The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Tumblr and its terrible, horrible, no good, very bad society

Roleplaying. The word normally conjures to the mind, images of middle-aged men playing Dungeons and Dragons with each other. Not anymore. Today, many kinds of people roleplay as fictional characters online, with brand-new terminology strictly for that fandom, and bizarre rules in societies that only online Internet addicts like myself will understand.

FurudeRikaChama's picture

some of my stories (hello guys, long time no see)

A/N:Another little oneshot centered around an AU Game of the Future, where Izaya leaves the Wizarding World much later and is canon age. Some differences from the main plot, but basically the same. More of Izaya's views on things, and what not. Harry/Izaya will have more sociopathic traits at a younger age and in this one, he just leaves and is integrated into his family later, meets Shinra and Shizuo later, so just expect everything to happen...and some anti-Hogwarts rants. Oneshot only, sorry.

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The society that never sleeps: The insanity of extroverts, from the perspective of an introvert

As you all should probably know by now, I'm not really a talker online. I post things and love to write, but I'm generally not much of a talker. However, you will see me talk online more often than offline. I'm what Urban Dictionary calls a "webtrovert."

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Batman at his very best: Batman the animated series review

The caped crusader, the avenger of the night......he goes by so many nicknames. Batman has earned his rightful place in our society by having many different movies, tv shows, books, and comics done in his name. But do any of them really portray the real Batman?

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Copyright bill will close the Internet down if something isn't done.

We need your help. Congress is passing a dictatorial bill that will officially enable websites to be closed down for copyrighted content, which could mean the destruction of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites dedicated to users putting up things. This bill must be stopped, because this anti-piracy campaign is a disguise for censorship by RIAA, WMG, and other greedy, evil corporations who get mad when they aren't recieving money.

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Macbeth in the '60's

 My story I am writing for a class.


FurudeRikaChama's picture

Most terrifying scenes in TV ever

We all know someone who either loves scary movies, or claims they do, and then runs and hides under the bed whenever the killer on the movie comes with that knife and all.....but some horror is worse than that. Even worse than Jaws or Freddy or Jason.


What I'm talking about is how cartoons can be disturbing, especially anime, and people say cartoons are for children......  Sometimes you wonder, what exactly were the creators trying to come up with when they made these terrifying scenes?


FurudeRikaChama's picture

Are Copyright infringement claims getting out of hand?

I think we all know what a copyright is. According to the freedictionary, a copyright is "the legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, distributor, to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work."

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Lady Gaga speaks At Europride in Italy

Hooray for Lady Gaga! She is truly a good speaker! You can see the video below.

It appears Lady Gaga is also gay, but supports LBGT rights. She is a true woman who is willing to stand up for what she believes, and for that I salute her.

She is truly a great woman.


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogTumblr and its terrible, horrible, no good, very bad society FurudeRikaChama19 years 8 months ago
Reader blogsome of my stories (hello guys, long time no see) FurudeRikaChama19 years 8 months ago
Reader blogScooby Doo parody FurudeRikaChama09 years 8 months ago
Reader blogThe society that never sleeps: The insanity of extroverts, from the perspective of an introvert FurudeRikaChama512 years 4 months ago
Reader blogBatman at his very best: Batman the animated series review FurudeRikaChama112 years 11 months ago
Reader blogCopyright bill will close the Internet down if something isn't done. FurudeRikaChama312 years 11 months ago
Reader blogMacbeth in the '60's FurudeRikaChama013 years 4 months ago
Reader blogMost terrifying scenes in TV ever FurudeRikaChama313 years 5 months ago
Reader blogAre Copyright infringement claims getting out of hand? FurudeRikaChama013 years 7 months ago
Reader blogLady Gaga speaks At Europride in Italy FurudeRikaChama213 years 8 months ago
Reader blogWill Cities near Fukushima-Daiichi look like this someday? FurudeRikaChama013 years 9 months ago
Reader blogThe dictatorship of copyrights-how it's gotten ridiculous. FurudeRikaChama013 years 9 months ago
Reader blogThere is life outside your apartment FurudeRikaChama413 years 9 months ago
Reader blogFall of cartoons in America:Why it's bad FurudeRikaChama313 years 9 months ago
Reader blogGolden Girls FurudeRikaChama113 years 9 months ago
Reader blogRobot Chicken parodies Star Wars FurudeRikaChama413 years 9 months ago
Reader blogFive things that absolutely get me hot under the collar FurudeRikaChama013 years 10 months ago
Reader blogHappy Birthday to the king of Black-and White movies, Charlie Chaplin FurudeRikaChama1213 years 10 months ago
Reader blogTough girls FurudeRikaChama113 years 11 months ago
Reader blogUmbridge is owned FurudeRikaChama313 years 11 months ago
Reader blogIs the separation of church and state being threatened-again? FurudeRikaChama614 years 2 days ago
Reader blog Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: 2 Explorers of Darkness: Does it hit or miss? FurudeRikaChama014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Humanity in Star Trek FurudeRikaChama2414 years 4 weeks ago
Reader blogA different kind of cartoon: Anime FurudeRikaChama414 years 1 month ago
Reader blogThe most bizarre commercials FurudeRikaChama914 years 1 month ago
