The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Gingrich surrenders to logic, "I'm with Bernie", to register Socialist as soon as primary is fully lost.

Talk bout hoist on his own petard!

So vain is Newt about his intellectual aspirations, he actually committed a moment of intellectual honesty.

Once the logjam was broken by his consideration that perhaps 90 instead of 180 million skimmed off the bust out would have been "enough", Newt has gone full tilt Socialist, talking about "common"  goals, and "common" good.

jollyroger's picture

Mitt Romney to Tony Soprano: Eat your heart out, pal. I'm the bust out master!

Romney takes umbrage at the idea that under him Bain  Capital took the money and ran, so to speak.

His pearl-clutching conveniently ellides the many ways in which leveraged buy outs and mob bust outs are similar business models.

jollyroger's picture

Steven Colbert, South Carolina kingmaker, being wooed for his polled 5%...

As the runaway train that is the Republican primary lurches south out of New Hampshire, let us review the likely field of play:

Mitt's win (36 38%) is insufficiently assertive to make a dent in SC where he leads Gingrich only 27-23.

Ron Paul (24 23%) is easily in til' Tampa and maybe beyond.

jollyroger's picture

"Slut walk, Cairo: feminist facebooks the naked truth about life under the new/old regime."

Dispatch from the siege and fall of the Patriarchy


Ever since human females, alone among mammals, evolved the ability to hide from their reproductive partners the onset of estrus, human males have responded with varying levels of paternity insecurity syndrome.

jollyroger's picture

Crank yankers calling press wankers

Crank yankers strike again.

Does everybody remember the time "David H Koch" called Wisconsin Governor (for now) Scott Walker?

You do?  Good.

jollyroger's picture

The axis of weevil (boll):Paul, Perry, Bachmann & Newt-49% of the caucus. I smell party (Toga? Third?)

As the few substantive pros and many cons have been hashed out here almost to death, can we step back and make a reasoned estimate of the impact of the current struggle upon the likelihood (Oh, please Jesus, you could have my pony back) of a Ron  Paul third party run.

Aside from the entertainment value, I pretty much think it would lock in Obama, though he'd lose some votes (like me) to Paul.

I wonder about the down ballot races?  Would the additional turnout to be expected be leavened with dem or pug leaners as to congress?  I have no clue.

jollyroger's picture

Battleground Earth

No, this is not a review of the execrable movie.

This is a pivot from the  justifications elsewhere raised in connection with the assasination of Anwar Al-Alwaki (and, parenthetically, his minor son--too bad Al-A's father didn't include the kid in his original lawsuit, he mighta won on the standing issue if he sued for his grandkid, but who'da thunk we'd snuff the kid too...)

jollyroger's picture

Ron Paul:"Even the Nazis got trials."

Goddamit, this is worth something.

I have earlier flirted with the lure of the one-issue constituent, or more precisely in Paul's case, three issues...) and I have humbly swallowed the inevitable scorn that (deservedly) is heaped upon one who would ignore acres of batshit crazy evil, so blinded by the beacon glare of an end to oppressive adventure abroad and at home.

jollyroger's picture

Newt:"Virginia ballot disaster? Did it on purpose, love a challenge. The write in campaign starts today, Thelma & Louise are handling get out the vote transportation."

I know that I am overworking the Thelma and Louise reference, but surely the astonishing, unprecedented, failure of a front running aspirant to get his name on an important ballot is a direct consequence of having lost his entire staff of professionals.

jollyroger's picture

#Going for the jugular: State of the Union, Prez:"I'm calling out the dirty dozen"

I have been disappointed before by my extravagant fantasies about the way in which Prez could capitalize upon the face to face forum that is the State of the Union speech.



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