The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Glenn Beck, the Jew, and the Puppet Show

    Creepy medieval puppets hung from the ceiling on the set of the "Glenn Beck Program" -- a conquistador, a squire, a witch, and a bearded guy who looked like a cross between Santa Claus and the Fiddler on the Roof.

    "Make no mistake, we are watching a show," Beck gravely told his audience. That much was obvious enough, but Beck did not mean his own television program. "You have to see who's behind the puppets," he continued, "Who is choosing the puppets and the players? Who's the puppetmaster? George Soros."

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Barack Obama preemptively shuts down Government to appease Republicans

    WASHINGTON – Continuing his pattern of negotiating before being at the negotiating table, President Barack Obama shut down the Federal Government today.

    “We must work together,” said Obama, on the 16th hole of Pebble Beach. “By shutting down the government right now, we’re showing Republicans that we are open to their suggestions.”

    DF's picture

    The Inimitable Sanity of David Frum

    I think that it's fair to say we would all be in better shape if the current manifestion of conservatism in America looked less like Sarah Palin and more like David Frum.  I really disliked his views of 9/11 and the Iraq War.  He's also credited with coining the phrase "axis of evil."  And he was not a crossover conservative in 2008, voting for McCain despite his opinion that Sarah Palin was unqualified.

    Donal's picture


    In today's Wall Street Journal, Kevin Warsh, one of the Governors of the Federal Reserve, brings back the M word to justify borrowing $75 million pro-liquid and pro-growth dollars.:

    The New Malaise and How to End It

    Orlando's picture

    Dagbooks: Blowing Smoke – Chapter One - How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas

    I am very excited to be hosting Dagblog’s very first book group for various reasons, not the least of which is that we get to discuss a book written by our very own Genghis (Michael Wolraich, for those of you who are new to Dag). We’ll get to the meat of the discussion in just a moment. But first, some ground rules:

    1. The plan is to take the book chapter by chapter, discussing the salient points of each chapter as we work our way through. However, this is meant to be a free-flowing discussion so jumping ahead is fine if you feel it helps you make your point.

    Ramona's picture

    Michael Moore and Lawrence O'Donnell: Man, those Republicans! They get it!

    Oooh, that hurts. The two Democrats who still admit they're Democrats sittin' and jawin' about how Obama got it wrong and the Republicans got it right. 

    Orlando's picture

    Two Hundred Million a Day

    You'd think for the kind of money President Obama is spending on travel in Right-Wing Fantasy Land, there would be at least one public event during his time in Indonesia. I mean, it's not like there are occasional attacks of terrorism in a city that is beyond impossible to secure.

    Except it is exactly like that. Oh, well. I know somebody who knows somebody who is invited to dinner with the President this evening. Him and a few hundred other more important expats. Not that I'm bitter. But for $200 million a day, you'd think anybody holding a U.S. passport would be invited.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Blowing Smoke in Washington DC: Tuesday, Nov 9 at Borders Bookstore

    Dear DC-area readers,

    Please join me at Borders at 18th and L at 6:30pm Tuesday, November 9th for a reading from Blowing Smoke: Why the Right Keeps Serving Up Whack-Job Fantasies about the Plot to Euthanize Grandma, Outlaw Christmas, and Turn Junior into a Raging Homosexual.

    If you don't live in the area but know people who do, please recommend the reading to them. It will be a big help, as it's always a challenge for first-time authors to fill the room and spread the word.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Short Lesson of the 2010 Elections

    So almost every op-ed page agrees that the lessons of the 2010 midterms are as follows:

    1) The Democrats should compromise more with the Republicans, because the Republicans now have about a 50-vote majority in the House.

    2) The Republicans should get to decide what counts as "compromise," because the voters are on their side.

    3) Obama should apologize to everyone, all the time, for everything he did in his first two years as President. He has been Rebuked by the People and should atone for his Sin of Pride.

    That's certainly one way to look at it. Here's another:

    Orlando's picture

    Dagbooks: Blowing Smoke

    I’ve been reading a terrific new book. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called Blowing Smoke: Why the Right Keeps Serving Up Whack-Job Fantasies About the Plot to Euthanize Grandma, Outlaw Christmas, and Turn Junior into a Raging Homosexual, by Dagblog’s very own Michael Wolraich!

