by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I guess I am guilty of this sin every damn day I have ever lived. I mean we cannot, individually be experts in everything.
Which is why the Science Guy, who has studied scientific principles and theories his entire life is attacked as merely being an 'engineer'.
Okay, so let us take a look at our elected representatives who are arguing out of their weight class:
Representative Gohmert from Texas (as if I should be surprised?)
Gohmert is so goddamnable stupid he wishes to make an issue out of his parking
You ever see parking wars on one of the more extraneous cable networks?
Gohmert feels that the answer to mass killings by gun toters is to make more people gun toters?
Gohmert has absolutely no basis, no cites, no argument for this endeavor to send us all into chaos.
As a matter of fact, Gohmert feels that more gun restrictions result in animal sex.
Gohmert just loves gays!
As a matter of fact all gays are NAZI's.
Oh and speaking of NAZI's
Republicans, however, Gohmert said, wanted Hispanics to learn English “because we want you not to be a ditch digger because you can’t communicate. We know you are smart enough to be president of this company and to be president of this country if you’re born here."
Okay, enough!
Oh but Gohmert is merely an outlander. That is what the left's critics might say!
I mean this butthead does not represent the Repub party for chrissakes!
Gohmert is on the LEFT! (ironic aint it?)
SENATOR MARCO RUBIO, R-FLA.: Yes, good advice. And thanks for having me on to talk about this important topic. I think it's a good moment to remind people and the country that the vast majority of conservatives favor legal immigration, and we don't have a legal immigration system that works right now. And our problem with illegal immigration is that it undermines legal immigration.
So we have 11 million people that are undocumented, and we understand that we have to deal with this issue because we have 11 million people that by all accounts are going to be here the rest of their lives with or without documents. But our objection has been in the past that we can't do anything to deal with 11 million people that, number one, is unfair to people who have done it the right way, or number two, that will encourage illegal immigration in the future.
And that's why your point is so important. And one of the things that I have made a key part of my own personal principles, I'm glad we found our way into these principles and must be a part of any final bill. And that is this. Before we can move towards a path for green cards -- because citizenship comes after that, it's a path to green cards. Before we move to a path towards green cards, there has to be enforcement mechanisms, verified and in place. And the not just the border, Sean, it's workplace enforcement, because that's the magnet for legal immigration, and its tracking the entry and exit of visitor visas. Forty percent of our illegal immigration and undocumented people in the country entered illegally and overstayed their visas, and we don't track when people leave, so we don't know who and where they are.
All of these things must happen before, before there's a path to a green card and that's a critical part of any component that we do here.
More to the point; this idiot claims he is an expert on NOTHINGNESS.
I am not an expert on immigration.
I am not an expert on climate change.
I am not an expert on abortion.
I am not an expert on the economy.
I am not an expert on pesticides.
I am not an expert on poverty.
I am not an expert on the effect of the minimum wage standards affecting American Workers.
I am not an expert....
At least in comparison to Gohmert, Ruibio is more honest, as far as these questions go.
Bill Nye, the Science Guy:
Well ole Bill is merely an engineer who studied his whole life on a hundred subects is belittled by the corporate shills:
Watch this one video of John Oliver doing his 'equality debate'!
I never liked Oliver. My dislike had nothing to do with politics but delivery and yet I think he as found a voice on HBO!
I'm sorry, I had the actual video located here but the powers that be (Not Mike for chrissakes) took it down and so I present the link!
Food Stamps make eaters, lazy.
I dunno, not eating makes people lazy I would suggest.
Around midnight on April 27, a 17-year-old exchange student from Germany named Diren Dede left the host home where he played Xbox and drained cans of Sprite to set off with a friend through his dark hillside neighborhood. They passed a home whose garage door hung partially open. Using a cellphone for light, Mr. Dede headed in.
Inside the house, motion sensors alerted Markus Kaarma to an intruder’s presence. Two recent burglaries had put Mr. Kaarma and his young family on edge, his lawyer said, and he grabbed a shotgun from the dining room and rushed outside. He aimed into the garage and, according to court documents, fired four blasts into the dark. Mr. Dede’s body crumpled to the floor.
