Blog Posts

amike's picture

Progressivism Gone Awry? Direct Election of the Senate

Section. 3.The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the...
amike's picture

Progressivism Gone Awry? Initiative, Referendum, and Recall

"Direct Democracy" has a noble sound to it.  Its instruments, Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, were introduced by Progressives about a century ago, and they were introduced for noble reasons.  The idea was to take politics out of smoke-filled rooms and...
amike's picture

Progressivism Gone Awry? The Price of Ballot Secrecy.

    There was no right to a secret ballot; having been sworn in, the voter simply called out his choices to the election clerks who sit on the porch behind the judge tallying the vote. Each clerk has a pollbook...
amike's picture

Progressivism Gone Awry? A few speculations.

I've told you how I got rich by honest graft. Now, let me tell you that most politicians who are accused of robbin' the city get rich the same way.  They didn't steal a dollar from the city treasury....
amike's picture

Yet ANOTHER Health Care public service announcement.

I'm really beginning to see this as an example of a new technique of governing...  I've written a bit about my (limited) understanding of how Community Organizers work, and I've speculated that Obama might be trying to craft a new...
amike's picture

A Tale of Three Fathers and Seven Sons

This entry is provoked (that's a good word) by two of the most disturbing Father's Day news stories I heard this week.  Marshall, Landon, Bolton, and Blake were left by their father in the care of their mother over Father's...
amike's picture

My Letter of Complaint to the Management: it Worked!

I just fired this off to TPM via the e-mail address at the top.Greetings, to whomever gets this: I wrote yesterday about two spam posts--advertisements in the form of advertisements.  They remained up all day.  Nothing was done.Today I sign on...
amike's picture

I'm trying

Some of my friends think I'm Really trying, but generally they forgive me, shaking their heads ans saying that's just his crazy way.  I got another health care e-mail.  This time from Bold Progressives for their "We want the Public...
amike's picture

ANOTHER Public Service Announcement

I just received this e-mail from Democracy for America signed by Dr. Howard Dean, and I'm betting many of you did as well.  This is the kind of community pressure to which I referred in my previous post.  I've already...
amike's picture

Parsing the President V: It's all about Community

    The Chicago Tribune greeted the publication of "Rules for Radicals" with a lead editorial headlined "ALINSKY'S AT IT AGAIN" and concluded:              "Rubbing raw the sores of discontent may be jolly good fun for him, but we are...


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