The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: My Pelosi Face

    Gaga pelosi
    Lady Gaga is more powerful than Nancy Pelosi, says Forbes.


    BP Oil Disaster: Business-hating President Barack Obama really went out of his way to shield British Petroleum.

    DF's picture

    The Senate Sucks or Waiting for Obama

    Ah, the World's Greatest Deliberative Body.  No, not the courtroom of Judge Judy - the United States Senate.  Once a bastion of the elite and much more a body that represented state legislatures than Da Peehpuhl (as we say here in California), then civilized by the 17th Amendment, it is now the Place Where Good Legislation Goes to Die on the Vine.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Palin vs. the Tea Party

     Mudflats has obtained e-mails revealing Todd Palin's anger at Joe Miller, the Republican Tea Partier nominee for Senate from Alaska. They also have e-mails detailing Miller's inside-the-campaign response:

    I just found this in my inbox. This is what we're dealing with. Note the date and the complete misconstruction of what I said.

    Holy cow.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    I'm Not a Witch Either: Christine O'Donnell Is Not the Youest of the You

    I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.

    -- Christine O'Donnell, Republican for Senate

    I'm not a witch either. Like Christine O'Donnell, I'm you. Indeed, I'm much more you than Ms. O'Donnell. I'm so you that if you weren't you, you would think that I was you. In fact, the only thing holding me back from actually being you is you, if you get my meaning.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum's Morning: Starring Sarah Bieber

    Sarah Beiber
    Love his music? Love her politics? Then Sarah Bieber may be just for you.


    Rogue French: A rogue trader – called in some circles a thief – pays the price with a whopping three years in jail for stealing billions and nearly killing the French economy.

    Orlando's picture

    Watching the Elections from Afar

    Is it really just over a month until election day? I guess I'd better apply for my absentee ballot. Don't worry. I will. But at the risk of being scolded, I have to admit, I don't care all that much. It's okay to judge me for my apathy. Two years ago, I was Judgey McJudgerson. I couldn't believe why anyone in their right mind would vote for John McCain or choose not to vote at all. Actually, I still can't really believe why someone would make one of those choices, which is why the absentee ballot will be duly completed--albeit without a single ounce of enthusiasm. 

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Free Gonorrhea and Syphilis, courtesy the Greatest Country in the World

    Being the greatest country in the world means occasionally having to say your sorry for infecting the people of another country with wicked sexually transmitted diseases just to see what happens.

    From BBC:

    US testing that infected hundreds of Guatemalans with gonorrhoea and syphilis more than 60 years ago was a “crime against humanity”, Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom has said.

    DF's picture

    Great Moments in Cable News: Rick Sanchez Edition

    PROTIP: If you're going to take someone to task for their supposed bigotry, it's probably best that your whole argument not devolve into a weird tirade about how Jews run everything... including the company that employs you.

    Anyway, peace out to Rick Sanchez, whose Twitterfied brand of infotainment was the final nail in the coffin containing my erstwhile relationship with cable news two years ago.  Cancelled my cable and haven't looked back.

    DF's picture

    Maid in California

    Meg Whitman has a maid problem.  It's too early to know all the facts, but what Whitman knew and when she knew it isn't what really matters here.  Even if she didn't know, she would still be guilty of one of the great Republican pastimes - the simultaneous persecution and exploitation of immigrants.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum's Morning: Toke of the Town

    God. Just chill.


    Marijuana in Calif.: Arnold Schwarzeneggger decriminalizes an ounce or less.

    Bin Laden Speaks:

    Al Qaeda leader may be desperate as he makes latest video wearing a meat suit.

    Afghanistan: Death.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Amazon Now Shipping Blowing Smoke

    Wednesday, 9/29/2010. According to sources, has begun shipping first copies of Blowing Smoke, the long-awaited political nonfiction book by Michael Wolraich, a.k.a. Genghis. While there are no confirmed cases of customers receiving the book, political analysts predict that it may reach homes and offices across America as early at October 1.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    James O'Keefe and Dildo Journalism

    It seems James O’Keefe’s latest attempt at revealing the news deserves it’s own phrase in the lexicon. Perhaps, “dildo journalism?”

    From CNN’s Abbie Boudreau:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Just suck it up and read my blog, letharg

    Lately, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend here at the Web site – fewer and fewer people are coming by. And this trend must come to an end.

    Now mind you, this site gets hundreds of thousands of readers per week* but I will accept nothing but blind allegiance and losing any readers wounds me. So let me just release this statement:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Second Amendment Right to Kill You

    Someone with an assault rifle shot up the University of Texas today. And then he killed himself. I'm pretty nauseated just writing that first sentence, considering UT's history. No one is dead but the gunman, who shot himself.

    DF's picture

    Of Democrats and Dissent

    Much has been written, both here at and elsewhere, about the rift between the so-called progressive left and their interlocutors in the halls of power.  So much so, that the arguments seem fairly ossified at this point.  I don't know that I can change of that, but I do have something for the offering nonetheless.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Teaching Shakespeare and the New Normal

    My profession has a lot of annual rituals, some obvious and some not, and one of them happened the week before last: the annual job list went live (and, in another annual ritual, came precariously close to crashing for the first afternoon).


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