by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
A man who had an assault rifle was charged with threatening Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, after he traveled to Washington for the pro-Trump rally on Wednesday and sent a text message saying he would put “a bullet in her noggin on Live TV,” the federal authorities said.
Federal agents said the man, Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr., had been staying at a Holiday Inn in Washington and had weapons in his camper-style trailer, including a Glock handgun, a pistol, a Tavor X95 assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
His "love of the country" was exceeded only by his arsenal of weapons and ammunition he planned to use to murder it's leaders and citizens.
Holiday Inn, " top choice for assassins, Q nutjobs and Trumpers!"
by NCD on Sat, 01/09/2021 - 11:43pm
BELOW IS an excellent short video to watch, mho, as there are very clear agitators of this part of the mob, egging everyone else on to make a decision to storm or if you are the lily-livered type, get out of their way. Put 18th century costumes on them and they are good to go for Les miserables extras.. They got tear gassed but not enough, didn't stop them for very long. A line of interior police in this one clearly made a decision to stand down (though I have seen plenty of others where they attempt to control and fight back), figuring not worth risking lives including their own?
Mho from watching all kinds of protest videos, they do not appear to be top pros as far as agitators are concerned, but not amateurs either, more of the "weekend warrior" Proud Boys type.
Cops here certainly not Secret Service material, much less big city cop, just standing and meekly saying "no one is allowed" as protesters walk past. almost like single file? OR is that something intentional they did in concert with colleagues with plan to round them up once they knew how overwhelmed and ill prepared they were.?
After all, remember that someone-we don't know who-moved all the Congress people and staff somewhere else and was guarding them. Including people in green fatigues and riot gear that I saw in one photo of them clearing out a congressional office And then did these guys volunteer to look like the asses just letting the mo in? There are a couple new point that seems clearer to me from this and all other videos I've seen now: they knew these people had all been screened for weapons to get into the rally area. They seem to have been trying to break them up into small groups. They are very lucky they didn't get more violent and tear the whole joint up--perhaps that was the point of not challenging too much but just letting them do their play acting thing? You do see a very risky choice not to fight back.once in the interior here:
What you also do not see, though is steely trained al qaeda plotters flying jets into buildings and taking civilians to fiery deaths. It is very clearly a civilian mob that could have gotten way more out of hand but didn't because there was no one to confront, congress was gone., only paintings and statues and papers to play with.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:42am
I should add that we do know now that as far as damage to property of historic value, there was very little resulting, mostly expensive but repairable and replaceable
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:49am
Saw those reports. I'm glad it wasn't a bloodbath, as some participants talked, texted on, were suited up, armed and prepared for.
Yet the fact is it was the most destructive and violent Wash DC demonstration in history. The fact is they were asked to come, told to be wild, told to enter 'combat' by the President and Giuliani. And the Trump administration delayed a response, and did not prepare for the Capitol to be adequately protected.
Do you believe Pence and Pelosi would have been physically safe if the Trump mob had caught them?
And the very perverse, criminal, Trump reaction, obviously of a very mentally deranged man, link:
Trump Does Not Order Flags Lowered for Fallen Officer
Any yet almost every one of the 74 million would vote again and again for Trump nevertheless. The Republican Party needs to start telling the truth, and stop using lies, hate and ignorance to further enrage, and game, the most susceptible, ill informed, angry and bigoted groups in this country.
by NCD on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 9:39am
I just wanted to get across what had hit me right then with all the criticism of Capitol police along the lines of "they were all complicit, if it were black people they would have all been shot", we may not be looking at what happened objectively enough. All the Congresspeople remained safe and were not torn apart by the mob of nuts, as did Pence. And that's no small thing to forget. The certification of the election proceeded with just a short delay. Top it off with how little property damage. Pretty amazing given the lack of sufficient planning and preparation and the anger and agitation of that mob. Somehow the mob was actually de-escalated rather than escalated. I am more suspecting now that we will eventually be surprised by learning the full story. That everything was not as it seemed about the reaction from the first selected images.
As far as the hate-filled kooks like this Pelosi guy existing, the deprogramming of 30 years of deregulated right wing talk radio with major networks in support is not going to happen right away! But there are real positive signs on that front, i.e., even Murdoch cracked down on the insurgent messaging on rejecting the election results. The big businesses, the capitalists, are all cracking down, they want a stable society in which to conduct business, they want less of these nuts, not more. And they are starting to realize now that they had become complicit in fueling the anger for profit, and that's not in their long term interests, that they were hurting themselves.
