The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Decader's picture

Sound Out to the Mideast: EU or Bust

From the growing Muslim revolution, how or whether Muslim nations integrate with the European Union may be key. The EU absorbed the post-Wall '89-ers, and they can somehow do it again. It's tempting to think a Muslim satellite of the EU would work but no one wants to be on the 2nd team (take Turkey as an example). And for all the EU's hesitancy about the Muslim world, it's time for the EU to step up - as it did when it fast-tracked East Europe. 

Decader's picture

American Exceptionalism

With the daily violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, an attack that killed 6 people would be rather unremarkable, unless possibly one of the few names we know in the West.

Wasn't that long ago that the head of Pakistan was offed, as was the head of Lebanon.

Decader's picture

Chickens Coming Home to Roost?

When JFK was killed, the papers came to Malcolm X to hear how sorry he was. "Chickens coming home to roost", was his famous reply.

Decader's picture

Blogging Convergence: the Untouchable (G-Man) or Leave it to Bieber

[Sorry about formatting, but really, I can't be bothered... All is one, all is everything]

[And originally there was some link between space aliens and Republican politics more than the usual and obvious, but seems to have disappeared from my arghives, only a few crop circles left. Maybe the Mayans hold the secret afterall - 2012 resolution...]

Decader's picture

Death of a Clown?

As John McCain comes unraveled, it struck me as kind of important to think what the GOP gave the American public to vote for in 2008 - and what it chose by what, 46,47%?

Yeah, a guy on his last legs, having trouble holding it together, and a woman completely unprepared for governorship of most states (including Alaska, as her resignation implies) - much less to assume the presidency of the US.

Decader's picture

(Sigh) It's Over When It's Over

So the White House is saying they don't really know when exactly they or the military will stop enforcing Don't Ask Don't Tell...

since there are a few congressional reviews and what not to go through before it ends.

Way to get ahead of the curve - they've only been on this study since what, February, and couldn't foresee that if there were a vote, they might need to implement it?

Decader's picture

Repealing DADT - Obama bets on the home stretch

Yeah, Barry - we get it. You count votes. You know repeal's going to pass, so you get your army of eunuchs (former campaign munchkins now denatured) to start hitting the telephones.

Nothing like having the bill barely get to vote, having all of the President's hopes relying on the Log Cabin Republicans, of all the absurdities (will Republicans carrying Obama's colostomy bag be our image for the rest of his presidency, all 22 remaining months of it?)

Decader's picture

The Rich Already Had Tax Cuts: Who Knew?

In all the debates over keeping the top run of Bush tax cuts, one pertinent fact kept getting dropped:

The rich received the same tax cuts up to $250K or $1 million.

The proposal was simply to rescind the tax breaks for income over that amount.

But that wasn't enough, apparently - we can freeze federal employee pay because as fearless leader says:

Decader's picture

The Left Has No Foreign Policy

I guess that's not a surprise.

But after several years of blogging, with Dems in control for quite a bit of it, it's frustrating to see that we don't have an alternative to up-and-down in the Middle East.

My biggest issue is NAFTA and China. Are they related? Kinda sorta. Mostly they're the swamp of our attention. (I saw House of Spirits last night, but won't bore you with where *THAT* takes me).

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogThis Ain't Your Father's Triangulation Hey Wally5611 years 6 months ago
Reader blogSound Out to the Mideast: EU or Bust Decader1414 years 4 weeks ago
Reader blogThe 28th Amendment AmiBlue3314 years 1 month ago
Reader blogAmerican Exceptionalism Decader1114 years 1 month ago
Reader blogROSEWOOD & THE BADGE OF SLAVERY Richard Day3414 years 2 months ago
Reader blogChickens Coming Home to Roost? Decader1714 years 2 months ago
Reader blogRobert Gates’ Pentagon Budget-Cut Magic we are stardust2414 years 2 months ago
Blog entryThe Starved Class Donal11214 years 2 months ago
Reader blogBlogging Convergence: the Untouchable (G-Man) or Leave it to Bieber Decader614 years 2 months ago
Reader blogObama to propose social security cuts in the SOTU Flavius7014 years 2 months ago
Reader blogHey, we just killed Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Anybody notice? Flavius3614 years 2 months ago
Blog entryAssange, Irony and Secrets Michael Maiello1614 years 2 months ago
Reader blogDeath of a Clown? Decader114 years 2 months ago
Reader blogTEN YEARS AFTER Richard Day714 years 2 months ago
Reader blog(Sigh) It's Over When It's Over Decader214 years 2 months ago
Reader blogRepealing DADT - Obama bets on the home stretch Decader2214 years 2 months ago
Reader blogPROGRESSIVES FOOLED BY RIGHT WINGERS AGAIN tmccarthy01914 years 3 months ago
Reader blogThe Rich Already Had Tax Cuts: Who Knew? Decader2914 years 3 months ago
Reader blogThe Reps can't defund Obamacare Flavius314 years 4 months ago
Reader blogWhy I truly miss George W. Bush David Seaton514 years 4 months ago
Reader blogThe Left Has No Foreign Policy Decader7614 years 4 months ago