The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Do Laboutins come in size 15?

The last time I bought sneakers (Nikes, sz 15), the cute girl at the register asked me "Are these for you?  Oooh, junk!". (Wherein the noumena of the large footed.)


I do not bring this up in an act of shameless self-promotion (ed note: Yeah, right!) but as the result of random thought associations provoked by the fortuitous juxtaposition in the Times of two stories from what we may (without condescension) call the frontiers of sexual behavior.

jollyroger's picture

Shouldn't the Ronulans be poised to seize Americans Elect?

A recent meander through vale of crazy,  where the really, really, wild things are, has acquainted me with the hope evinced by Ron Paul's peeps that somehow they will snatch the Repugnant party right from under Kid Repugnant himself, when they get to the big throw down in Tampa.


Yeah, maybe.


jollyroger's picture

The afghan war:collective guilt without agency. Collective punishment without proportionality. Instinctively, America recoils

The reported level of buyers remorse now expressed by previously enthusiastic consumers of the military model for handling international terrorism can easily be explained as a public relations fumble by propagandists doing the best they could with poor material, or the shortcomings of execution that have hobbled an otherwise sound strategy of enhanced domestic security premised upon "fighting them over there" a little more vigorously, and hence successfully, next time.


jollyroger's picture

The noose tightens...George Bush, turn in your passport.

The wheels of justice grind slowly--painfully so.


We who have long looked for a Bush appearance in the dock at the Hague for his admitted war crimes, learn with pleasure that an anticipated trip to Canada will present a further opportunity for a last minute change of travel plans.


jollyroger's picture

Don't bogart that joint, Habib!

Shocking numbers from Afghanistan, show just how wide is the gulf between our GI's and their Afghan "partners"


With hundreds of thousands of troops passing through the country between Jan 2010 and December 2011, only 30 Americans managed to hook-up with that fine Mazar-i-Sharif hash.


A piddling 26 were helped to "get well" by friendly afghan opiate dealers.

jollyroger's picture

Wisconsin is Stalingrad. Get on the bus.

Learning that the evil genius Moriarty David Koch is throwing down big time to protect his favorite toady, Governor (for now) Scott Walker, the people must rise up like a wounded  beast and here draw the high water mark of the counter revolution.


jollyroger's picture

Prez-a hall-of-fame failure at using appointment power

We all know the painful tally of Federal Judge openings to which Prez has neglected to make any appointment.


Well, the only time he's worse at making appointments is when he actually makes one.


jollyroger's picture

It is rude to haggle with your sex worker

Perhaps I am overly sensitive on this issue, because my third wife, the hooker, said that whenever an American Bar Association or Trial Lawyers Convention was in San Fran, the local sex workers knew that they were in for an unusal amount of price negotiation.


Now, I should not have to point out that renting sex is a very personal transaction, on both sides, as it were.


Hence, it is plain bad manners to convey the following message:


"That is a perfectly nice hundred dollar pussy but it is not a nice three hundred dollar pussy."


jollyroger's picture

Boehner, weeps during Ann Romney paean; Demands same choice for all moms.

Perhaps under the goad of a temporary insanity produced by the juxtaposition of intense hypocrisy and alcohol, John Boehner was so carried away today that he demanded restoration (plus) of AFDC (at trebled levels of support) so that all women might have access to the noble choice to stay home with their children.


No, he didn't.


But you see what I mean--The Pugs can't get out of their own way they are lining up so fast to crap on Hilary Rosen and entering needlepoint classes so they can produce appropriate wall hangings.


jollyroger's picture

Pashtuns, no jail yet built can hold'em (their cousins are the guards...)

We are bemused, not for the first time, by an organized jailbreak that this weekend turned 400 Pakistani Taliban loose onto the streets.


Probably the biggest fish to slip back into the stream was already under death sentence for attempting to assassinate Mussharaf.


Without dwelling overlong on the individual stories, we may profitably wonder how it can be that Af/Pak jails are so porous



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