Edit to add: And again, on the Republican party support and/or "laissez faire" attitude of those like Murkowski, for example, they can't not go in the direction of where the big money capitalists are going. They have to have money. They cannot continue to be the party of Qanon-friendly and get enough money to run campaigns.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 1:39pm
Your obsession with 'whatabout' or 'what somebody said about' black people is presented here so frequently it is disturbing. Daggers can make their own judgments on 'what people say or what would happen if" claims.
Of course the core malevolent tribalism on which the Republican Party has staked it's fortune for the next election (and the GOP never plans beyond the next election for anything) is apparently not going away yet. Too many politicians, too many people in the GOP food chain, and too many lobbyists and businesses are dependent on the demagoguery, the lying to, enraging, deluding and exploiting 'The Base' financially, ideologically and vote wise. Hopefully enough Republicans will emerge to lead the Party in another direction.
AOC on what was a close call it was, on Stephanopoulos today:
by NCD on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:29pm
"both sides" do have to agree and support the principles of rule of law for it to work. You can take a lot of the screamed phrases out of the mouths of insurgents on videos from June 6 and find them in videos from the summer protests. Numbers larger on one side right now means nothing in this context. Uunless you want to do dejas vus allover again several times and then civil war.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:33pm
The ultimate Republican false equivalence excuse.
by NCD on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:33pm
I doin't care if other people use it for false equivalence purposes, rule of law is still a basic tenet of getting back to functioning democracy.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:36pm
the big social media services get it, why don't you? They're banning both right and left incendiary language, the right is just greater in number. That doesn't mean:ok, left, we've evened the playing field, now it's you're turn. They're policing. I'm interested in fixing the problems, not continuing the vicious ramping up of tit for tat, this side vs. that, anger,retribution, grudges, stoking emotions.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:43pm
A Capitol police officer was killed
Trump and Guiliani told the thugs to take action and head towards the Capitol
BLM has nothing to do with the events of January 6th
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:42pm
ok then stop talking about what the police did or didn't do if policing and anti-policing has nothing to do with it. just get out there and fight Giuliani yourself in hand-to-hand combat. I'd advise bringing the Wakanda Militia, that would scare him.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 2:46pm
For AA, a deadly insurrection aimed at destroying Constitutional democracy planned, scheduled and incited by a Republican president against a Constitutional function in the Capitol, is 'tit for tat' with overwhelmingly peaceful Constitutionally protected street demonstrations.
Your Republican Party is destroying democracy, there is no equivalence between authoritarianism and democracy.
by NCD on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 3:56pm
As Navalny pointed out, Covid raging - 4000 dead each of last 2-3 days. Why's mask denialism not grounds for deplatforming? Michigan's gov was threatened - why not deplatform those plotters? Denying bailout packages in Congress will kill a lot more people than 5 - why not deplatform those against a $2000 check, extending jobs benefits? The Tories' Brexit efforts are built on lies and killing lots due to incompetency, cut off support, and new Covid strains - deplatform Boris?
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 4:46pm
AA has lost it
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 4:55pm
I'm losing it? For months and months you tried to present stories and proof of police as evil agents of white privilege, like daily, hunting for the worst stories, and now all of a sudden you're all for em.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:34pm
this whole BULLSHIT DIVISIVE RACE CULTURE WARS meme you got behind, i.e., it's all about the Capitol police going along with white supremacy, just fell apart with this, it's spin, bullshit as regards what happened here.Think about just buying out of your that red v. blue, police vs. blacks manichean 1980's Ronnie world and into the 21st century where things are a bit more complicated and splintered. You're like at the stage after 9/11 where they say "muslims! kill them all!" And later find out oh there's sunni and then there's shia and then there's sects within them...
what you got right is this is a Trump cult. It is not "Republicans", it's not even "white supremacists". You taking such awful shit and turning it to simplistic political use is no different than what Ted Cruz does.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:31pm
The discussion about police abuse applies only in regards to how much more law enforcement presence there would have been out in force if this was a BLM event.
Congress is going to ask why law enforcement failed.
Your rant is all over the map.
Serious people are focusing on why protection was so lax.
The discussion of the failure to protect the Capitol can happen simultaneously with airing concerns about police abuse
Those who supposedly "Back the Blue" encouraged thugs to attack the police
The WH only lowered the flag to honor the slain Capitol police officer today
The WH lowered the flag only because they received criticism
The Capitol was attacked, people died.
BLM is not a part of the discussion
The concern is whether there are more attacks to come, not from BLM or the Woke, but from Trump supporters.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:52pm
Yeah, let's have that defund the police discussion now. Try it.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:56pm
What are you talking about?
Who is mentioning defunding the police repeatedly, it is not I.