"Playing with" guns is usually what's behind a significant number of our child victims of GunFAIL, and it's no exception this week. Twelve kids were accidentally shot this time, ages 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 17, 17, plus one more described simply as a juvenile, and fully half of them did not survive the accident. Four sibling-on-sibling shootings were counted this week, as well as accidents wounding one son, two wives, and a nephew.
“We’ve got two pending nominations, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, both of whom are very prominently anti-us – less than ardent fans of the U.S. military.” Perhaps if Ted Cruz actually knows anything about the deficits caused by 12 years of war, he’d be believable.
How in the hell could he ever back this up?
Chuck Hagel, a lifetime repub?
What in the hell is the matter with this guy?
Do you have 72 hours to discuss this matter?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry used grossly misleading statistics to criticize the unemployment picture under President Obama. Perry said there are “90 million people that are out of work” and “more women out of the workforce now than at any time in our history.” The 90-million figure includes teenagers, retired seniors and only 6 million people who want a job. The women’s labor force participation rate is more than one-and-half times what it was in 1948 — not surprisingly.
Kill em all.
Minimum wages will kill employment.
Perry does not have one goddamn study, I mean real study that backs up any of his hypocritical bullshite.
I dunno. I am sure that I argue out of my weight class all the time.
Have I feigned to have read all of the file when I do so?
Thanks DD. Sadly, this isn't Louie's first time on the gay-Nazi merry-go-round. You should see his criticism of the Matthew Shepard bill in 2009 (possibly the dumbest, most offensive speech to grace the Capitol in recent memory).
Some other highlights:
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 2:34pm
Okay, so I am a trucker in Texas and I get screwed every damn day by not getting credited for my 'real' hours on the road or in preparing for the road and I lose money for weight issues regarding my load and I am an 'independent contractor' so I pay twice the amount for withholding and...
And so I vote for idiots like Gohmert because he speaks to my personal biases and...
What in the hell is the matter with these people who lose more and more every damn day because of demagogues?
You are having these problems because of folks from south of our border.
You are having these problems because of scientists.
You are having these problems because 'Northerners' are lying on cable tv.
You are having these problems because of 'Gay Lifestyles'.
On and on and on.
I guess we have the government(s) that we deserve.
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 3:14pm
The way I figure it, demagogues are as old as democracy. Can't have one without the other.
The trouble is that demagogues have so much power right now. There's plenty of blame to throw around for this sorry state of affairs, but Democrats bear some of it. People are more likely to follow bigots like Gohmert when they lose faith in the alternative.
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 5:06pm
I listened to the entire oration from the dumbest man in Congress today.
I did! I listened to the entire bullshite put together with rants from Bachmann and Palin and a host of other repub haters.
Those professing to be wise are fools!
Okay then!
Well, he likes Negroes?
He likes Alan Keyes?
And he likes Romans which gives him the right to kill gays?
See, now I hate him even more!
He professes to be wise and he is a fool!
the end
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 6:04pm
I picture a little man inside his head who randomly picks nuggets from a vat of right-wing sound-bites and feeds them directly to his vocal chords. Poor Louis doesn't even understand the stuff that comes out his mouth. He just opens and closes his jaws as it spills out.
PS I also suffered through 45 minutes of that garbage. In the entire speech, I'm not sure he uttered a single sentence that had the decency to be true.
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 7:57pm
Why and/or how do you guys subject yourself to that? I don't think I could take more than 5 minutes. I would only last that long out of morbid curiosity, but even curiosity wouldn't hold off the gag reflex or prevent my eyes from rolling back so far in my head I'd never find them again.
by Verified Atheist on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 8:33am
I was thinking about this!
I need to know what the enemy is thinking?
Well, I hit Mediamatters at least twice a day. Like they say:
We monitor 24/7 so you do not have to listen to this crap. hahahaha
I can go to MM and hear the worst of Rush or FOX or whatever for two minutes or so.
