our county have...

    Corporate Nazi Alien Poodle Porn Massacre

    Oh, and they eat brains, but that's in part 2.If I don't get 75 Rec's on this one, you'll never see another like it from me again....
    Richard Day's picture


    THE BLACK PRINCE: Edward, Prince of Wales (15 June 1308 June 1376) was called - Edward of Woodstock in his early life, after his birthplace, and has, more recently, been popularly known as The Black Prince. He was the...
    Joe Wood's picture

    A Letter From An American To The People Of Iran

      سلام به دوستان In America, for the past month my family and I have watched the images and sounds coming out of Iran.  We have stayed up nights to listen to the voice of the Supreme Leader, to...

    Brain eaters: Alt media miss the story

    All of us complain that the big media often miss the real story, focusing instead on side issues.Now it's happening at TPM, where numerous meta posts have garnered scores of Recs while substantive health care reform hangs in the balance....
    CVille Dem's picture

    August 8th 1974 - Nixon Resigns - August 8th 2009 --> It's up to Us!

    I was at the Kennedy Center, and the Bolshoi Ballet was performing Raymunda, an exquisite ballet; a perfect performance.  I don't remember if it happened at intermission, or just between acts, but the curtains came down, and a huge screen...

    5 reasons to attend a town hall

    1. To prevent the death of reform.Betting the farm on Congress having a strong spine is the same as signing the deed over to the devil. When the morning news shows your congressman or senator surrounded by a mob screaming...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Health Insurers and Their Pavlovian Ideologues Disrupt Health Care Reform

    I'm grateful to obey and miguelitoh2o and all the others who have written recently with such clarity and passion about the abuses of our health insurance industry.In light of such information about Insurance Company abuses, it seems puzzling that the insurance industry...
    Richard Day's picture

    Danke Schoen

    The following is a romantic tale involving Chipper, the triple dipper and Katy, the sailor and the United States Army that keeps us safe 'over there' so we do not have to fight 'them' over here. The United States...
    CVille Dem's picture

    This is a Republican Email, In case anyone is Interested

    I just received this from a republican co-worker:   Subject: Obama Health Care Plan Details Everyone knows abortion and euthanasia counseling are included in the health care bill.  But there is more that should be a source of concern. The following is a brief outline of this bill put together by Mat Staver of the Freedom Foundation and Liberty Counsel (contact info is at the end)....

    George is getting angry!!!

    Sorry for the Seinfeldian headline, but for purposes of this post, call me George. And yes, I'm pissed at the cacophony here at TPM, the nihilism and the scattershot messaging about health care reform.Excuse the blunt trauma that may be...

    Teabags and town halls - is this battle even necessary?

    I've been pondering the whole situation with the violence unfolding at the health care "town halls". My initial reaction was, of course, "let them try that crap with me, and they'll see what's really up!". Even pondered going on road...
    Richard Day's picture

    Sir Lancelot, Sir Gore & The Damsels in Distress

    So Sir Lancelot and Sir Gore were notified that Lady Lee and Lady Ling were being held by King John Ill in a dungeon and that the intent of the evil king was to feed them to the dragon...

    RIPPER'S DC TRIP, Pt. 2: ... or waiting for Godot?

    The 300THAT'S NO RALLY, THAT'S A BARBECUEIn a clip from The Real News, David Swanson of says "thousands of people" attended the Healthcare Now! rally on July 30th in the Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill. Not quite. Even...
    amike's picture

    Wanna be on Teevee (as a health care advocate)?

    I just received this e-mail, and thought it would be a good idea to pass it on:Dear Michael,Last night, something big happened.Mike Snider, the owner of a family restaurant in Ralston, Nebraska whose personal health care story was featured in...

    Honduras Crisis Update

    Here is a quick recap of some major events in Honduras over the last couple of days, complied from Honduran news sources.Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras: (note: this protest has been characterized very differently by different sources, this narrative is...
    oleeb's picture

    Combating And Neutralizing Republican Authoritarianism In America

    Anyone who has been paying attention over the past 40 years has noticed the regrettable and extremist reactionary trend in the political life of the United States.  Certainly no one could have missed the anti-democratic authoritarianism of the Republican Party...
