The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Prez to Romney: "Don't you even THINK of patronizing me, you lying shape-shifting sack of tax cheating off-shoring bust out artistry."

It's not enough to have talent, you gotta have character.

Evidently utterly unmanned by fear of alienating the remaining three undecided voters in the country, "Mr. Nice Guy" (aka The Great Left Hope) actually let Willard get away with a version of "Don't bullshit a bullshitter" to his downcast face, viz, "Don't bullshit a father of five sons".

jollyroger's picture

The Bed-Stuy Chain Saw Massacree

From the annals of Brooklyn justice an illuminating tale, casting in bold relief the true venality of prosecutors trolling for easy pleas.

As the charging documents would have it, defendant Shaborn Emmanuel was a particularly dangerous fellow. In a common commercial conundrum, he had accepted drugs on consignment and now found himself, through circumstances not made immediately clear, in possession of neither the inventory nor the money owed therefore.

His supplier, evidently unconvinced by the bald assertion that a thief had unfortunately made off with the goods, gave Emmanuel a choice. "Present me", he said "with my money or the head of the thief".

I think you can see where this story is going.

jollyroger's picture

Free-Loadergate's hidden taper-Our hero: Sir or Madam, I salute you. Class traitor, true patriot, America's friend

Willard no doubt wishes that he had been able to confiscate all cell phones at the door, but that's a non-starter.

Withal, someone paying 50k to attend (or a beautiful "paid for" guest...), someone surely not in the reviled 47%, did a real number on the guest of honor.

The floor is open for nominations.

I rule out the disgruntled help as too visible and too harried to pull off the taping.

The more I ruminate, the more I lean towards a female hand on the record button.

I love you, baby.

jollyroger's picture

What's that smell? Do you smell that smell? It's the smell of a Repugnant victory-and it smells like fecal incontinence

So much attention has been drawn by the proposed substitution of "vouchercare" for Medicare that many voters have overlooked a companion disaster bearing down on them.

jollyroger's picture

Pashtuns-Never too old to die fighting

A moment of truly spine tingling synchronicity:(cue the Twilight Zone theme music...): Just as Clint Eastwood was proving that 82 is too old to vamp, back in Afghanistan, a member of the people once described as Clint Eastwood in a turban was proving that 70 is not too old to die fighting.

jollyroger's picture

Paul Ryan-Icon of American social mobility, giving the lie to Democrat culture of dependency. (Says Limbaugh) Oh, the mendacity!

Listening today to my obligatory dose of drivel from Rush Limbaugh (weep for Rogie--he listens so you don't have to) I was surprised to hear that we remain a beacon of social mobility.

The proof that your destiny is not written on stone, per Limbaugh, *Paul Ryan's journey from mowing lawns, orphaned as he was at 16, to the nomination for Vice President. (A heartbeat away, blah, blah, blah, etc.).

jollyroger's picture

Mortgage chief to Prez: "Drop dead. No reduction for underwater loans." Will August bring a recess replacement?

Because the Repugnants in the Senate minority routinely refuse confirmation of any presidential nomination, Acting Director Edward De Marco's tenure as overseer of the now nationalized mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is unprotected from termination by replacement should a new acting director be named.

jollyroger's picture

when you live in a christian theocracy, it is good to be a christian

I have elsewhere voiced my opinion that under the regime of George W. Bush it made sense to conduct one's business as a christian church. The tax benefits alone are substantial. More importantly, your self declared religious enterprise is entitled to numerous exemptions from otherwise onerous public laws

jollyroger's picture

PTSD: If you don't come home with it, you might be a psychopath

Consistent with my social circles, I encounter very few individuals who are thinking about joining the armed forces. Nonetheless, on the rare occasions when I do, Along with advice to keep your head down so it will not get shot off, I ask if they have thought through the creepy things they will be obliged to do as part of their job.



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