The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Maureen Dowd Gets Paid For This?

    "President Obama likes to be alone," is the lede of Maureen Dowd's column today.  What follows is a completely plausible sounding, totally BS 800 words that I just can't help but excise and comment on, bit by bit.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mitt Romney's best friend is Jerry Sandusky (and other things I don’t really believe)

    As a political blogger, I have long had a reputation as a pragmatic, level-headed fellow who often uses humor in lieu of shrillness. While I am proud of this reputation, it is one that has kept me from achieving the popularity I so rightly deserve. That is why, as of today, I will be changing my positions and attitudes to better take advantage of the current political atmosphere.

    Ramona's picture

    Shut your Enthusiasm Gap and get out there and DO something -- two years later


    NOTE:  This is a repeat of a blog post from October, 2010, the year the Democrats lost the edge by losing the House to the Tea Party and the Right Wing.  If it looks like I'm nagging, what you're reading is pure desperation.  If the lines in bold-face look like I'm gloating because I was right, look more closely.  They're covered in bitter tears.

    I'm repeating this because we're at that place again and if we couldn't afford to lose in 2010 we really, truly can't afford to lose in 2012.

    Michael Wolraich's picture


    Hey folks. As some of you may have noticed, dagblog has become somewhat sluggish in maturity. When she was brand new, she zipped along like a peppy new sports car. But over the years, she has filled out a bit. The server is groaning under the weight of some 8,777 blog posts and 96,105 comments, and dag's reaction time has slowed to a crawl.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Romneybot, Transform!

    Mitt Romney, Mormon Meets The Eye

    Mitt Romney, Centrist in Disguise!

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    By coming out of the closet, boxer Orlando Cruz proves himself a champion

    Emile Griffith was one of the great boxers in the history of the game. Throughout his career, there were rumors regarding his sexuality. Those rumors came to a climax during Griffith’s third fight with Benny “Kid” Paret, who had spent the build-up of the fight taunting Griffith about these rumors.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    President Do-Over

    This is hardly a deep observation and it's certainly not very complicated, but a good chunk of Mitt Romney's argument for his candidacy is that he will undo and then redo the major legislation of the Obama administration.

    Ramona's picture

    Live-blogging the debate tonight. Open Thread. Come on in.

    Open thread on the debate tonight at dagblog.  You can start right now or wait until 9 PM EST, when it all starts officially.

    Alrighty then. . .

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Romney Stinks, and It's Not Funny

    Here's the thing about Mitt Romney: he's a pretty terrible politician, and he always has been. His presidential campaign has verged on malpractice almost every week, and tonight's debate is not going to turn that around in a significant way.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Brazilian girl auctioning off virginity for a documentary? I doubt it

    It seems like every four years or so, a story or person comes to my attention. In 2008, it was Martin Eisenstadt. In 2012, so far, it’s “Virgins Wanted.”



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