If you haven't been following the recount for the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court race, you probably should be. It keeps getting crazier and crazier. This is pretty much a highlight of the past week's coverage by Brad Friedman at Bradblog. His coverage opens....
Where Minnesota's post-election hand count of the 2008 U.S. Senate election between then Sen. Norm Coleman and now Sen. Al Franken was, as we wrote at the UK's Guardian at the time, "one of the longest and most transparent election hand-counts in the history of the US," Wisconsin has made it extremely difficult (putting it nicely) to know what the hell is actually going on in their statewide "recount" of the April 5th, 2011, state Supreme Court election between Justice David Prosser and Asst. Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg.
From there, things have just gone downhill.