DF's picture

    Burning Question: The Coleman Factor

    The U.S. Presidential election of 2000 still evokes uncomfortable memories of election regularities, former Secretaries of State waxing legal and some stodgy butthole named Chad.  Even though the whole debacle had to be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, which seemed to take for-eh-ver, the resolution was reached in a tidy 38 days.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    This is the house that George built!

    This is the house that George built!
    These are men who lie in the house that George built.
    This is the war that killed the men
    That lie in the house that George built.

    This is the fraud that started the war
    That killed the men that lie in the house that George built.
    This is the Dick that contrived the fraud
    That started the war that killed the men
    That lie in the house that George built.

    Deadman's picture

    Nationalize Now

    I am going to try and keep this as short as possible because I'm off on a biz trip tomorrow (expect a lot less blog activity from me for about a week) and have things I need to get done before then.

    But I just had to comment on the statement released jointly this afternoon by the Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), and the Fed.

    DF's picture

    It's Hard Out Here For A Moderate Politician

    In contrast to my last post, I'm going to keep this one brief.

    There's been no shortage of lot of talk lately about bipartisanship as a way forward.  Of course, we all know that the President has made this one of his central themes in assuming office.  Over the course of watching the stimulus legislation, many pundits have been all too happy to pronounce this notion DOA.  If you want to be completely cynical about it, you could say that it was a naive notion to begin with.

    Deadman's picture

    The dagbuzz for 2/22/09: (Slumdog, the Oscars and a Happy Ending I Can Live With)

    I usually hate happy endings in movies. They may be fine for movies like Rudy, but for many films, happy endings often ring false and feel like cheap cop-outs. Yet for reasons I explain in the video below, I actually enjoyed the ultra-gooey finale of Slumdog Millionaire.

    Perhaps because America's economic story and outlook has become almost as depressing as the childhood of Slumdog protaganist Jamal Malik, it's somehow fitting that we allow ourselves to be gloriously deluded by inspiring, well-earned Hollywood ending bullshit.

    Deadman's picture

    Michael Phelps may have been on(to) something ...

    I can't stop stewing over the fact that the South Carolina sheriff decided to investigate Michael Phelps' notorious bong hit, with an eye toward possible prosecution.

    I know, I know, the sheriff dropped the investigation earlier this week after deciding there wasn't enough evidence to convict Phelps, who wisely did not admit to smoking the funny weed but merely apologized for using 'bad judgment.'

    DF's picture

    California Knows How To Party

    It is with great pleasure that I take the time to comment on the running clusterfuck that is California's state government.  Here at DagBlog, we've gone back and forth a bit about the possible ramifications of expansive fiscal policy that has now been signed into law by President Obama.  If you want a real lesson in when deficits get sticky, look no further than the Golden State.

    Orlando's picture

    Earth to Roland Burris: RIP THE %*$&*# BANDAID OFF!

    Turns out, even I underestimated the stupidity of Roland Burris, a feat, I assure you, that is as difficult as it is unexpected, seeing as how I've been criticizing him for weeks.

    Deadman's picture

    The dagbuzz for 2/17/09: (Obama's New New Deal?)

    (Video below)

    So Obama is signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 into law in Denver this afternoon. I've heard several pundits calling the $787 billion stimulus package the beginning of Obama's New Deal. In today's dagbuzz, I discuss why that comparison is foolish, and why we probably couldn't even afford a new New Deal even if we desperately needed one.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    George Bush Not the Worst President Ever

    Defying expectations and confounding the critics one last time, George W. Bush is not the worst president ever according to C-Span's Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership. Bush beat out Millard Fillmore, Warren Harding, William Henry Harrison, Franklin D. Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan to place a respectable 36th out of 42.

    Orlando's picture

    You Break It, You Buy It: The U.S. Senate is Stuck with Roland Burris

    Sometimes, being right is cold comfort. 

    As Genghis mentioned in his post, Roland Burris has "elaborated" on his testimony regarding his contact with Rod Blagojevich prior to his appointment to the United States Senate seat once held by President Obama. The Illinois State Senate is looking into whether he committed perjury and State Rep. Barbara Flynn Curie thinks it's "odd."

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Roland Burris, the gift that keeps on giving...

    Senator Roland Burris (D) speaks...

    Jan 5, sworn affidavit:

    There was not any contact between myself or any of my representatives with Governor Blagojevich or any of his representatives regarding my appointment to the United States Senate.

    Contact counter: 0

    Jan 8, sworn testimony:

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Economic Stimulus and the Parent Principle

    The $789 billion stimulus bill passed today. As expected, the Republican leadership carped about the cost. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell complained, "We've heard a lot from our friends about the danger of deficits over the past few years...Americans are wondering how we’re going to pay for all this." In case this message was too abstract for average Americans, McConnell supported his point with a common sense analogy, "Any parent knows you don't buy a new car and plan the summer vacation before you set the family budget for the year."

    Deadman's picture

    The Buzz for 2/10/09: (Geithner, Geithner, Geithner)

    The buzz today is focused solely on Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's financial stability plan. My quick verdict is that the plan is woefully inadequate on details, and I just don't understand the rush to announce this plan without a more specific framework for implementation.

    Orlando's picture

    Perspectives from Elkhart: President Obama's Visit is a Dubious Honor

    Elkhart, Indiana, is a city of just over 50,000 people. Over its history, it's had a few key industries, but none so important as trailer and RV manufacturing that has been recently devastated by high gas prices and lack of credit for people still willing to buy. It's a city of hard-working, salt-of-the-earth types, most of whom vote Republican. It's middle America at its best and its worst. And it's not so very different from cities of its size all over the country. 

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    BREAKING: Obama is not Jesus

    Monday 2/9. The MS Wall Fox Times, a joint news venture created by various prominent media organizations, has revealed that President Barack Obama is not Jesus. A probing collaboration by numerous reporters, pundits, and editorial assistants has determined that Barack Obama bears little physical resemblance to the celebrated hero of Christian faiths worldwide and cannot walk on water.

    Deadman's picture

    The Daily Buzz for 2/9/09: (Obama, Gaza, Octuplets, Grammies, Tiger)

    OK, I don't know how many people actually listened to my first attempt at the Daily Buzz, but two people commented they liked it (with reservations), and that's all the encouragement the vain Deadman needed to continue the process.

    Deadman's picture

    Questions: Stimulate Me

    OK, so Obama's tough talking apparently worked.

    The administration got three moderate Republican senators to agree to support the stimulus package and prevent a filibuster. In return, some $100 billion in spending from the package was removed while some Republican proposals for tax cuts and credits were adopted (most notably a $15,000 credit for homebuyers).

    Deadman's picture

    The Daily Buzz (An Experiment in Multimedia)

    Ok, so I am totally going to risk extreme personal embarrassment by doing this, but I decided to experiment with a little video rundown of some of the day's top stories as indicated by Yahoo Buzz!, which is a Digg-like service at http://buzz.yahoo.com. I basically put on my Unabomber/Deadman outfit, recap the top articles that interested me, and throw in a little commentary for good measure.

    DF's picture

    Macroeconomics 101: Spending versus Stimulus II or "Who's Afraid of Amity Shlaes?"

    The following passage is from one of my all-time favorite books.  The book is Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World, which was published the year that he passed, 1996.  The passage is found in the book's second chapter, Science and Hope.  In my edition, it begins at the bottom of page 36 and continues onto page 37 thusly:



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