The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

DiBlasio&Cuomo press conference soon

on Youtube. To discuss the Ebola case now at Bellvue.

It's now over. Seemed to have been well rehearsed. That's a purely descriptive comment not any sort of  assessment But that was as it should be. No benefit to anybody if they had presented poorly. We're dependent on these guys


. Probably was useful for Cuomo in the coming election. ​


Stop reading this

and instead go to the Library. Or a well stocked newsstand and get the November 6 New York Review of Books and read No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes.

A War of Choice.Not

The initial response to Obama's announcement of our attack on Isis/Isil was "oh good" . Wars are always popular on their second day of course.

But we're just beginning to get the criticism from the left  , being consistent with its opposition to all wars-fair enough-and we'll soon be hearing from John McCain, seemingly ,his   opposition to all peace.

Since ,wisely, no one asked I'll volunteer a Flavian comment.

Wrong again,me that is

As soon as I finished praising Obama for not trying to  aid the "good guys" in Syria he promised to start.

It's explained as being help to the gg to fight ISIL. Good luck!

Whatever the announced justification  let's hope we do nothing to weaken Assad in combatting ISIL. He isn't decapitating Americans-ISIL is .

Nothing in our experience with Maliki- or anyone else in the Middle East- suggests that we can micro manage the gg . The only thing we can  be sure will happen is that we will spend a lot of money and then the gg will fight someone. Of their own choosing.

The Scots are voting no

NO won. As of 12 15 EDT BBC formally projects a victory for NO and I'm going to bed


As of midnight,EDT  No  is ahead by @140,000 

As of 10 15 EDT the No votes are ahead. Only 3 rural areas have finished counting and all 3 were heavily NO.

This just in

Comhairie nan eilan siar

The names amused me so I started doing this and now I've been sort of caught up

Yes               No

46.58 %           53.42%

10 55 Here comes the yes vote

Dundee votes

53,620              39,850

Obama was right(once again)

ISIS is executing Americans.

Assad is fighting ISIS.

We want ISIS to be defeated so they stop executing Americans.

Any effort Assad diverts to defeating the "good guys" weakens his defeat ISIS..

And gives it more time to execute Americans.

Our aiding the "good guys"  would have increased his need to divert effort from defeating ISIS 

Therefore it would have been "stupid" for Obama to have accepted the advice from McCain and others to aid the good guys. And Obama doesn't do stupid things.

Coalition of the whom?

How should any  Sunni neighbors be willing to join Obama's Coalition? Particularly since they don't actually have to reject us, just condition their participation on a quid for which we can't come up with the quo. For example our requiring Bibi to make  some reasonable sounding but impossible concession e.g.calling off last weeks announcement of a significant settlement expansion in Gvaot,(Don't hold your breath).

Good enough

Our first child had autism. Which was then a sort of mystery. Or worse because the leading theory was that a child's autism had been caused by its unfeeling mother.

Around 1960 this began changing and one of reasons was the work of a British psychologist who said of course mothers aren't perfect, who is? But mostly they're good enough.

Obamacare is a complex, unjust,expensive,error-prone system

according to both his two remaining supporters.

On March 22 Brad Delong carried a discussion between  Ezekiel Emmanuel (you know whose brother he is) and Harold Pollack. 

Due to general and specific incompetence I've been unable to provide a link but if someone could do me a favor and provide one below as a comment I'd promise to demonstrate my profound gratitude either by blogging every day or just going quietly away. Your choice


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogIt's all good - for Democracy? PeraclesPlease159 years 1 month ago
Reader blogWho won Thursday night? Flavius19 years 1 month ago
Reader blogOBAMA; SAYONARA! SOTU LIVE BLOG! Richard Day269 years 2 months ago
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Reader blogUnder Obamacare costs are increasing -not Flavius39 years 2 months ago
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Reader blogSweet nothings with the Farooks. Flavius239 years 3 months ago
Blog entryObama Should Not Have Spoken Tonight Michael Maiello169 years 3 months ago
Reader blogMissed Opportunities PeraclesPlease69 years 3 months ago
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Blog entryThe Social Safety Net Isn't Good Enough Michael Maiello99 years 3 months ago
Blog entryThe Anger of the West Michael Maiello99 years 3 months ago
Reader blogClosing the Borders moat229 years 3 months ago
Reader blogEnough already Flavius49 years 3 months ago
Reader blogDem Debate Tonight (Open Thread for Reactions) LisB169 years 3 months ago
Reader blogAs I was saying Flavius49 years 3 months ago
Blog entryHillary, the TPP, and me HSG299 years 5 months ago
Blog entryReligious Leaders Want Theocracies Michael Maiello259 years 5 months ago
Reader blogThe good enough President Flavius59 years 5 months ago
Blog entryHillary Clinton and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week HSG499 years 6 months ago
