The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Ron Paul: "I didn't write the newsletters. I don't hold those views" I'm starting to really like this guy...

Jacked directly up by Sean Hannity after the most recent debates, Ron Paul flat out repudiates the disgusting racist crap published in his eponymous newsletter some time ago.

I'm inclined to take him at his word--He could, after all, only have two acceptable responses:

To repudiate, and deny authorship

To repudiate and confess authorship.

jollyroger's picture

#Occupy South Park...Cartman and Lieutenant Pike, separated at birth


Before Zucotti, there was South Park...


(Were you bitten?? Did you eat their brownies??  DID YOU EAT THEIR BROWNIES???!")


jollyroger's picture

Is David Koch the Billy Beane of political G.M's? (Nobody likes a smart A.L.E.C.)

When we marvel at how the Reagan Revolution heralded the dramatic rise of the rentier class, David Koch deserves a lion-sized share of the blame..

In the 1980 election won by Reagan, David H. Koch ran for Vice President (Libertarian) Already hugely wealthy, he obviously saw himself as a player.

jollyroger's picture

#Occupy Organic Resilience-Cold Weather Tents & Group Survival Drills

Showing a nimblenss of adaptation that somehow eludes the more cumbersome apparatus of our multileveled governments OWS is putting up large cold weather tents that will empower the continued and ongoing anchoring of the uprising and also permit them appropriately to extend their hospitality to the otherwise unsheltered.


jollyroger's picture

The power to tax is the power to destroy

So wrote the great Chief Justice John Marshall, in 1819.

He probably did not mean the phrase the way I do, but if we deconstruct it just a tiny bit, it can show us the way to a new world, free of the plutocrats, the kleptocrats, the malefactors of great wealth (h/t FDR) and the rest of the thieving, rapacious parasites that prey upon the life of the people (h/t Patty Hearst aka Tania)

Today Michael Moore rallied the Occupy Wall Streeters, and his cry included the demand that the rich be taxed.

jollyroger's picture

Show me what evil looks like....THIS is what evil looks like.

I have framed the title of this post in a conscious parallel to the chant from the Wall Street Occupation ("show me what democracy looks like...) because sometimes the only way to really appreciate the devil is by having in mind an angel for comparison.

In this case, (and ain't it tiresome) evil looks (yet again) like the oppression in Gaza.

Women there afflicted with breast cancer are dying because the isotopes they need are embargoed, and they are unable to travel out of Gaza to receive treatment.

jollyroger's picture

Get your hand off my ass...



Your captions invited...

jollyroger's picture

Rick Perry-Victim of Child Abuse. Brain Damaged, Soul Damaged. Republican Nominee?

As we gratefully watch  comet Perry fizzle into the dirty icebag we know it to be, let us pause in panic to contemplate the future of a country in which this abused child grows into a brain and soul damaged man, who then snares (forbid it Jesus) the nomination of a major party likely to win the coming election.

With a nod towards the modern usage, which would have it that one is not a "victim" but a "survivor" of child abuse, I distinguish the two categories thusly:

A survivor has faced the awful truth that one of the two people delegated by providence to comfort, love, and defend him was instead a monstrous caldron of hate and inflictor of gratuitous pain.  The survivor has come to understand that his abuse was not some justified recompense for his evil ways, but the manifestation of his parents' disease.

The victim, on the other hand, like Perry, has dealt with the cognitive dissonance of his childhood trauma by erecting a wall of denial, on which he scrawls the graffiti image of an imagined good parent who beat him only to improve his wild ways.

jollyroger's picture

Aux armes, Citoyens! (It's 1871 all over again)

I am transfixed by the live feed from Liberty Park.

 If the feed fails to bring tears to your eyes you have no sense of history.

This is the birth of the New York Commune.

The IWW is on the way to join on Thursday.

jollyroger's picture

Israel--Too expensive to keep as a pet...not housebroken.

Next week at the UN, Susan Rice will show the world our true values--she will provide international "cover" for an ongoing apartheid regime, when, acting as Israel's patron, we veto yet another Security Council resolution seen as contrary to her interests.


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