I made the point that except for the difference in police presence, BLM was not a part of the discussion
MSNBC is suggesting that both the FBI and the NYPD warned the Capitol police
The Capitol police said there were no warnings.
I'm focusing January 6th
In a post below, you discuss homicide rates
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 6:37pm
I thought that you were suggesting that I was about to discuss defund the police.
I guess you meant that police reform was now off the table.
in actuality, police reform becomes more important than ever as we see law enforcement officials travel from out of town to try to stop certification of Biden/Harris
We need police, but can we trust police?
There were heroic police, but police thugs showed up with the rioters.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 10:09pm
Tracing back this thread, we all saw the comparison of troops brought out for BLM, and the few cops for this threat, so it's not AA's "obsession" - any evaluation of the madness has to acknowledge that, but see if there's something more to take away. Of course our earlier largely non-violent videos are supplanted with some very disturbing violent thuggish ones. Videos of doltish incompetents are supplemented with goal-oriented militias seeming with a plan. This is how we tack on new info to make sense of a situation. But yes, Barr sent in unmarked troops before, with a smashball approach to BLM/other protesters, and the Mayor tried to avoid that unconstitutional and power-depriving approach, but normal channels like calling out the guard were denied or delayed. So we will have to find out what happened. But summer-long protests smashing up and setting buildings on fire don't look that much better. (I was understanding at the beginning - people will release pent-up frustration. But after a few days, it's a joke, and a product of the real instigators). And yeah, senseless "defund the police" efforts and some of the other ridiculous Marxist rantings of some of the BLM leaders, vs real efforts to reform police, take some of the obstructionist power from police unions, find what works... It's a long-term project, not just snap-your-fingera magic, and we depend on these forces even as we reform them. Homicides are way up - new woke Atlanta going from 99 to 165(?), cities like Chicago suffering as bad or worse. If we're going to fret over 5 deaths at the Capitol, we should fret over hundreds of new homicides tied to depolicing across the country.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 6:12pm
and here's socialist magazine Jacobin telling us that Biden and his incoming minions are the real danger:
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 11:30pm
hey, here's a Republican on that flag at half staff issue:
It's just a fact that Trumpies and Republican don't mean the same thing. Every time you try to do that, for simplistic political partisan sloganeering purposes, I can counter it. It's truthiness is what it is. You don't care about truth when it comes the red vs. blue sports game (Lately I haven't seen you show any interest in the existence of the color purple, though I recall you used to).The preference for politicking and sloganeering the news is fine if that's what you are into, but trying to do that to news junkies is just insulting of our intelligence.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 6:54pm
Before the events of Wednesday, 140;House Republicans and 25% of the Republicans in Congress were ready to challenge certification of Biden/Harris.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 7:08pm
Again, full story of what the Capitol Hill police did in reaction is clearly still to be told:
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 3:59pm
the Biden Republicans group:
note they are re-tweeting Don Hargrove of Tulsa, who describes himself as Married 39 yrs, a disciple of Christ in the kingdom of God, pastor (30 yrs), biblical languages (MA), apologetics (MA), PhD student in ethics (SES, MBT)
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 6:44pm
He's an unusual Christian with only 600 followers. A question whether American Christians can get back to Biblical values, or if politics has permanently eaten their brains.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 7:01pm
wow, really was brave, really did keep lots of them out of the senate, methinks he has had experience with protesters:
or maybe just experience with training dogs? seriously! Certainly smarter than some NYPD who would just try to start a fight by beaning a couple of them with his nightstick and end up maimed
edit to add, question: who took this video? not helping or helping? odd.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 8:53pm
holy shit there's a new video out showing part of the mob viciously beating a police officer at the door (CNN TV just broadcast it with the warning that it is graphic but viewers need to see it)
I am willing to bet that those doing the actual beating are Boogaloos affiliated and came to the rally with expectation that they might be able to do something like this.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:08pm
if only they had posted social workers alongside that cop
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 5:35pm
Do we know their psychological state of mind?
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 7:04pm
The Republican Party created that mob, it's voters elected the mob leader, Donald Trump, it's politicians refused to remove him after his impeachment, they backed his lies and his malignant narcissistic 'stop the steal' attacks, it's media organs echoed every lie and conspiracy theory, and the 50+ cops injured and one dead paid the price. Less than 15% of surveyed Republicans even now want Trump removed from office. To Republicans cops are just campaign props like fetuses.
by NCD on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 7:10pm
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 7:47pm
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 8:30pm
One of the Cap Police who was there committed suicide yesterday:
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/10/2021 - 9:53pm