The battle between citizens and banker/financiers is as American as Apple Pie. If I wasn't afraid of being accused of being a Francophile (and we know what that did to John Kerry) I'd have titled this wee post, "
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose". A wee post this will be: I'm working on something more extensive on this theme, but in the course of doing some research I ran across something just too perfect to wait for. Besides seizing the opportunity will give me a chance to try posting an illustration to my blog.
Thomas Nast-can we conjure you up for a couple of years? Any practiced mediums out there? Here's a Harper's Weekly Cartoon of 1873 which with very few modifications could have appeared in the last half year. One might want to put Paulson on the mastiff (or change it to a pussycat) and put a welcome sign on the door, but otherwise....

I'm going to let you practice reading upside down for the punch line. I can't do all the work, after all.
If the picture doesn't magically appear,
this link should do the trick. It will also let you see the image full size, which will make the upside-down reading ever so much easier.