The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    “Blowing Smoke” Blows Away Right-Wing Narratives

    Following the election of Barack Obama to the office of President of the United States, writer Michael Wolraich surveyed the political aftermath and came to a simple conclusion – the Right-Wing has gone utterly mad.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum's Morning: Just a Hairy Guy

    Love your hair.

    Wolfrum’s Word

    I’m starting to get a minor bald spot on the top of my head. This doesn’t really upset me, but I just thought you should know.

    Donal's picture

    Strong Tea

    A Shiny Tea Set

    Tea! I don't know what's wrong with the Tea Party!
    Tea! They're conservative with a big fat C.
    Why can't they be like we are? Why can't they only see?
    What's the deal with the Tea Par-ty?

    Everybody has a pet theory about the Tea Party. The Wall Street Journal thinks they're on to something that liberals are too effete to discern.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    To Vote or Not to Vote, That Is the Question

    As this grim election stalks up to us--so close now, you can hear its claws click against the stone--the simmering rage and frustration on the left has become a hot frenzy, and my fellow bloggers are snarling and nipping at one another's heels.

    The question that divides us so bitterly is whether to support the Democratic party in its moment of desperation or to thrash it for its many failures.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Chilean Miner Rescue Inspires Copycat Operations

    As Chileans celebrated the sensational rescue of 33 trapped miners, other nations have looked on with envy at Chile's display of patriotic unity and national goodwill.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Realism About the Housing Mess

    Most public debates over the mortgage and housing mess have been running aground on the false-dilemma problem, framing the a problem with several possible solutions as a choice between only two options. At least one of the options in false dilemmas is always completely moonbat crazy, and frequently they both are. The false dilemma I've been hearing these days goes like this:

    "We either have to give mortgage lenders a free hand, and forget about the legal details, or just let borrowers keep their houses for free without paying anything!"

    DF's picture

    I, For One, Welcome Our Corporate Overlords!

    You know what would really simplify and improve the American political system presently?  I'll tell you: We should all just give our money directly to corporations!  At least, that's what Glenn Beck is apparently advising his audience to do in the form of making political donations directly to the Chamber of Commerce.  Media Matters sums it up:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Bailout II: The Sequel

    So, the story about bad mortgages, by which I mean not simply ill-conceived loans on houses that have hemorrhaged value but loan transfers with forged or non-existent paperwork, is beginning to make it into the daily news. We're going to hear much more about it, I'm afraid.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    How Sharron Angle Raised $14 Million

    How did Nevada Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle raise an impressive $14 million dollars in three months?

    Elementary, my dear Watson.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Women Against Christine O'Donnell

    Monmouth University has a new poll on the Delaware Senate and Congressional races, and it's painful for the Republicans, especially for Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell. The top line: Chris Coons is leading O'Donnell 57% to 38%. O'Donnell has a grisly 58% disapproval rating with only 31% favorable, and Delaware voters consider her unqualified for the Senate by a margin of 57% to 35%. That's pretty painful.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Republican Candidate Dresses Up as Nazi


    Incidentally, I posted the following video about a year ago (before the Daily Show's Nazi tourettes skit, which was far superior to my little creation of course).

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Petition SUNY Albany

    I've been blogging angrily about SUNY ALbany's foolish attempt to "globalize" by cutting French, Italian, and Russian from the curriculum.

    If you, like me, consider this decision foolish and bad for the education of SUNY Albany's students, please consider signing this petition to restore those crucial languages to SUNY Albany. Thanks.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture


    LINCOLN, Neb. — When it comes to Barack Obama, it’s all Black and White.

    A new Chronicles Poll shows that Americans overwhelming approve of President Obama’s White half, while his Black half has approval ratings that rival Sarah Palin’s.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ announces new $75/month Pay-for-Pray Subscription fee

    BOISE – Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ today announced new plans for Heaven’s prayer service, as, starting Nov. 1, each Christian must pay a $75 per month “Listen to Your Prayers” Subscription fee.

    “For too long now, we’ve allowed non-tithers to piggyback on true tithers,” said Christ, 30-ish. ” Now, you can still pray, but if you don’t pay, we won’t listen.”


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