The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Shorter Strauss-Kahn lesson:Video your sexual encounters--it might keep you outta jail!

Holy reversal of fortune, Batman!

A dizzying array of profoundly damaging details about the pious and hard working hotel employee who took down the head of the IMF are cascading into public view

Credibility? Shredded.

Character? Sliced and diced.

History? Shadier than one could imagine.

(I will reproduce the catalog in some detail, for those who cannot access the NY Times):

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Shoeless Eric Cantor-Betting against his own team. "Say it ain't so, Joe?" Reply: "We're tanking the economy to win in '12-why not make a little for myself?"

Pete Rose, you have been shabby did.  You got banned from baseball for betting that your team would win.

Eric Cantor needs to be banned from office.  He's a  full bore black sox player who is betting against his (our) team

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Henry McCarty to William Koch: You plutocrat sonofabitch, let go of my soul or I'll tear out your scumbag heart and feed it to the pigs. Howard Hughes reports outrage in outlaw heaven.

It will come as no surprise that Billy the Kid is my earliest hero.  Thanks to Howard Hughes' movie The Outlaw, I was imprinted with recalcitrance at the age of 3, and it has stood me in good stead ever since.

Therefor I am extra special primo outraged that William Koch, (the younger of the foul Koch duo) has come into possession of Billy's picture, for which he parted with two million blood drenched dollars (pocket change...)

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Building Abandoned. Will the last person leaving Organizing for America Hdqtrs please lock the doors.

 At his inauguration, Barack Obama was the owner of a chestful of political capital and the world's most valuable rolodex.

We know the tragic way he wasted the capital, leaving him impotent to be a player in the midterm elections.

The rolodex, the email addresses of 13 million grassroots supporters should have turned, in any intelligent machine, into the block captains of a concerted pressure group to support the administration's legislative agenda.

jollyroger's picture

Polite punks, pitiful *pussycats

(*Admit it: You were waiting for me to say "pussies"...)

We need to pay close attention to the important transaction that just occurred in Greece.  The voting behavior of the people's designated representatives was materially shifted, because the people got seriously rude with their representatives.

Likewise, the Tea Partiers, manipulated and stage managed though they were, materially shifted the voting behavior of their representatives.

jollyroger's picture

Leaked tap transcripts: Fla.Gov. Scott and top state party officials agree to push drug tests for voters

A civically minded FBI apparat has leaked transcripts of a wiretap operation left over from the days when Florida Governor Rick Scott was fixiin' to become a convicted felon.

They forgot to shut down the tap when Scott made his deal to walk on his Medicare Fraud beef.

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Prez:Sigint says Al-Q to slam dollar on default day;Cantor, Boehner, McConnell in custody for material aid to terrorists; State of Emergency

Prez says, "We  have learned that Al Quaeda plans coordinated attacks on oil facilities around the world on the day of debt limit related default, with the intention of re-pricing oil in euros a long-standing goal they share  with Hugo Chavez.  By continuing politically motivated behavior which violates their oaths of office, these men are guilty of  furnishing material support to designated terrorist organizations.

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Wherein we Abolish the Income Tax, Obviate the Debt Ceiling, and End the Deficit. Fuck Income, Tax Wealth

A truly simplified method for funding the government.  A balanced budget that Lenin could love.

Fuck income, tax wealth.

We eliminate all deficits by the following arithmetic:

Each fiscal year, we total up last year's expenditures.  (E)

We total up the combined wealth of the nation (W)

We exempt an amount equal to 200 times the poverty level (200P)

We  assess individual non exempt wealth (W-200P) as necessary to equal E.  Probably between 1 and 5%, but always exactly the amount spent.

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Check out Dawn Upshaw!

I've always liked Dawn Upshaw when I ran into her adventitiously on Garrison Keilor, or stuff, but damn, this performance will permanently wrinkle your spine from chillin'.

No surprise she has a MacArthur.  (Incidentally, mine seems to be lost in the mail, who do I need to talk to?) 

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Robert Shiller:"Look for further housing price drop...Japan style economic plunge"

Robert Shiller (He's a Yale economist, he knows more than you do...) already famous for the Case-Shiller housing cost index and for the prescient book "Irrational Exuberance", has a message for the masters of the universe, (and the remaining non-masters who are hoping to get out of their unfortunate real estate positions...)


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