The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Klingons Attack

    One of my pet peeves is people that don't shower before swimming in a public pool. Even in upper class neighborhood clubs and Ys, I always see Type A guys that rush in, yank on their jammers and rush out of the locker room to get a lane in the pool. No one is as clean as they'd like to imagine.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Parents to fix household budget deficit by cutting child's allowance

    DES MOINES – Having declared that their current budgetary path is “unsustainable,” Bob & Peggy Thompson of Des Moines today announced that they will be cutting the $1-a-week allowance they give to their 5-year-old child, Jessica.

    Donal's picture

    Too Big To Save

    On Baseline Scenario, Simon Johnson has posted: Testimony submitted to the Congressional Oversight Panel, “Hearing on the TARP’s Impact on Financial Stability,” Friday, March 4, 2011.

    Donal's picture

    International Women's Day and Mardi Gras

    The Vandellas and Martha

    International Women's Day coincides with Mardi Gras this year.

    Interesting juxtaposition.

    Donal's picture

    Free Transit and Slugging

    In What Does Free Really Cost, I discussed the problems of free parking. A few weeks ago, in Should Transit Be Free?,  Mark Brown, who has been documenting his car-free lifestyle at Car-Free Baltimore, discusses the many advocates of free transit, and summarizes their arguments:

    Ramona's picture

    Michael Moore and the War of the Classes

    For weeks now, ever since the people took over the State House in Wisconsin, we've been looking for a leader.  We've watched the momentum building, knowing this was our chance and we couldn't let this die.  Each of us in our own way has been spreading the word, supporting labor, doing what we could to build this movement to such a juggernaut nothing would stop it, ever again.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Winning and losing

    Spc. Jason M. Weaver will not be appearing on the Howard Stern show.

    Insurgents attacked Spc. Jason M. Weaver's unit in the Kandahar province on March 3. An improvised explosive device killed the 22-year-old, who had been deployed for the first time.

    Donal's picture

    Lion in the Lobby

    Tonight on WEAA FM, the Anthony McCarthy show profusely lauded Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., a civil rights leader who was born 100 years ago. I had never heard of him, but McCarthy and his guest said no one surpassed Mitchell's work for civil rights, and that he was not well known, even among African-Americans, because so much of his contribution was behind closed doors.
