The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    On Waking Up to Seventy Five


    So yes, it has happened:  I am 75 years old today.  Don't worry, I feel fine.  I'm still the same person, but one now saddled with the realization that I have lived three quarters of a century.  My God. How does a thing like that happen?

    I'm planning a big day in which I'll be pondering some burning questions:  How the hell could three quarters of a century have sailed by so fast?  If I had been paying attention, could I have done something to slow it down?  And any chance I'm only half way to the end?

    But it's not just my big day, it's a big day for you, too.  You probably don't often get a chance to sit by the side of a septuagenarian, gleaning words of wisdom.  I've always wanted to do this and now I think I've earned the right.

    So here they are.

    Ramona's Words of Wisdom.


    Five things I've learned along the way:

    1. I don't know everything and it's beginning to look like I never will.

    2. 75 feels just like 74, only older.

    3. Laugh lines look no better than frown lines, but you have a lot more fun getting them. (I may have stolen that one, but it was probably from some old broad, so who cares?)

    4. Life is good when life is good but it really sucks when it's not.

    5. . . . . . . . (Apparently there were only four.)

    So off I go, trying to get used to the idea that, as long as I keep breathing in and out and can still hop on one foot, this three-quarter-century thing might be okay.  (But if something happens to change that I'm going to be pissed.)


    Me at 12, Highland Park, MI -

    Not a thought in the world about ever being 75


    Me yesterday --

    Trying to remember what it felt like to be that girl



    Happy birthday, Ramona. And great pictures. But you forgot to mention that our birthday is also called "Constitution Day", the day our Constitution was signed in the year 1787---which is much closer to my birth year than 1937.

    Have a great day, and I'll do the same.

    You too Oxy! Happy birthday.

    Oxy, really?  We share a birthday?  I knew there was something there. . .

    Thank you and the very same to you.

    (I thought about finding a place for the birth of the constitution, but it just didn't fit, so thanks for bringing it up.  I really am proud to share that day, too.)

    Oh Mona, Happy birthday!  You look fabulous!

    75 is the new middle age. You ain't nowhere near finished, Ramona. :) Congratulations on another ride around the sun on a rock.

    Happy birthday, Ramona!  Do you have any special plans to celebrate today or sometime soon?

    Happy Birthday, Ramona! I hope your day is wonderful. I've always enjoyed your work. While you are now 75, your writing remains timeless.


    What a coincidence - I hear they just proposed 75 as eligibility age for Social Security.

    A 75-year-old man walks into confessional, and says, "Father, I have to tell you, I just slept with two 18-year-old girls."

    The Priest responds, "Look Joe, your wife's been dead 10 years, you haven't been to church for 20, & I'm just thankful it didn't give you a heart attack - but why are you telling me this?"

    Joe responds, "waddaya mean you? I'm telling everyone."

    Ba-da-dump. Lots of fun of whatever creative sort on your 75th.

    Happy birthday, Ramona!

    Happy Birthday!, Ramona.  

    Oxy, too.  

    You both inspire me.


    ...oops, two...


    Happy birthday, Mona! May we all be so wise and fabulous at 75.







    Thanks, Aunt Sam.  Oh, to be 70 again!

    The 'look' reminded me of Ramona's Voices 'feel' and it was my way of telling you that you don't even 'look' 70.  I would say your young at heart, but truth is it takes many decades to achieve the capacity to care as much as you.

    Happy birthday, Ramona! How does it feel to hit the half-way mark?

    So you're telling me it really is the half-way mark?  Could you put that in writing?

    Yeah, but being a doctor, you couldn't read it.

    Happy Birthday!

    As one who just realized at 48 that she is in menopause and there are at least physiological reasons that explain why I have felt like I was 'not myself' and was really down on myself for all of the symptoms I was having..... and that until this process completes and I figure out how to balance my hormones out I will be living in an extended state of chaos...

    where you are looks very peaceful:)

    Aw, Synch, this too shall pass.  Believe me.  Wanna know the secret to staying younger looking in old age?  A long, long, long menopause.

    Sorry, but it's true.  But that gives you something to hang onto when you're wiping the sweat away and fighting to keep from killing someone.  Ha ha.

    You mean you're not synchronous living in Synchro City? Not to worry - levels out sooner than you think. And 48? Pshaw, that's almost late these days. The things we don't talk about...

    Happy Birthday!

    As one who just realized at 48 that she is in menopause and there are at least physiological reasons that explain why I have felt like I was 'not myself' and was really down on myself for all of the symptoms I was having..... and that until this process completes and I figure out how to balance my hormones out I will be living in an extended state of chaos...

    where you are looks very peaceful:)

    What pretty pix!

    Happy Birthday.

    You shall have many more; the northern climes keep us younger I think!

    Happy Birthday, Ramona.

    Happy Birthday! You look fabulous!

    Thank you all so much for my birthday wishes.  I've been celebrating for three days now, with tomorrow being the very, very last day--I hope.  To celebrate, that is, not literally the last day. 

    I have eaten the most wonderful, fattening food in at least three corners of the state (Don't know what tomorrow brings), and if it doesn't kill me it'll make for some very happy memories.

    Thanks again.  You're all very special to me.



    Happy Birthday, Ramona! I just hit 60 not long ago and was whining and sniveling! You give me hope that I still have a lot of living to do. Hope you are having a great birthday full of all that makes you happy!

    And, yeah, I'm pretty sure 75 is the new middle-aged, or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Stilli, 60 is the new 30.  Didn't you know?  wink


    Time wore on, but it seemed to have little effect on Mr. Baggins. At ninety he was much the same as at fifty. At ninety-nine they began to call him well-preserved, but unchanged would have been nearer the mark. There were some that shook their heads and thought this was too much of a good thing; it seemed unfair that anyone should possess (apparently) perpetual youth as well as (reputedly) inexhaustible wealth.

    'It will have to be paid for,' they said. 'It isn't natural, and trouble will come of it!'

    You've come a long way, babee; metaphoric diamonds to you!

    My thoughts on the second photo: whyizzit that wimmin who look younger than their age seem to be the least likely to want to lie about it? smiley

    Sorry this is belated, but...

    Happy birthday, Ramona. We're right behind ya!

    You look mahvelous!


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