The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Will SCOTUS decide Florida in Romney v. Obama, circa 2000?

Since reading “Romney Can’t Win Without Florida,” a post on the scholarly, non-partisan website, I can’t stop thinking about the Sunshine State.

Not the palm trees and manatees and Cubans, but the prospect that Florida voters very well may decide the 2012 election, just like they did in 2000.

Sort of.

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Atwater: Romney Won't Win in November

Master political tactician Lee Atwater once said that “anyone who gets more than a 35-percent negative factor can’t win an election.”
In the 2012 Republican presidential contest, Mitt Romney is that person.
According to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 39 percent of adults in America view Romney very or somewhat negatively, compared to 28 percent who view the former Massachusetts governor very or somewhat positively.
“If his negatives are 35 percent and his positives aren’t at least 5 percent higher,” Atwater believed, “it’s politically fatal1.”


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