But CSPAN allows me to hear some idiot's thoughts on TV whilst I go do something else--like the old radio let us do.
We must attend to the lies of the right, somehow!
And even I, a nobody, picks up some strange 'sounds', like from an alien universe, that we would not normally hear.
Anyway, Mike has just provided a 45 minute rant from an idiot that is an American Representative from the Lower Congressional House.
Take the time to listen once in awhile. That is the best I can do!
I sweep the kitchen and/or scrub the bathroom or whatever and listen to the crazies.
It is easier to do when one has other chores.
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 7:35pm
We do need to know what the enemy is saying. I commend you for that. I try to do the same and spend some time each day reading on conservative and even tea party sites. I consider myself a pretty hard core news junkie, but my god, not even I could make myself listen to Gohmert, or Coulter, etc. for 45 minutes. I'd be pissed off all day after something like that. I draw the line at that much self inflicted torture.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 1:11am
That is all I got!
I would just add that 2 minutes of Rush on MM can piss me off for an hour--but then again adrenaline might help me write something. hahahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 2:37am
If you mention Rubio around here, you just get a head shake and eye roll. He has been totally useless to Florida. He is going to do his best to pander to the Alec crowd so he can run again. He will need their money because the locals aren't going to be all that generous. There won't be a plurality the next time to win on.
I just hope the crazies just keep talking and continue to look as dumb as they are. It will keep reminding the voters they need to clean house.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 5:31am
Rubio is just a prick who wishes to coordinate the Cuban/Floridian vote and then go on to bigger and better things.
He is an idiot of course but so are the other members of the Senate and he will always vote in the repub minority and he will always screw the real 'minorities' and the real poor and suck up on the corporate teats and....
He has that same pretend 'gravitas' that Cruz has.
There is, in the end, no gravitas and no concern for the poor or the dispossessed and no concern for the health of Americans or the economic disparity that encompasses our real problems.
He has that baby face that will eventually turn into a pretend 'knowledge' and if the Floridians will ever get rid of the guy, we will be better off in the end.
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 7:53pm
"Last Word" had a segment on Rubio and Rand Paul. Rubio was mumbling that the climate is always changing and that what scientists want to do will cost too much. Paul was making sure that core Republican voters knew that he supported their search for voter fraud. These are the best and brightest in the GOP.
A separate segment noted that even Bill O'Reilly wasn't buying Karl Rove's charge that Hillary suffered brain damage. Rove was on Fox saying, "Hold on, I never said brain damage!"
It would be hilarious if we weren't talking about a group of people who consider themselves capable of running the country.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 10:53pm
Rand Paul just spoke about 'voting rights'; what two days ago?
Now he 'walks it all back'!
It is like DeMint just Fed Exes all the corrections and....hahahahahahah
Oooooooooh I never said that.
What I said was taken out of context.
What I meant to say was.....
Thank Almighty God for video and audio.
At least recordings can be used in advertisements. hahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 12:20am
He is saying some really stupid things about global warming. Rising sea levels is an issue that people are waking up to in Florida. Actually he says a lot of stupid things only now the media needs to fill some empty space and they are covering what he says. Christ C. has struck out as the next GOP golden boy so Rubio is up now on the batters mound. He is warming up for Jeb.
Mean while in the rising swampland of Florida. Crist has been taking some hard swings at Scott. He knows were the soft under belly is on the Florida Republican Party and he taking advantage of it.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 5:57pm
Miami is in real trouble.
So are other municipalities in Florida!
Oh but MAN has nothing to do with all of this!
Well Florida has to pony up as they say!
Oh well, I always felt that the best advertisement for the dems has to do with pollution instead of climate change. It works better as far as propaganda.
But damn; Rubio is just helping destroy his own constituency. ha
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 7:23pm
He seems like the kind of guy who can tell me who Ben Gossy is and why people are so mad at him.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 10:35am
Okay, I hereby render unto Mr. Maiello the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me!
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 11:25am