Ramona's picture

    The GOP's big plan: Yell "taxes" in a Crowded Theater, Send in the Clowns, Boffo Box Office*

    I woke up this morning with a mad, radical thought in my head: What if I'm wrong and those damned Republicans really are right?  What if, after all their clowning around, it turns out they actually have what it takes to allow us to pack up our troubles in our old kit bag and smile, smile, smile?


    Am I the only one who missed this?

    So, I've been out of the loop for a few weeks (and heading back out again). Spent a bit of time wandering around catching up on my regular spots and came across this post by at 43rd state blues highlighting some WH PR on Obama's plan for how to deal with Bush tax cuts. Am I the only one who hasn't seen it yet?

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Flush Bigotry, Restore Sanity

    Flush Bigotry, Restore Sanity

    I wished I could be at the Rally to Restore Sanity (Washington D.C.)in two weeks but I can only make a sign and hope that it would be there in spirit!

    Crossposted at www.Kavehadel.com/blog

    Artwork 2010©KavehAdel.com

    Angle's Latest Angle

    If Sharron Angle took the time to learn some español, she might be saying “Tengo una dolor de cabeza” right now.  Seems Angle has been using some pretty nasty images in her campaign ads in an effort to paint Harry Reid as being soft on immigration/border control.

    But the plan is backfiring on Angle now as she tries to appease Hispanic voters in Nevada.

    Barth's picture

    Living with One Another

    A friend's father died this week after a long, but still tragically shortened life. He was Roman Catholic which meant, as so often seems to be the case, the Jewish guy writing to you was in attendance to watch what, to these eyes and ears, continues to be a quite strange ritual.  Since I do not share the faith that makes those rituals meaningful, they still seem, even after seeing them so many times, quite odd in so many ways.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Dying To Get Out Of CVS Pharmacy

    So what do you all think was really going on here?

    we are stardust's picture

    The President Navel-Gazes; Waves White Flag of Surrender

    The New York Times Magazine published this interview of Barack Obama on October 12, 2010.  Entitled The Education of a President, Peter Baker speaks with the President, whose first chapter of his Presidency has ended.  He and Obama take an afternoon to reflect on the first two years, and wander into the plans for the next two.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Antikamnia neuman.jpg


    Sometimes there come to us common folk revelations from sources one would never predict in a thousand years.

    a dude named steevo's picture

    My First (dag) Blog

    Just checking out the site and seeing if I am able to post here.


    Had an interesting conversation with someone yesterday regarding politicians.  This wise gentleman said he didn't think honest politicians could ever be elected, and we only elect people that lie to us.  Therefore, is democracy doomed?

    How To Be A Tempting Temp

    Well, almost a year after being on Unemployment, and three months of working as a temp, it looks as though I'm finally getting hired. Amen.

    stillidealistic's picture

    It's Been Awhile Since I've Cared Enough To Rant

    but the time has come. I have so much pent up anger and hostility I have to rant, or I'll explode.

    I have spent the last two years+ supporting and defending the President. And in spite of how angry I am at him this moment, I will still support him until I see a better choice. Defend? Maybe not so much. Because this time, unless I convince myself otherwise during the course of sorting this out at your expense, what he is doing is indefensible.

    Would the GOP Defend Obamacare all the Way to the Supreme Court?

    As lawsuits on Obama's health care law brought by the GOP are allowed to progress, and with the recognition the reforms only go into full force in 2014, one wonders, that if Obamacare was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, and blocked, would a Republican President 'go to the mat' to defend Obamacare? 

    we are stardust's picture

    An American Garden

    Vegetable Garden  Richard Adams

    I just got back from my work at the Garden.  The sun has set; it’s still getting dark earlier every night.  Once the time changes back from this cursed ‘daylight savings’ time, it will seem even worse.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Know Your Lender Act Of 2011

    There is no "Know Your Lender Act Of 2011" but the great and ongoing discussion at Dr.

    Geithner off his leash again.

    Just when Democrats are getting a little traction in places like West Virginia, the walking definition of an effete banker, and apparently Obama's alter ego, is back on the air waves, this time with Charlie Rose. Worse, he's downplaying the mortgage moratoria, if that's a word.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:El Hijo De Santo vs Blue Demon Jr.jpg



    More than twenty months ago I presented a set of rules for blogging at TPMCafe.

    Does Obama Have the Guts to let DADT Die?

    A federal district court judge has driven a stake through the heart of the 17 year old 'don't ask, don't tell' policy on gays in the military, placing an injunction on its enforcement throughout the military and declaring it unconstitutional. The judiciary is a co-equal branch of government, and the judge was doing what the judiciary is supposed to do, ruling to defend the rights of Americans under the Constitution.

    we are stardust's picture

    2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior

    Peter Paul Reubens

    It’s been sixty years since Alfred Kinsey’s groundbreaking reports, separate ones on male and female sexuality, opened the lid on the hidden sexual lives of Americans.  It caused discomfort in many circles, but allowed for discussions that were off-limits in social circles, and probably even academic circles.

    Responsibility for Capital

    Edward Bellamy in his book "Looking Backward", 1887, projected a utopia in America in the year 2000. I came across this quaint and too laborious book because my edition has an E. MCKNIGHT KAUFFER dust jacket, an illustrator I collect.

    Bellamy predicted that the "responsibility for capital" in America in 2000 would be centralized--in the government. Capital has been centralized, but in the hands of a few. It strikes me that owning the "responsibility" is something different from owning the capital.

    AmiBlue's picture

    Please watch and pass it along

    Steve Benen at Political Animal has put together this video.  I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the political ads smearing candidates.  This one is very convincing in a subtle way.  Please send it along to people you know who are thinking of opting out in 2010.

    Cautionary Warning to Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman.

    Cautionary Warning to Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman.

     "Lieberman Tells European Foreign Ministers: Israel Will Not Be Your Czechoslovakia 2010"

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Rebuilding U.S. Infrastructure

    Political Cartoon: Building U.S. Infrastructure

    Jobs are needed in America.  There are many who are willing and able to get to work. Others choose to be asleep at "their" job.

    Crossposted at www.Kavehadel.com/blog

    Artwork 2010©KavehAdel.com

    For more Political Cartoons, sketches or just thoughts visit Kaveh Adel's Art & Humanity Blog

    Michael Maiello's picture

    An Elitist Takes On Obama

    Subject: While You Were Not Elite H/T: Atrios.

    (A complete, paragraph by paragraph rebuttal to Time’s Mark Halperin.

    Barack Obama is being politically crushed in a vise. From above, by elite opinion about his competence. From below, by mass anger and anxiety over unemployment. And it is too late for him to do anything about this predicament until after November's elections.

    Richard Day's picture


